Do you have an unidentifiable bug? Look here...


Well-Known Member
Some of you have inspired me to research insects . I keep seeing posts about "what bug is this?, how do I kill it?..etc. Well, unless their are entomologists (people that study bugs) hanging around this site your probably not going to get the answers you are looking for.

Lets start with what kind of bugs do you have going in your ecosystem....( This may be the first and last stop you need to make in finding what you have and how to treat it

example: whats growing near you? Crop fields? surrounded by weeds? the neighbors rose bushes?

These environments have bugs that have adapted to the area and in return have adapted to your plants.
Insects are constantly adapting to their environments and significant levels of pesticide resistance have been reported in over 1000's of species of insects.

1.Treat your plants regularly with insecticides
2.Use different kinds of insecticides so bugs dont build an immunity
3.Bug bomb grow rooms and outside growing areas
4.Keep grow areas clean
