Do you think incest is bad?

Is incest ok??

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    Votes: 38 48.7%
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    Votes: 40 51.3%

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o ok i relly didnt know that just how it seamed to me. i relly didnt know they were for equality for all thanks for letting me know though
yeah.....alot of Black Panthers made it look bad for the rest......just like all the Mexican Brown Prider's aren't all racist.....I have sat in a house full of 18st'ers and chopped it up with them....they were cool dudes......but I have also gotten into more altercations than I can count with "Brown Pride" "gangsters".
yeah but if a white guy says........I'm tired of the black man stealing all my that not racist??

If he lives in an area where he's the only white man in the entire area, technically he's correct but clear racism and blaming isn't the same thing. I'm sure Malcom didn't mean what he said in that quote racists towards white people. If the black people stole from a white man because of pure racism, he's still technically right, taking it out of context is what makes it racist.
yeah.....alot of Black Panthers made it look bad for the rest......just like all the Mexican Brown Prider's aren't all racist.....I have sat in a house full of 18st'ers and chopped it up with them....they were cool dudes......but I have also gotten into more altercations than I can count with "Brown Pride" "gangsters".
I have seen Brown Pride protests. They are HILARIOUS lol. So angry too... Like this woman with her little beret (sp?) is like screaming at every white person "GO HOME! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! GO HOME!" And I was like dude...if i'm the one out of place...why are you speaking in my language...but I was high and that was rude.
I have seen Brown Pride protests. They are HILARIOUS lol. So angry too... Like this woman with her little beret (sp?) is like screaming at every white person "GO HOME! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! GO HOME!" And I was like dude...if i'm the one out of place...why are you speaking in my language...but I was high and that was rude.
Yeah......I used to get into fights with them alot when I went to high school in Riverside.....They used to always have to jump me lol....One time they got some dude that was fresh out of prison to pull a gun on me and I lmao @ the fact that I was 16 beating up a bunch of 18 and 20 year olds and they had to get their "big homie" to come ATTEMPT to scare me. I even had a gf one time and her dad was a racist Mexican gang member....oh how he hated me lol
Yeah......I used to get into fights with them alot when I went to high school in Riverside.....They used to always have to jump me lol....One time they got some dude that was fresh out of prison to pull a gun on me and I lmao @ the fact that I was 16 beating up a bunch of 18 and 20 year olds and they had to get their "big homie" to come ATTEMPT to scare me. I even had a gf one time and her dad was a racist Mexican gang member....oh how he hated me lol

Dude you have some seriously scary stories. Like...weird things happen to me...but people don't shoot at From my lips to God's ears...
Im not racist in no kind of way, my lady is white & our 2 kids are mixed, but alot of ppl from out west have no fucking idea how bad racism is in the south, and outta all the southern states im in the heart of racist town, im pass all that slave shit why dwell on it, we're not slaves now, but down here in Bama the only racist ppl (black & white) are the old ignorant ppl, & the only reason that their children & grandchildren are racist is because thats how they were raised. But its not like most ppl think it is, we dont get calledniggers or @least not2our face ,we dont play that shit, but i'll say 65% of my friends are white laid back, cool calm & collective type dudes all we do is get high, and chill wit groupie bitches, but on the other hand i dont kno about other places but where im from if ur black, u can always tell who ur true white friends are when they get liquor in em'. When it comes to my friends that are white we see no color, because we're more like brothers than friends, & i wouldnt trade em'. But down here KKK went from wearing sheets 2 wearing police uniforms & carrying brief cases. Friend or Foe. But jus check this out ima give ya an example; Google the name Emitt Till, He came down south, from up north 2 visit, his friends dared him 2 tell a white lady that she was pretty, so he did it not knowing any betta, later that night the husband of the white lady & more men came and took him from his family, beat him & then hung im in a tree in the neighborhood 4 everybody 2 see. Yeah that was really fucked up, but @ the same time their are alot of ignorant black ppl that still dwell on that type of shit, & i dont understand it, how can u be mad @ every white person tht u come in contact with over some shit that damn near 70 yrs ago, Kendars''''' YOU'RE A SHIT APPLE
black panthers weren't like the kkk......certain members of that group were bigots and racist but alot of them were just about racial equality for all......including all races and not just blacks.
Exactly. The black panthers just wanted equal treatment for blacks and other minorities in the community. They helped form the brown berets, which was a similar group but for hispanics.
/aQUOTE=RainbowBrite86;7825191]Dude you have some seriously scary stories. Like...weird things happen to me...but people don't shoot at From my lips to God's ears...[/QUOTE]
Never been shot at? Your missing out on an adrenaline rush.
Dude you have some seriously scary stories. Like...weird things happen to me...but people don't shoot at From my lips to God's ears...
Haha people tend to be intimidated by my size and stature. I'm not even a mean asshole and straight forward, but not mean. Also people hate that I voice my opinion no matter who hears and no matter what/who the subject is. Plus, I used to bully bullies if that even makes sense lol.....kinda like trolling a troll.....but real life lol
any takers??
[h=1]Bio Details Malcolm X's Gay Life[/h] [h=4]BY Editors[/h] [h=3]April 05 2011 3:10 PM ET[/h] 1

First Gandhi, now Malcolm X?

A new biography of African-American civil rights leader Malcolm X details his “early homosexual relationship with a white businessman,” among other things that he glossed over or ignored in his own accounts, reports The New York Times.

The biography, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, was published Monday by Viking Press, three days after the death of its author, Columbia University professor Manning Marable. It is in many ways a groundbreaking portrayal of Malcolm X, who was assassinated in 1965 at age 39, and differs greatly from his posthumously published Autobiography of Malcolm X.

“This book gives us a richer, more profound, more complicated and more fully fleshed out Malcolm than we have ever had before,” Michael Eric Dyson, an author and Georgetown University professor, told the Times. Marable’s biography reports, for instance, that Malcolm X may have exaggerated stories of his criminal activity before his conversion to Islam to make his tale of redemption more dramatic, and that while he embraced integration rather than racial separatism toward the end of his life, his political philosophy remained radical. The author also contends that two of the three men convicted of Malcolm X’s murder were innocent and that others were involved but not charged.

It is not the first source to report that Malcolm X had gay relationships, but it is a particularly high-profile one. U.K. LGBT rights activist Peter Tatchell, writer and professor Marc Lamont Hill, and Bruce Perry, who published a biography of Malcolm X in 1991, have also said he was gay or bisexual. (He eventually married a woman and fathered six children.)

The book comes shortly after the release of a new biography of Indian independence and human rights leader Mohandas Gandhi, Great Soul, which led Wall Street Journal reviewer Andrew Roberts to conclude that German architect Hermann Kallenbach was the love of Gandhi’s life. Author Joseph Lelyveld, however, has objected to Roberts’s interpretation, saying the relationship between Gandhi and Kallenbach was not physical. “I think you’ll find that at least I don’t suggest that it was bisexual,” Lelyveld told National Public Radio. He added that the conservative Roberts “used some of the material in the book to trash Gandhi, as I think he used the term ‘sexual weirdo.’”
/aQUOTE=RainbowBrite86;7825191]Dude you have some seriously scary stories. Like...weird things happen to me...but people don't shoot at From my lips to God's ears...
Never been shot at? Your missing out on an adrenaline rush.[/QUOTE]
Are you kidding me? Your fucking heart jumps out your chest and your balls take it's place lmao ESPECIALLY!!.....if you don't have your banger on you
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