Do you know Stefan Molyneax?


Well-Known Member
You're selling your soul for nothing! It's not going to change based on voting! Wake up to what you already know!


Well-Known Member
Little by little knowledge spreads.. here are a couple quotes from those who were smart enough to stop talking for a moment and listen to something..

"Thank you very much, this video is awesome. Plus rep.

Everyone would benefit from watching this.

For real, this is fucking amazing."

"That bald bastard is pretty much a genius."


Well-Known Member
He bring up a lot of good points. Voting is in a way condoning what our political establishment does, therefore refraining from participating in any way may be the way to go. Politicians get their power from us, without our attention they are nothing. I think this idea would work fantastically, since their power over us is really only an illusion that we create. Unfortunately I don't think enough people understand this for the idea to work. Maybe one day.

five starred.


Well-Known Member
I guess cheesus is some kind of troll freak. I think he's in all the forums spamming the same retarded shit. A perfect example of all mouth no ears.

It's a relief for me to find opinions and debates outside of the same rep v dem shit. I used to participate in that stuff, some anyway, and to do that you have to deny the simple facts that: a) you're not changing anyone's mind b) nobody wins c) nothing good comes from it d) people generally just end up more frustrated and more dug in

It's like we're all pissed and scared but nobody knows who to really fight. Molyneux would probably say that you just need to wake up to what you already know.

Anyway, good on you brah. I didn't know until today that Molyneux has a HUGE library of videos on all kinds of stuff.. he asks for donations here and there but it's all free and the generosity of his character just pours through.