do you need a air pump in the water?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
If you want extra oxygen and less chance of debris settlement
you want an Air Pump with airstones and you want an Aquarium


Active Member
i dont bother with the pump, i use 35% hydrogen peroxide every few days tho. supposedly air pumps put mold and bacteria into your rez.


Active Member
more o2 in the rez faster they grow dont forget h2o2 is an oxidizer and will cause problems if you dont flush that shit out from time to time yes lots of bubbles more the better dont buy into this bull that they put bacteria and mold in your rez i have 600L an hour going throw a 25 gal rez keeps water fresh and cool .stagnet water will cause bacteria and mold


I have a question regarding water schedule for a homemade aeroponic system. I have read on Rollitup a wide range of suggestions: 1 min on - 5 min off; 15 min on - 45 min off; 10 min on - 3 hours off. I have been on a 1 min on - 5 min off cycle but my leaves are wilting. I believe I am overwatering. Which cycle should I go with? I am thinking to go 1 min on- 45 min off for a while to see how they do...

Suggestions anyone?


Well-Known Member
If the water is cold enough, it will retain enough oxygen on it's own... without the aid of h2o2 or air pumps...

But if you cannot keep your res cool... then yes! use an air pump and stone... or even h2o2...

But REMEMBER... h2o2 will not play well with ANYTHING organic... keep that in mind...

Best of Luck...:razz:


Active Member
Yes you need air in your reservoir. I have two 12" air stones on two separate pumps and I do not have any problems with mold or mildew. Who ever told you this was sadly mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Yes you need air in your reservoir. I have two 12" air stones on two separate pumps and I do not have any problems with mold or mildew. Who ever told you this was sadly mistaken.
Just because it has not happened to you, does not mean it CAN'T HAPPEN...:o

The Air is FULL of spores.... and YES you are pumping those spores into your res...

Whether they become a problem or not depends on a whole host other things...


And I am PUZZLED to know what type of system the original poster is running,,:lol:


Active Member
Just because it has not happened to you, does not mean it CAN'T HAPPEN...:o

The Air is FULL of spores.... and YES you are pumping those spores into your res...

Whether they become a problem or not depends on a whole host other things...


And I am PUZZLED to know what type of system the original poster is running,,:lol:

So therefore by your own logic the spores are in the air. So if that is the case than you will have problems regardless of whether or not you have an air pump. Unless you make your reservoir air tight.


Well-Known Member
So therefore by your own logic the spores are in the air. So if that is the case than you will have problems regardless of whether or not you have an air pump. Unless you make your reservoir air tight.
Not "will"... just "may"...

And yes... one may have problems with spores in the air....

But it is one thing to have the res exposed and another to force air into it...


Please mind that I am not saying you shouldn't.. some ops NEED it...

but in ops that do not NEED it... using one is a good way to invit root problems...

Just saying...

I have used plenty of airstones too...specifically in DWC...

But now that I do not NEED it... as my res holds plenty oxygen (cool water hold more oxygen than warm water) and the re-circulation provides enough "aeration" of the solution... I wouldn't put one in there... for the reasons I mentioned above...:razz:


Active Member
Not "will"... just "may"...

And yes... one may have problems with spores in the air....

But it is one thing to have the res exposed and another to force air into it...


Please mind that I am not saying you shouldn't.. some ops NEED it...

but in ops that do not NEED it... using one is a good way to invit root problems...

Just saying...

I have used plenty of airstones too...specifically in DWC...

But now that I do not NEED it... as my res holds plenty oxygen (cool water hold more oxygen than warm water) and the re-circulation provides enough "aeration" of the solution... I wouldn't put one in there... for the reasons I mentioned above...:razz:

Ok you do have a point. If he is running something other than DWC such as ebb flow than the roots will get plenty of air between floods. But I would highly suggest to anyone using DWC to use the air stones. I just don't want him to be scared away from using them. They can make a huge difference.


Well-Known Member
I am still not sure WHAT TYPE SYSTEM he is using...

But you are 100% correct... DWC NEEDS extra aeration... as do some ops with WARM RES temps...

But even then, the aeration can be achieved by other means... :razz:


Active Member
the feeding charts sound like aeroponics
i had a hard time figuring out what to feeed them at i was feeding for a half hour off for half hour then i just switched to the pump always on and ran a air pump inside the resivoir