Do you feel different?Special?like you have a calling?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how other people feel, Everyone probably feels the same way as me, But do any of you people feel like you stand out from other people?Like there's something special about you, or like you are meant for more,

Most people around my age try to be like everyone else and fit in,listen to the same music, They are like robots with no personalities....I take pride in having my own style and being self assured, I don't really fit into any of the stereotypes, And never really found a place where i felt i belong, even though i have alot of friends,acquaintances would be a better word i suppose... they don't suit my personality, I Think alot, and when i started this thread it was actually meant to be about life and how we must all have a purpose, Out of all the galaxies in the universe, which is pretty much infinite....we were born on earth, as humans, the odds of us being born as rats/insects/chickens. whatever is alot higher.......I don't even know what i'm really trying to say...

I've been thinking alot recently about life and what its all about and its just such a massive fucking mystery.....We are nothing, we are as small as a grain of sand on a beach......But the world is so massive, there's so much energy, so much life, so much mystery.

What could create a universe so huge and infinite?There has to be something, The big bang theory is bullshit, Infinite amounts of space and elements cannot appear out of nowhere, There is something! And I have a feeling its not like we imagine......Our whole life, everything, is nothing.

I wish i knew what life was all about, i wish i could find out why we are all here, I believe in life after death, What form it will take, I don't know....But there's got to be something....We are not here for no reason.

anyway i'm about to toke up a bowl, if anyone is online id be glad to have a stoned ponder on this topic!


Well-Known Member
The big bang is not bullshit.

Here's the new theory circulating the scientific community:

The universe has existed infinitly. No beginning and no end. The matter we see in the universe has always existed along with the universe. The universe has basically been switching from expanding to contracting infinitly. Right now the universe is expanding. We know that it is because of the Hubbe telescope. If the universe is constantly expanding now then at some point in the past it was smaller than it is right now. If you go back far enough you get a single point of condensed and compressed matter in the form of energy.

So basically what's been happening for all eternity is that the universe expands from a singlular point (The Big Bang) until the universe starts collapsing back onto itself to form that singular point again and then explode again causing another big bang.


Well-Known Member
so pretty much the universe breaths in and breaths out every once and a while? how can infinity expand?

and yes 2stoned I have that feeling a lot but I try not to think of life as meaningless, I just have fun


Well-Known Member
so pretty much the universe breaths in and breaths out every once and a while? how can infinity expand?

and yes 2stoned I have that feeling a lot but I try not to think of life as meaningless, I just have fun
What do you mean "How can infinity expand?"?

It's not the universe itself that is expanding, just the limits of our universe. Space does no go on infinitly. It has an end. That's what we refer to as the limits of our universe. Outside of our universe is what we theorize to be 'nothingness' and I don't know how to really explain that part... :-?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Is that the "string theory"? As much as I'd like to put my stock in the big bang theory, I believe what you've said is more likely...

Anyway, as for my life's calling ... I feel that I'm destined to be a songwriter. I know that's so stupid and cliche, but I've written several songs and even released an indie single. Sold FIVE COPIES to people I didn't even know!


The big bang is not bullshit.

Here's the new theory circulating the scientific community:

The universe has existed infinitly. No beginning and no end. The matter we see in the universe has always existed along with the universe. The universe has basically been switching from expanding to contracting infinitly. Right now the universe is expanding. We know that it is because of the Hubbe telescope. If the universe is constantly expanding now then at some point in the past it was smaller than it is right now. If you go back far enough you get a single point of condensed and compressed matter in the form of energy.

So basically what's been happening for all eternity is that the universe expands from a singlular point (The Big Bang) until the universe starts collapsing back onto itself to form that singular point again and then explode again causing another big bang.


Well-Known Member
Is that the "string theory"? As much as I'd like to put my stock in the big bang theory, I believe what you've said is more likely...

Anyway, as for my life's calling ... I feel that I'm destined to be a songwriter. I know that's so stupid and cliche, but I've written several songs and even released an indie single. Sold FIVE COPIES to people I didn't even know!

Thats cool, man....I started learning electric guitar recently and i'd love to be in a band someday, Music is 90% of my life.
What do you mean "How can infinity expand?"?

It's not the universe itself that is expanding, just the limits of our universe. Space does no go on infinitly. It has an end. That's what we refer to as the limits of our universe. Outside of our universe is what we theorize to be 'nothingness' and I don't know how to really explain that part... :-?:peace:
Yeah but what is all this space??You cant just create something from nothing, The big bang cant just happen,What is at the end of space?Something so massive cannot just appear from nowhere, something started it...

I feel almost as if this life isn't real,I have so many theories and thoughts racing through my head, alot of them depress me, some make me happy, I wish i knew why we were all here,The world is so complicated, society is so complicated, there's so much energy in the world,the thought that something can create something so massive and detailed is just amazing, and yet we are nothing in comparison to the universe.......Imagine what else is out there, Imagine all the other planets with life,I wonder if we all develop alike, forming societies, having our own languages etc etc,Imagine the amount of life that is out there!!Theirs got to be much more advanced forms of life than us, and less developed of course.

so pretty much the universe breaths in and breaths out every once and a while? how can infinity expand?

and yes 2stoned I have that feeling a lot but I try not to think of life as meaningless, I just have fun
I try to but I feel so wierd everyday, just as if this life isn't real or something.

I wonder if their's a little martian dude somewhere on his martian Discussing the same thing as i am now.

Sorry i'm wasted lol


New Member
I think each of us does have a purpose in our life. We just have to find what it is. I am not sure what mine is yet.:confused:

I don't know about that big bang theory. :?
I don't think we are the only living things in the universe either. That just is ignorance at a mass conscious level but no I'm not gonna start rambling about aliens either. :roll:

If you think too heavily on the subject without any reference point you will make yourself depressed. :-| There are a lot of good books about individual life purposes and how the world came about. Check some of them out. :blsmoke:
Thats cool, man....I started learning electric guitar recently and i'd love to be in a band someday, Music is 90% of my life.

Yeah but what is all this space??You cant just create something from nothing, The big bang cant just happen,What is at the end of space?Something so massive cannot just appear from nowhere, something started it...

I feel almost as if this life isn't real,I have so many theories and thoughts racing through my head, alot of them depress me, some make me happy, I wish i knew why we were all here,The world is so complicated, society is so complicated, there's so much energy in the world,the thought that something can create something so massive and detailed is just amazing, and yet we are nothing in comparison to the universe.......Imagine what else is out there, Imagine all the other planets with life,I wonder if we all develop alike, forming societies, having our own languages etc etc,Imagine the amount of life that is out there!!Theirs got to be much more advanced forms of life than us, and less developed of course.

I try to but I feel so wierd everyday, just as if this life isn't real or something.

I wonder if their's a little martian dude somewhere on his martian Discussing the same thing as i am now.

Sorry i'm wasted lol


Well-Known Member
Like I said in my earlier post, the matter involved in the big bang was ALWAYS there. It's just been condensing to a point and exploding into our universe and then eventually condensing again. Is it really that hard to imagine that the matter we see in the universe has ALWAYS been there? It was never created but always existed. It's just been changing form from solid matter to energy every once in a while. And when I say every once in a while I mean an incredible amount of time is between the big bang and the universe collapsing back on itself again.

And yes, this theory came to light because of string theory. String theory is making leaps and bounds in its discoveries on almost a weekly basis.


Active Member
hey, ya i totaly think we have a reason to be on this earth! i was born and raised in a pintacost church. i still go to church and yeh, i still smoke pot but not when i go there of course. but there is a god and he has a plan for you and your life it may not always be what you want but he is guiding you through. i have started to stray away from church now that i'm 20 but i really miss church i went today for mothers day and enjoyed it and my friends who go there were glad to see me too.i am 'ME" today for the reason that you (poster) has brought up, i was just trying to fit in and be "cool" well the only way to be cool i found out is, just to be your self and let others choose to like you or dislike you. life is short so have fun and make the friends and memories while your young and can. i'd try just reading a youth bible and look up some of the problems in the context you are dealing with it may give you a peace at heart but, make sure it is the new living verison or you wont understand it. good luck in gods journey for you bud and just try and spread good chear everywhere you go.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know that when you have a near-death experience your body produces a lot of DMT thanks to your pineal gland.

So basically, when you get close to death, you're tripping nuts.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know that when you have a near-death experience your body produces a lot of DMT thanks to your pineal gland.

So basically, when you get close to death, you're tripping nuts.
wow didnt know that, so in most casea when people die there tripping?


New Member
yes this is true but there are so many other things to consider.

I have had many after death experiences and there is not a human on earth who could convince me that there is not an after life.:roll::peace:
wow didnt know that, so in most casea when people die there tripping?


Well-Known Member
I don't know shit about the universe and infinite space and as for feeling special no i don't feel special. i'm anti social and i feel like there are 3 types of people in the world. those who attain greatness those who blend in with the crowd and those hidden in the background. me i'm in the background:) not being negative just how i feel. i never wanted to be the center of the universe or stand out nor do i want to blend in. Peace:)


Well-Known Member
i feel like i am special or i could do so much more, but not only when im high.

i have always been independent and unique and i always look at things from a 3rd party view


Well-Known Member
i feel like i am special or i could do so much more, but not only when im high.

i have always been independent and unique and i always look at things from a 3rd party view
Same as myself, what age are you?
I think be we commoner or king, were all food for the worms.
I don't know shit about the universe and infinite space and as for feeling special no i don't feel special. i'm anti social and i feel like there are 3 types of people in the world. those who attain greatness those who blend in with the crowd and those hidden in the background. me i'm in the background:) not being negative just how i feel. i never wanted to be the center of the universe or stand out nor do i want to blend in. Peace:)
Why are you anti-social?
yes this is true but there are so many other things to consider.

I have had many after death experiences and there is not a human on earth who could convince me that there is not an after life.:roll::peace:
Thats good to hear, I'd hate to think once we are gone, that's it, and that's the end of everything.