Do you trim your personal stash? Please vote in this poll!

Do you trim your personal stash of weed?

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Well-Known Member
Hey Bud Tokers, Smokers and Vapors,

While high last night I came across a comment from a rollitup user that it's not wise to trim your personal stash... his reasoning seemed solid in my lifted state of mind.

So.... if you have an opinion please vote. Also might be fun to have a civil discussion as well!

Stay high!


Well-Known Member
I trim it but not as tight as I do at work. I just go for taking the excess lead off more than I worry about getting everything


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud Tokers, Smokers and Vapors,

While high last night I came across a comment from a rollitup user that it's not wise to trim your personal stash... his reasoning seemed solid in my lifted state of mind.

So.... if you have an opinion please vote. Also might be fun to have a civil discussion as well!

Stay high!
Why wouldn't you state what the reasoning was?

...and yes I trim my personal stash. Why do something properly in one instance, and half-assed in another?


Well-Known Member
Any particular reason why it wouldnt be wise to trim your smoke? I see no downside to it, less work you have to do when you are smoking it and you can collect all your trimmings at once and process them into something usable.
His argument was at least partly that ".... trim gets danker and danker the more you let it soak up the evaporating vocs. That alone is reason to never trim personal stash, the trim is actually worth something in the end...


Well-Known Member
His argument was at least partly that ".... trim gets danker and danker the more you let it soak up the evaporating vocs. That alone is reason to never trim personal stash, the trim is actually worth something in the end...
I could see where waiting until flowers have cured to trim would be a good thing, thats what i plan to do this year. And trim is always worth something, you just have to process it into edibles or some form of hash.


Well-Known Member
I could see where waiting until flowers have cured to trim would be a good thing, thats what i plan to do this year
Well, there you go! I think I plan to do the same. He also mentioned it's nice during the drying process to have those sugar leaves as sort of a buffer to the precious buds. I think it makes tons of sense but of course I understand why you would just go ahead and trim it all together. Just giving ya all something to think about.. Maybe try it...
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Well-Known Member
Well, there you go! I think I plan to do the same. He also mentioned it's nice during the drying process to have those sugar leaves as sort of a buffer to the precious buds. I think it makes tons of sense but I also understand why you wouldn't!
Initial chop i dont trim anyting. Before jarring they get trimmed, all but small sugar leaves.
Not big on edibles so trim doesnt have much use


Ursus marijanus
His argument was at least partly that ".... trim gets danker and danker the more you let it soak up the evaporating vocs. That alone is reason to never trim personal stash, the trim is actually worth something in the end...
If this were the case, hash would suck.

It is my personal experience that hash (gloriously) does not suck.

I don’t buy it.