Do you think incest is bad?

Is incest ok??

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 48.7%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 40 51.3%

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Well-Known Member
lol i dont know what i am, if i had to guess.. agnostic? which hardcore christians really like to jump on.. im like "i believe their could be something out there, what it is i dont know" and hardcore christian is like "OUR LORD AND SAVIOR IS UP THERE" and then they catch feelings when im like nahhh lol
i'd love to be atheist, but i have to go with agnostic. the question is, am i hard agnostic (we can't know!) or soft agnostic (we don't know!)?

i'd like to be completely NOT soft agnostic and claim that we don't know! is impossible, but i go a meta-epistemological step higher to be kind to the soft agnostics and say that on the question of hard versus soft agnosticism, i leave the possibility of soft agnosticism and don't completely rule it out. i am soft on soft agnosticism, but still completely skeptical.

and for the record, incest totally rocks. as long as it is not gay incest.


Well-Known Member
so bible thumper, why ya even so worried about this shit, id be more worried about our faces and shit rotting off, unless you never read zecharia


Well-Known Member
Is there any extremist version of Agnosticism movement? cause I'm full of doubt but I can't denied anything
im agnostic... lets unite, we'll all just meet up every.. tuesday? and sit in a room with nothing but questions lol... i read the bible, book sucks.. harry potter has a more exciting plot and that was published by schoolastic


Well-Known Member
Is there any extremist version of Agnosticism movement? cause I'm full of doubt but I can't denied anything

Are you saying you're full of doubt, but won't outright deny anything?

If that's the case you're not an agnostic.


Well-Known Member
thats agnostic isnt it, if you didnt have any doubt, youd be in any other religion or athiest.. agnostic i believe is knowing there is something but not knowing what, im posting this before i google it too, im that certain im right lol

[h=2]Definition of AGNOSTIC[/h]1
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something <political agnostics>

&#8212; ag·nos·ti·cism noun

See agnostic defined for English-language learners »

See agnostic defined for kids »


Well-Known Member
I just think something about that incest thing. How many guy's wouldn't at least try a little incest if let's say they where abandon alone on some Island with their own sister for 5 years


Well-Known Member
I just think something about that incest thing. How many guy's wouldn't at least try a little incest if let's say they where abandon alone on some Island with their own sister for 5 years
thats 4 years 11 months and 30 days longer then itd take for kaender to get it in


Well-Known Member
thats agnostic isnt it, if you didnt have any doubt, youd be in any other religion or athiest.. agnostic i believe is knowing there is something but not knowing what, im posting this before i google it too, im that certain im right lol
What my point originally was was that agnostics don't believe in a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish god. We acknowledge that there might or might not be a higher power, but we don't subscribe to any actual religious beliefs. We're open to the idea that a god might exist, but we don't have any idea of what that is.

Technically I might be wrong in my description, but this is how I think of myself when I call myself an agnostic.


Well-Known Member
I just think something about that incest thing. How many guy's wouldn't at least try a little incest if let's say they where abandon alone on some Island with their own sister for 5 years
Depends on how hot your sister is lol

In reality, you'd probably spend all of your time looking for food.


Well-Known Member
What my point originally was was that agnostics don't believe in a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish god. We acknowledge that there might or might not be a higher power, but we don't subscribe to any actual religious beliefs. We're open to the idea that a god might exist, but we don't have any idea of what that is.

Technically I might be wrong in my description, but this is how I think of myself when I call myself an agnostic.
Are they different Gods? or diverse vision of the same, believers & non-believers have debate on this


Well-Known Member
nah i get it, which is pretty good description of how i am.. i just dont wanna say im athiest or anything because i believe in ghosts and shit. so it makes me think there is something.. definitely not some dude chillin on a cloud with a big ass zz top billy gibbons beard.. i will say one thing though, if the bible is true.. we are in for some serious shit


Well-Known Member
handy j lol, ive actually never got a full out one lol, never let a chick do that.. she came with a mouth and a perfectly fine vagina... she aint usin her hand to finish me off
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