Well-Known Member
They`ve popped up so China knows they are there.
Iran is run by moderates now, and they're blowing up ISIS while America continues to arm them.Because....the bible!
I really think the Israel love and ME hate comes from the prophecies in the bible (would have to look them up for specifics) and people think Iran having nukes is end of times. It doesn't help that Iran's leadership is bat shit chest thumping insane and making threats, but if Iran gets a bomb the world will end this I know, because the bible tells me so.
Only thing I can come up with.
Iran is run by moderates now, and they're blowing up ISIS while America continues to arm them.
How can you call them batshit crazy?
lol do you not think usa has naval cemetaries ??? dont kid your self here is one but not naval
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I just grabbed a file photo of a Kirov. Yes the Navy confirmed it was a Kirov Class, Two of the four are out and I did not catch which one it was. That`s a top crop BB, I wouldn`t go after it with anything but an Iowa Class.
All the trials I`ve read put the advantage Kirov at distance and advantage Iowa at close. But Iowa has ten times the armor and will take the beating before closing.
Unfortunately we struck them.
There is a very good reason why USA keeps there ships fairly good distance away and that is from Russia cruise missiles which have been parked in Iran for sometime you ever wonder why USA never attacked iran ???![]()
Ask your self what frightened the US Donald cook in the black sea ???
I know a unarmed russian JET did mock attacks on it only after it crippled the so called most advanced aegis missile system this ship was dead in the water ??
or how about thy mighty F117 steath fighter jet amercia was so proud of saying its invisible lol it got shot down where ??? by a 3rd world country
On August 2, 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify uranium-235, which could be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known then only as "The Manhattan Project." interesting and what year did USA bomb Hiroshima??
looks like its starting to come together most americans believe that other nations copy there ideas when USA has done it from the beginning
lDoes anyone remember the incident when a Chinese sub surfaced inbetween a japan and US navy exercise ??? it surfaced next to a carrier meaning holy crap how could it get passed all the so called battle ships protecting her again Rings hollow
or what about the Chinese sub missile launch off San Francisco hmm interesting yeah think ?? then you look at the J Robert Oppenheimer last name appears to be german lol interesting not joe Smith lmao ..
The real sad truth is i will get replies that like it will also hurt china if they pull the plug on the us currency aand trufully speaking that is a lame BS concept you actually think it ould hurt china
LEts put it in another perspective i am a loan shark and you need money who becomes in debt ??? the person wanting the money obviously me as a loan shark am not giving you my last 100 dollars lol there fore i had the money to loan you and not go hungry even if the person died tomorow i would live on take my loss but it wouldnt make a dent
you think it would crush china if usa folded tomorrow nd never paid them lol think again china will take a loss but they will still have purchasing power where as you will not
pmw, the Iowa has 32 tomahawks on board,...it`s the sprint speed giving Kirov an advantage at range.
That`s what I mean by ..'struck",...but they can be recalled under the deal. BB59 lost pinions and a shaft to them.
take two years to put them online again, mostly cleaning off the grease.