Do You Suffer From Cannabis Addiction

Hello, my name is @MustGro …… and I have a cannabis addiction.
You’re all supposed to say,” Hi @MustGro ”. At least that’s the way I heard it goes at those meetings.
Me personally I’d never get within 100 feet of one of those meeting, scared of the cure…

Now I can quit smoking it, and I take 2 or 3 tolerance breaks every year. Usually a couple of weeks to a month clean. I get a lot done but there’s always that voice in the back of my head that starts going, “this would be more fun if you were high”, ”let’s burn one and hop on the mountainbike for a rip”. You know what I mean BUT that’s not my real addiction.

I can’t stop growing it. The longest I can remember going without a plant is 3 weeks and that was just after I cut my first decent outside crop and I had a bunch of weed, so I thought I’d take a break for maybe the winter, you know, start some seeds in the spring.
I made it 3 weeks. I don’t even try anymore to not grow. I just accept the fact that I’m a cannabis growing addict and go with it.
I buy stuff for my grow without even thinking about it. That’s how I got co2. Now I have three 20 pound tanks and a 50 pound monster that weighs 185 pounds full and I lug that fucker up and down my basement steps for my plants happily.
I’m starting to think that the cannabis plant has the ability to bewitch people. I do everything I can to help any cannabis plant do better, mine, friends, strangers, it’s like some secret society we all belong to. I know I’ll only live long enough to grow so many cannabis plants until I get too feeble, so I stay in shape for it.
I think it’s too late for me. How about you?
"Cannabis addiction" is a must for me. I strongly prefer being altered . Life seems to come alive. Everything is more entertaining, intense, and more f'ing fun. Plus what a rush I get from growing in and's a passion. It's been "peddle to the metal" for 50yrs. I love the culture. It's a lifestyle.
"Cannabis addiction" is a must for me. I strongly prefer being altered . Life seems to come alive. Everything is more entertaining, intense, and more f'ing fun. Plus what a rush I get from growing in and's a passion. It's been "peddle to the metal" for 50yrs. I love the culture. It's a lifestyle.
Yeah I’m the same as you, just haven’t been at it quite as long. It makes me feel young, plus it mellows me out. I’m not as easy to upset and I have calmer thoughts. Without pot I‘m more aggressive and I’ll fight quicker than if I’m stoned.
Addicted, obviously, but I wouldn't call it "Suffering". A weed habit is something that's easy to maintain and keep at a VERY enjoyable level, if you're cut out for it.
A lot of my self discipline, motivation and drive comes from Cannabis, and I'm not throwing that under the rug. It's certainly not for everybody but it's the safest natural immunosuppressant there is. Nothing beats it for neurotic pain and overall movement(for me). It balance and suppress my body's overactive nervous system and inflammation response. But I also use it in combination with other stuff.

Like other medications you need to play with tolerance to keep optimal medicinal effects and strict dosing frequency is very important with any medication.
I once heard Tom Wolfe, author of The Kool-Aid Acid Test, discuss drugs and addiction.

As he said - addiction is a made up word, assigned to things society determines are "bad."

It is a word that tries to delineate what is OK and what is "bad." It is artificial, it is imposed by society, and it is a total joke.

As mentioned in a few posts above, what about going to a family event, if you are an "addict", how do you smoke? Do you hide it?
Lol eventually most people realize society, its labels, and controls "you are an addict" are total horsesxxx.

What is the difference between getting drunk as a skunk at a party or getting stoned? Only the perceptions of those judging it all. If you fear your friends and family's reactions, that is on you. If you hide it because you have kids or don't want to deal with your friends and family's opinions, cool, I get that.

Cannabis was illegal and now it is not. And now kids smoke it on the street, or walk around vaping as if its OK...because it is.

People may believe it was OK for people to smoke tobacco in a restaurant, on a plane, AT THE OFFICE yes people smoked cigs puffing away in closed unventilated spaces, sharing their "addiction" with all their fellow employees. Nobody called them addicts, society did not cast them out. .It is a mind altering drug with massive tolerances. Adults smoked around kids all day long. Commercials and advertising targeted kids. Anybody have those fake candy cigarettes? Mmmhmmm. Because "addiction" is not addiction. It is merely a societal judgement.

There is physical addiction, no need to start a debate. But Wolfe was there for the greatest moments in hippie culture that existed. He lived in both the free society of the 60s, and all the corporatized decades after. Few can write as well as he did. His insight was, imo, liberating.

How healthy someone is that smokes is a product of how healthy they are if they didnt smoke. Habits are habits. Sure, it can make you lazy but that's a choice, not a negative.

The truth is simpler:
Most things, mundane things, can be made more fun or interesting high. Fun things can be made even more fun. Feeling guilty about it is society trying to tell you what is "right".

Like they taught us smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and that kids are to be seen and not heard, is all fine!

Dont listen to anybody else's b.s. live your own b.s. lol!
Im starting to wonder if it's the market that is creating the problems. If you are adhd or angry/irritable, indica makes sense, but if you are more introverted, layed back or prone to depression, sativa maybe makes more sense. Or well, if you are having a bad day, one type makes more sense than the other, depending on your nature.

Problem is, indica is the shortest flower time, and where I am from, you don't pay extra just because it took longer to grow. So, obviously indica is about the only thing going around, quicker flowering > more money.

This is the main reason why I never smoke during the day, I am layed back to begin with and all but the mildest indicas are couch lock to me. If I got into the habbit of smoking that every day I would end up single, and broke, for sure.
Addicted, obviously, but I wouldn't call it "Suffering". A weed habit is something that's easy to maintain and keep at a VERY enjoyable level, if you're cut out for it.
You known you’re right, I could have worded that title better. I don’t feel any suffering on my part; growing is probably the most fun/coolest thing I do, or I’ll ever do. All I want to do is get better and a little bit bigger.
Here’s the back porch of someone “enjoying” their cannabis addiction.
Yeah I could clean it up a bit and add some paint or stain but you know… I’m kinda busy most days.


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Same here, $50 for 20lb, only one place close that offers medical grade co2 and they go threw about 750lbs a week between extinguishers, paint ball and grow ops.
I use air liquide. I rent the 65LB bottle it's $120/year and I pay $45/refill.
Hello, my name is @MustGro …… and I have a cannabis addiction.
You’re all supposed to say,” Hi @MustGro ”. At least that’s the way I heard it goes at those meetings.
Me personally I’d never get within 100 feet of one of those meeting, scared of the cure…

Now I can quit smoking it, and I take 2 or 3 tolerance breaks every year. Usually a couple of weeks to a month clean. I get a lot done but there’s always that voice in the back of my head that starts going, “this would be more fun if you were high”, ”let’s burn one and hop on the mountainbike for a rip”. You know what I mean BUT that’s not my real addiction.

I can’t stop growing it. The longest I can remember going without a plant is 3 weeks and that was just after I cut my first decent outside crop and I had a bunch of weed, so I thought I’d take a break for maybe the winter, you know, start some seeds in the spring.
I made it 3 weeks. I don’t even try anymore to not grow. I just accept the fact that I’m a cannabis growing addict and go with it.
I buy stuff for my grow without even thinking about it. That’s how I got co2. Now I have three 20 pound tanks and a 50 pound monster that weighs 185 pounds full and I lug that fucker up and down my basement steps for my plants happily.
I’m starting to think that the cannabis plant has the ability to bewitch people. I do everything I can to help any cannabis plant do better, mine, friends, strangers, it’s like some secret society we all belong to. I know I’ll only live long enough to grow so many cannabis plants until I get too feeble, so I stay in shape for it.
I think it’s too late for me. How about you?

Im over the buying stuff stage, I just like to grow now in the simplest form I can find.

Little upgrades here and there after each run are fun for experimentation I find. Next up for me is to build a drying room.
You’re telling me this like I give a shit.
Hey my bad man didn't mean to offend or hurt your feelings or whatever just happened. I was just saying if it cut down on the long drives it might help you to know the info you guys were discussing bottle refill prices earlier.

Im over the buying stuff stage, I just like to grow now in the simplest form I can find.

Little upgrades here and there after each run are fun for experimentation I find. Next up for me is to build a drying room.
I’m still working my way up the buying stuff ladder, but it makes me happy.
I’d recommend staying away from the portable a/c’s in your drying room. Mine flows a lot of air to the outside. Wishing I would’ve done a window one or the $800 mini splits from Home Depot. My 2 cents on drying rooms anyway.
Addicted, obviously, but I wouldn't call it "Suffering". A weed habit is something that's easy to maintain and keep at a VERY enjoyable level, if you're cut out for it.
Most of what you’re talking about isn’t addiction.

using a substance is fine. Destroying your life over it because you’ve lost all control is addiction.
Ya hit a nerve.....that word (addiction) is so f'ing misused it pisses me off.....
Yeah I’m the same as you, just haven’t been at it quite as long. It makes me feel young, plus it mellows me out. I’m not as easy to upset and I have calmer thoughts. Without pot I‘m more aggressive and I’ll fight quicker than if I’m stoned.
Always told my wife " Keep me stoned ! It makes me a happy camper"......actually, keeping stoned depends on my output....hope it's a bumper crop....gotta get prepared for long, cold, gray winter weather here in Upstare.......with a good stash ( I don't sell, just for our heads and real friends) I love the quiet, the calm, the desolation. Yada-yada, soorry, rambling...caught a he'll of a buzz....smoke on......breathe deep!
I’m still working my way up the buying stuff ladder, but it makes me happy.
I’d recommend staying away from the portable a/c’s in your drying room. Mine flows a lot of air to the outside. Wishing I would’ve done a window one or the $800 mini splits from Home Depot. My 2 cents on drying rooms anyway.
Ive played with drying areas,best so far was a temporary tent in the flower room while I cleaned and moved next round in.The climate control is already there.
Ive played with drying areas,best so far was a temporary tent in the flower room while I cleaned and moved next round in.The climate control is already there.
I used to dry there too but I’m out of room. Really thinking a heat pump would be best. Run the portable dehumidifier and let the heat pump keep the room cool. Mo money….