Do you think incest is bad?

Is incest ok??

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 48.7%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 40 51.3%

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Well-Known Member
You never bothered to reply to my challenge of this. Can you give an example? cn

No, these marriages arent legally legit, but the ppl in them claim they are no different from traditional marriage and want equal rights. Sound familiar?


Ursus marijanus
Oh Reverend. /facepalm

A picture of someone kissing a pet proves nothing.

Since you began with the shirtiness about the definition of marriage, please adhere to the standard you've set and required. I'm challenging you to back up your claim that "ppl" (sic!) are marrying dogs and horses. All i need is one confirmed dog example, and one confirmed horse example. i am especially curious as to the tax consequences.

<edit> Caught your edit. If they are not legally legit, you have no case. Please stop lying about this topic. cn


Well-Known Member
So, ur dad condones racism?
No, not at all, if anything he was lazy for not making his point clear in what he wanted me to be (or I was too thickheaded), and just let Mike show me that pigeonholing people is wrong. At that time the definition meant uneducated and or ignorant.


Well-Known Member
But you said they chose their discrimination. I'm not trying to argue with you here, I'm just curious on your beliefs.
I believe that feelings of homosexuality are a gradual development stemming from irregular sexual development during adolescence and childhood.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
So your saying that being racist is way worse then saying gays cant get married?
if your asking me, yes, but in the end they are both serious civil rights violatiosn . . . . . .imho

but im sure there are plenty of people that could go vice versa with it, i just think that allowing the state to let us get married so they can collect a tax is BS

and in terms of racism people who practice it, are ignorant and ignorance is not an excuse


Well-Known Member
Oh Reverend. /facepalm

A picture of someone kissing a pet proves nothing.

Since you began with the shirtiness about the definition of marriage, please adhere to the standard you've set and required. I'm challenging you to back up your claim that "ppl" (sic!) are marrying dogs and horses. All i need is one confirmed dog example, and one confirmed horse example. i am especially curious as to the tax consequences.

<edit> Caught your edit. If they are not legally legit, you have no case. Please stop lying about this topic. cn

A lot of gays are getting "married" and it isnt legal, but trying to gain legitimacy. thats the whole case here.


New Member
I believe that feelings of homosexuality are a gradual development stemming from irregular sexual development during adolescence and childhood.
I've already given links on this before that science has already proven that belief wrong, gay people weren't molested or exposed to anything that straight people weren't in this crazy world, it's all in the brain since day 1 and comes out during adolescence and puberty.


Well-Known Member

A lot of gays are getting "married" and it isnt legal, but trying to gain legitimacy. thats the whole case here.

What don't you understand about TWO consenting parties, where as fucking an animal/child there is only 1! Forcing your self on someone or something is infringing upon their rights, that is what makes it not okay! If a horse could say that it wanted to get fucked or fuck some dude then so be it, sure I would think it is gross still but they are both consenting, one is not infringing upon the rights of others.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I day dreamed about opening fire on a KKK meeting... or calling CAS on a white supremacist demonstration... I now value human life too much to condone death, but boy, I would certainly bring them to the point of begging for mercy.
by wrapping around them like a spaghetti noodle?


Well-Known Member
What don't you understand about TWO consenting parties, where as fucking an animal there is only 1!
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt that u missed the whole convo today, but the consenting parties thing is irrelevant since the legal definition of marriage is the thing in question.


New Member

A lot of gays are getting "married" and it isnt legal, but trying to gain legitimacy. thats the whole case here.
You can't possibly think that the government will ever pass the law of bestiality and make marrying animals legal, at least not in the US. We're too modern to think like that and know the difference between what's common sense and absurd.


Ursus marijanus

A lot of gays are getting "married" and it isnt legal, but trying to gain legitimacy. thats the whole case here.
Trying and succeeding are two different things.

And please tell me you didn't post a UK story (about an Aussie no less!) to make a USA-centric point.

Is what you're really telling me then that gays in the USA are actually already reallytruly married, and need only wait for DOMA to die by the hand of SCOTUS in order to get it in writing? No worries; I'll wait. cn


Well-Known Member
You can't possibly think that the government will ever pass the law of bestiality and make marrying animals legal, at least not in the US. We're too modern to think like that and know the difference between what's common sense and absurd.
Thats the same thing ppl used to say about gay marriage, then some time went by and look where were at..


Well-Known Member
kaendar, be honest. you've talked about how easy it is to fuck a man before, i even had it in my sig until you snitched it out.

are you on the down low?


Well-Known Member
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt that u missed the whole convo today, but the consenting parties thing is irrelevant since the legal definition of marriage is the thing in question.
Forcing your self on someone or something is infringing upon their rights, that is what makes it not okay! If a horse could say that it wanted to get fucked or fuck some dude then so be it, sure I would think it is gross still but they are both consenting, one is not infringing upon the rights of others.

The legal definition of marriage was set by a man, not by any "God" or person of higher power than the rest of us. It was set by someone to push their point of view. The LEGAL definition doesn't mean shit, Legal definitions and laws change all the time! Kinda like the marijuana laws here in cali. Once illegal, not so much any more.


Well-Known Member
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt that u missed the whole convo today, but the consenting parties thing is irrelevant since the legal definition of marriage is the thing in question.
consenting is relevant because you have to consent to enter a legally binding contract. those who can't give consent can't enter into legally binding contracts.

seriously, are you on the down low bruvva?
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