Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

  • I support the deal

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I oppose the deal

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
why are you so fat, and why do i have to pay more in healthcare costs for your fat ass despite being healthy myself?
with Obamacare, your mental health problems will end up costing tax payers hundreds of thousands in the long run
Iran laughs at and talks about Obama like he's a clown on a daily basis. They think he is the stupidest and weakest president we've ever had. He doesn't get any respect from Iran. They call him a fool
Iran laughs at and talks about Obama like he's a clown on a daily basis. They think he is the stupidest and weakest president we've ever had. He doesn't get any respect from Iran. They call him a fool

who cares what iran thinks?

america is the most respected nation on earth thanks to obama.

and no one respects you in the least, chumlee.
who cares what iran thinks?
If you were about to make a nuclear deal with somebody, wouldn't you at least care if they respect you or not? duh
Iran is using the deal to go wild and cyber attack us, and then take our citizens as hostages. They basically told Obama (their whipped puppy) that he better not bitch, or they will junk the nuke deal. So Obama the great negotiator gets crapped on, and our entire country in the process.
yeah, go ahead and let me know when iran starts enslaving the US populace based on the deal obama just worked out with them.

fucking tool.
Almost every foreign policy measure that Obama claimed to be a success, has shortly afterwards proven to be a horrible disaster. From Yemen, to Iraq, to Libya, and now he is delaying troop withdrawal from Afghanistan... again. We may as well just get out now, because clearly Obama has no f*cking clue at all. He doesn't listen to his generals, he's an idiot.
If you were about to make a nuclear deal with somebody, wouldn't you at least care if they respect you or not? duh
Iran is using the deal to go wild and cyber attack us, and then take our citizens as hostages. They basically told Obama (their whipped puppy) that he better not bitch, or they will junk the nuke deal. So Obama the great negotiator gets crapped on, and our entire country in the process.

It's not like we didn't give them Stuxnet and a host of other viruses to deal with. Also as of June...

"WASHINGTON—Cyberattacks against the U.S. by Iranian hackers have eased noticeably since nuclear talks intensified last year, but there is no sign that Iran’s leaders plan to scuttle their cyberweapons program, National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers said."

Sorry, I have a lot of friends who work in data security and Iran is one of the least of their worries.
It's how Iran did it. They kidnapped one of our people who was legally able to be in the country, then they forced him to enter his passcode. And from there they were able to launch severe cyber attacks on US government officials. So bad, that we still don't know the extent of the damage.
Almost every foreign policy measure that Obama claimed to be a success, has shortly afterwards proven to be a horrible disaster. From Yemen, to Iraq, to Libya, and now he is delaying troop withdrawal from Afghanistan... again. We may as well just get out now, because clearly Obama has no f*cking clue at all. He doesn't listen to his generals, he's an idiot.

if obama is an idiot, and you have achieved nowhere near what obama has, what does that make you?


america was less respected than china when bush left office. we are now the most respected nation in the world.

but do let me know when iran starts enslaving us.
It's how Iran did it. They kidnapped one of our people who was legally able to be in the country, then they forced him to enter his passcode. And from there they were able to launch severe cyber attacks on US government officials. So bad, that we still don't know the extent of the damage.

seriously, shut up and stop being stupid.
considering he has the launch codes to the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, i'd put him at number 1.
Does Iran push around Putin like a beat down dog? Wait, let me look that up. ...... Nope. They don't.
The first line of action is never to launch a nuclear weapon. Obama won't launch. Putin knows it, and does what he wants.What a silly argument
what's silly? obama is the most powerful person in the world. since Hitler, the president of the US has always been the most powerful person in the world.

how is iran pushing around the US? 5 +1 signed the nuclear deal. russia and the US have the same stake in the deal. nobody wants those crazy camel rapers to have a nuke.

Does Iran push around Putin like a beat down dog? Wait, let me look that up. ...... Nope. They don't.
The first line of action is never to launch a nuclear weapon. Obama won't launch. Putin knows it, and does what he wants.What a silly argument
Putin can't even keep ISIS from bombing one of his country's jets. Kinda sounds like W doesn't it.
Not really. It sounds like war. If ISIS is going after commercial airliners in Egypt, the that is Egypt's domain. durp.
It also goes to show how effective Putin has been in killing, and pissing off ISIS. You really don't have any good arguments, just really bad ones that don't make sense
thank you. this post confirms to me that you are a slow adult.

ever heard of reading comprehension? that means you understand what you read.
Comparing a US president's power and Hitler Nazi power is apples and oranges. During WW2,
FDR was. I'm probably not the only one who thinks it's weird to compare Hitler to US presidents. Which is exactly what you did by the way..