Do You Carry A Weapon?


Pickle Queen
I know of a group of people being sprayed by the same bear spray I have in my area and they spent time in the hospital with tubes in their eyes. Saw pictures and they were swollen shut :)
Damn maybe i should get some bear spray, makes since i do live in bear country lol
Just grabbed mine and it says Dog repellent label has 5% capsicum (0.5% capsaicin) written on it


New Member
I'm thinkin about picking up some mace online. I know a place that ships worldwide regardless if its legal or not in your country. They just don't always have it


Well-Known Member
Shit if ur walking up to me and u dont look right over here in texas ill kill ur ass and go to court and walk out a free man thats the way we texas people live with nothing but guns no toy pepper spray or bats
Jesus was supposed to be born in Texas, but they couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin anywhere.


Get that bear spray u wont miss shit that sucker shoots like a preassure washer fast i had it before but got my gun licence now i carry a kimber .45


Well-Known Member
got a s&w .38 in a special place just for when its needed. but i dont go anywhere without a knife in a holster on my hip... and iv had to pull it out several times never had to use this knife on anybody.... or else i wouldn't have it anymore. i used to walk a round with 2 foot 3/4 inch breaker bar up my sleeve when i was selling in highschool... needless to say when sombody tried to hustle me on my huslte id drop that shit out of knowwhere and there eyes would light the fuck up knowing they were about to get lit up themselves.


Lol serious ur a ufc fighter u gonna try break my neck lol ima shoot u before u even get to touch me lol fight yea that was over with the gangs fighting yea right ima shoot


Well-Known Member
Real man shoot what im i going to waist my time and fight lol i got a gun u moron lol
you will surley get your ass beat at some point in your future lmao... i dont need to walk around with a gun because i know only 20% of the situations require a gun and some moron like you would pull one out anyway.. im fine knowing i can handle 60% of situation with my fists and 20% with a knife and the last 20% i might go get my 38

long story short i got every area coverd so i wont end up in jail for shooting sombody like you when your not even in any real danger your just too much of a BITCH to fight