Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
Im just fucking with you because you seem to be fucking with everyone else.

but dont assume that peeps here dont know how to handle a gun. Ive had plenty of practice, I even got my son a rifle at the age of 11. He's almost 15 now and is a very good shot himself.

good deal he needs to know how to handle a weapon..always a good thing.
Yeah dime patterns are nice if you can get that one through the other hole.....;)
try five;) you should see some of my targets, esp sighting in. from left to center, five rounds, from center to center three rounds vertical, at 150y. i can hit a melon easily at 500, no challenge. if the melon didn't explode, i could hit it with five rounds before having to reload.
try five;) you should see some of my targets, esp sighting in. from left to center, five rounds, from center to center three rounds vertical, at 150y. i can hit a melon easily at 500, no challenge. if the melon didn't explode, i could hit it with five rounds before having to reload.

yeah the stationary stuff is a blast :D
that's blind ..... the problem IS guns and nothing else no matter how you word it .... a gun is a problem in your country period.

p ... e ... r .... i .... o ... d

you got any more ways to justify a gun problem ?
i could carve it into you with a knife, or beat it into you with a bat... i could even improvise fireworks...

i've hurt more people with gloved fists than with guns...
Which isn't you
LOL Bitch please LCD (no not the screen, lowest common demonitor)
Im just fucking with you because you seem to be fucking with everyone else.

but dont assume that peeps here dont know how to handle a gun. Ive had plenty of practice, I even got my son a rifle at the age of 11. He's almost 15 now and is a very good shot himself.
Ok in the interest of transparency, I can't handle a gun. Let's talk knives.
my property was burgled over a dozen times until i started target shooting once or twice a week. neighbors call me now, if someone sets off their security lights. i'm at the entrance of the subdivision, so i see who comes in and who leaves. we have had no theft or crime since i started popping 20$ a week, and i've been given doe tags from some of our older neighbors who can get out in the cold and hunt.

guns aren't the problem, stupid people illegally owning guns are a problem.

you are on food stamps and disability and medicaid.

what could they possibly be stealing from you?
my guns are for home defense, and they ARE for killing people. in my state, if someone is threatening your life, you are legally able to defend. but if you wound them, they can sue you for everything. i was trained to shoot to kill, not maim. i think police and military are taught something very similar...

bottom line, i don't want to hurt anyone, but if you invade my property with intent to harm/kill me or my family, i will shoot, and i only shoot to kill. anything less would be not doing my best to protect my family, and could cause a life time of legal shit that could STILL harm my family!

remember the guy who fell through a skylight during a theft/home invasion, and sued the family after he was busted? HE WON!!!


you are on food stamps and disability and medicaid.

what could they possibly sue you for?