Do You Get High Off Edibles

I wonder if the tolerance for different metabolites are different based on how often you use each type.
For example someone who smokes a lot will have a lower tolerance for edibles, and someone who usually uses edibles would have a lower tolerance for smoking?
Ok I have a question I can't get a good answer to so me, my two brothers, and my mom all can't get high off edibles. And everyone I've said that too are like oh man you just get shitty ass home made stuff. I think they just don't want too seem like a light weight but that has nothing too do with it I've seen people who can out smoke me eat a 50mg gummy and be fucked for like an hour or 2 I've tried edibles probable around 10 times and I have given up I have had home made cookies and brownies from like 3 different ppl and tried from them a couple times and never felt anything and yes ok it could of been just shit stuff but I doubt it but the last time I tried edibles and gave up I got 4 baggies of 50mg gummies and there are 5 in each pack so I ate 1000mg and didn't feel shit and these were from a dispensary.
Does anyone know why edibles don't effect certain people any insight on this would be lovely and sorry for the paragraph
I had a friend who was like that. Never felt anything.

Too much cbd and not enough THC?

I take thc these pills and get higher then a giraffe's azz in about 35-45 mins.

Tried a 20:1 edible/pills?
I had a friend who was like that. Never felt anything.

Too much cbd and not enough THC?

I take thc these pills and get higher then a giraffe's azz in about 35-45 mins.

Tried a 20:1 edible/pills?
Lol no cbd gummies only thc
I had a friend who was like that. Never felt anything.

Too much cbd and not enough THC?

I take thc these pills and get higher then a giraffe's azz in about 35-45 mins.

Tried a 20:1 edible/pills?
They wernt cbd gummies only thc and I ate 1000mg and tried brownies and cookies from like 3 different places and still nothing
Delta 9 Thc isn't what gets you high.

When will the internet Cannabis community stop believing these myths?

Dispensary edibles are made from shit distillate made from shit weed. Thats why you aren't getting high. You need fatty acid enzymes to convert the d9 into 11 hydroxy thc and fatty acid esters to stimulate endocannabinoid activity.

Literally you dont even need delta 9 to get high. Your body is full of Cannabinoids waiting to be stimulated by fatty acid derivatives. Thats why lactic acid bud gets you chinked out high and bottle fed hydro doesn't.
To the original question, "Do you get high off edibles?"
Fark yeah I do.
Especially when I melt two grams of fully decarbed qwet concentrate into a half a cup of coconut oil, and take a full teaspoon as a test.
Laughed my nuts off until I passed out.
Equilibrium remained suspect some 10 hours later.

Man I must be doing something wrong because I can eat 2 Grams of Shatter in a couple of cookies and it's just pleasant but if I Smoke it I am fuk'd..