Do You Drive Stoned?

Do you drive stoned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 86 80.4%
  • No

    Votes: 21 19.6%

  • Total voters

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Johnnyorganic said:
Not really.

Yes really. Believe it or not 'what you consider being impaired' is actually the question.

You could tell me the effects of advil impairs me as a driver, and you would be correct - but the degree to which it impairs me and affects my driving could be argued.

Cannabis Culture article said:
A 1983 study by the US National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) used stoned drivers on simulators, and concluded that the only statistically significant effect associated with marijuana use was slower driving.

A comprehensive 1992 study by the NHTSA found that marijuana is rarely involved in driving accidents, except when combined with alcohol. It concluded that "the THC-only drivers had an [accident] responsibility rate below that of the drug free driversS While the difference was not statistically significant, there was no indication that cannabis by itself was a cause of fatal crashes." This study was buried for six years and not released until 1998.

Another NHTSA study performed in 1993 dosed Dutch drivers with THC and tested them on real Dutch roads. It concluded that "THC's adverse effects on driving performance appear relatively small."

A massive 1998 study by the University of Adelaide and Transport South Australia analyzed blood samples from 2,500 accidents, and found that drivers with cannabis in their system were actually slightly less likely to cause accidents than those without.

A University of Toronto study released in March 1999 found that moderate pot users typically refrained from passing cars and drove at a more consistent speed than non-users.
An important consideration when considering the effects of cannabis and driving is whether the smoker is an experienced user. Novice tokers typically experience more difficulty driving than regular users.

The British study also found that tiredness caused 10% of all fatal accidents, compared with 6% for alcohol.
Those studies seem to be in line with what everyone that 'can' drive stoned is saying.. 'slowed driving' 'if anything makes me pay attention more' etc.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Everyday, for 8 hours a day, in Chicago traffic. I have been driving for a living for years. I don't recommend it to others, because i have seen plenty of people that can't drive stoned, but i've been smoking everyday for more than half my life, so i can pretty much do ANYTHING stoned as safely as i can sober. I have also operated plenty of heavy machinery stoned.

I am a professional driver and a professional stoner, so don't try this at home, kids.


Well-Known Member

Yes really. Believe it or not 'what you consider being impaired' is actually the question.

You could tell me the effects of advil impairs me as a driver, and you would be correct - but the degree to which it impairs me and affects my driving could be argued.

Those studies seem to be in line with what everyone that 'can' drive stoned is saying.. 'slowed driving' 'if anything makes me pay attention more' etc.
When did this discussion become about Advil?

Like I said, my PERSONAL rule is eight hours. If you disagree, fine.

But get popped driving LEGALLY impaired, and you get NO sympathy from me.

Cannabis users should not drive stoned and at the same time expect our cause to be taken seriously by the norms.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
When did this discussion become about Advil?

Like I said, my PERSONAL rule is eight hours. If you disagree, fine.

But get popped driving LEGALLY impaired, and you get NO sympathy from me.

Cannabis users should not drive stoned and at the same time expect our cause to be taken seriously by the norms.

You brought alcohol to the table, I brought advil... man we have a lot of drugs on this table 8)

by the way this is a nice table.. mahogany?


Active Member
I personally don't drive stoned unless absolutely required (no, munchies don't count lol). I'm just not comfortable driving stoned, not to mention it takes FOREVER to get where you're going. I don't hold it against anyone that does but like brussel sprouts, just not for me. :)


Well-Known Member
i drive stoned all the time, have been since i was 16. never been in an accident. i dont consider stoned as impaired, i function normally when stoned. i operate farm equipment stoned as well, once again, never one accident.


Well-Known Member
You brought alcohol to the table, I brought advil... man we have a lot of drugs on this table 8)

by the way this is a nice table.. mahogany?
Actually I did not.

I brought up the SAYING the pilots use.

And stated that I used the same rule of thumb.

You are not serious about discussing this so play your little strawman game with somebody else.


SToned DRiving TEst


I used to drive stoned all the time over the summer(rolling blunts). But now I don't anymore because it's not very smart unless you only carry enough you can eat or smoke.

If your going to drive while stoned grab a bottle of ozium. Was pulled over twice 5 mins after smoking. The 2nd time I had ozium but the first time was a DUI checkpoint and didn't have time to get the ozium. Made it outta both miraculously without getting a ticket or my weed confiscated.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I started smokeing weed just before I learned how to drive, you realy don't want to get in a car with me if I didn't have a joint before driving, also helps with the distracting backache from the carseat.


Well-Known Member

I love to drive my Jeep when I'm baked. Usually I pound on it, its FUN.

NO I don't live in Russia.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Actually I did not.

I brought up the SAYING the pilots use.

And stated that I used the same rule of thumb.

You are not serious about discussing this so play your little strawman game with somebody else.
If your looking for serious debate this really isn't the place.. its toke n talk mr. Obama...I'm not going to be serious about it :lol: its not worth it

But I agree with the bottle rule, alcohol does impair you and that's prooven. But I don't put alcohol and cannabis on the same level of impairment. I'm not saying everyone should drive stoned, there are plenty of people who won't do it because they don't trust themselves with the responsibility. I respect that. All I'm saying is that people who can drive stoned are pretty safe drivers. & there are multiple studies outlining the degree in which cannabis impairs you

Never had one close call on my bike stoned, I drive too conservatively. Sober? Man I don't even know 'close calls' like less than 5 inches has to be in like the 40+ range


bud bootlegger
i've been driving stoned probably as long as i'm driving.. the only differences that i seem to notice is that i tend to sit back a lil further, if that is even possible, when i'm stoned, and the radio tends to get a lil louder.. ok, much, much louder.. and i tend to sing more in the car when i'm stoned too.. lets me not care about being four keys off, and totally out of beat with the song...


Well-Known Member
Like Mr green said, if you are an occasional smoker, don't smoke and drive, cause you will be off your baseline.
If you are a perma-stoner, go ahead, remember to check in the rearview mirror that you are not holding too many cars up :) >

I also agree with there being no comparison to the impairment. A single beer and I start revving the car harder than needed.


Well-Known Member
My car is pretty fucked atm, and i still drive it stonned, its not fun lol, i dont mind driving when theres no cars behind me, but when there behind me i get paranoid like fuck, thinking im all over the place. But yeh i drive baked all the time, had a few close calls, but only because iwas overly stonned! Only accident iv had is the other day, where i reversed into this bloke as i thought he went earlier! And this was when i was sober! Gutted haha


Well-Known Member
LOL! ooh ya, daily. i actually like driving high better then not, i have serious road rage issues.
I am the same way...and I let things go when stoned that I wouldn't ever let go sober. Keeps me outta trouble. I have actually got into fights on the road sober!
i drive stoned all the time. i actually think im a better driver while stoned lol
A lot of people are better stoned than sober.