do you think lsd just makes you see 4 dimensionally?

Every psychonaut should try a mg at least once.

I recently saw an image of light behaving as a particle and a wave and it definitely looked psychedelic. Also oddly reminiscent of a strip of geltabs.
Every psychonaut should try a mg at least once.

I recently saw an image of light behaving as a particle and a wave and it definitely looked psychedelic. Also oddly reminiscent of a strip of geltabs.
How much ug =mg??
1gm>10,000 hits
Equal not greater than :)

Gotcha. I read somewhere that was the minimum dose when the Feds use to test lsd on People. I only Took a strip once. Rattled my brain fr sure. In fact after that trip I took 6 months off from all drugs. Including trippys. Just now starting dabbling again.
Most of the work in MK Ultra was with doses well under 1mg but I'm sure they did some of those tests.
Equal not greater than :)

Most of the work in MK Ultra was with doses well under 1mg but I'm sure they did some of those tests.
You forgot a period at the end of that sentence.:-)

Some were given 2mg and more increasingly for up to 70 days in some cases...
I asked myself,where's this resort at? Club ultra?
No. LSD does open your mind some, and the colors are cool, but the 4th D isn't part of it, I think. Wouldn't you meet other trippers there?
Take some DMT if you want to venture into another dimension. You will meet some beings not of this dimension, and maybe even some other trippers. And it's not a fluke. Everybody I know that has taken DMT has been there. I was there with a friend once. We both zoned for hours and wandered the unknown! I couldn't believe it!
LSD is rad, but it's not THAT profound, even on high doses. Once you leave this plane and venture into the DMT dimension, you'll never be the same.
Have you taken that high of a dose of lsd? Ive met other trippers who weren't even tripping whom I've never met in real life. My last trip, i was on a blue double decker bus, and a couple people i know from shroomery were there, as well as a couple people i knew from riu. Im not sure if they were actively tripping at that time, some of them i dont know what you look like in real life, my mind just made a personification based on prior interactions
Have you taken that high of a dose of lsd? Ive met other trippers who weren't even tripping whom I've never met in real life. My last trip, i was on a blue double decker bus, and a couple people i know from shroomery were there, as well as a couple people i knew from riu. Im not sure if they were actively tripping at that time, some of them i dont know what you look like in real life, my mind just made a personification based on prior interactions
Your mind did what it will likely do when you die, I think.
With DMT, people across the globe could describe what you saw, because they saw too. I think it's real.
And yes, I've taken some stupid doses of acid, and it's just not the same.
How about this. If anything. These two substances. LSD and DMT have the possible affect to open or change a persons percecptive field. Because lets be honest. Can we really prove right now which can take a persons consciousness to the fourth dimension?
How about this. If anything. These two substances. LSD and DMT have the possible affect to open or change a persons percecptive field. Because lets be honest. Can we really prove right now which can take a persons consciousness to the fourth dimension?
LSD just doesn't compare. I love it though.
Look up DMT experiences vs. LSD.
LSD is fun, and the colors and trails are cool, but it doesn't transport you to another realm. DMT does.
I must admit. For myself. LSD and DMT have two different feels. You experience two different planes of perception. Logical and emotion? But then. Dimensions themselves are also varied. Imagined and known?