Do you use pot for medical purposes or recreational purposes?

Medical or Recreational?

  • I use it strictly for Medical Purposes.

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • I use it for recreational purposes.

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • I have my MMJ card, but I mostly use it for recreational.

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I use for both medicinal and recreational purposes.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So do you use Marijuana for medical purposes, or for recreational purposes?
For most people I know it's recreational, but some older friends use it as a medication. No one is legal because my state doesn't have MMJ. So I wanted to make a poll and see.


New Member
i use it for recreational purposes but i broke my leg about a month ago and i couldnt sleep with all the pain even with strong pain meds, so i would smoke to help me sleep and it would work with the pain pills i had and it would take away the rest of the pain


Well-Known Member
If I used it medically I'd be stoned all the time. With the combination of sever migraines and congenital insomnia I basically would be wake and baking and toking to sleep every night. I prefer to use it to expand my mind, write music, and absorb life.



Well-Known Member
I use it both, not only does weed help me self medicate myself (headache, stomach problems, etc.) it helps me relax when Im stressed, it wakes me up and puts me to sleep. It does everything for me, its a fucking miracle drug and thats why its illegal. The greatest thing is Im never dependant upon it, unlike a lot of pharms (I find, though I only use occasionaly). Its also helped my slight anxiety and opened me up to new groups of friends that at one point I would have never thought would be cool. Thruthfully anything thats broken can be fixed with weed, and sometimes duct-tape.


New Member
i use it to alleviate pain in my lower back, migraines and sleep problems but smoke it whenever i feel like smokin haha i love mary :weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
You needed an option for both. I have extreme medical reasons to use it now and for the rest of my life, but I've also enjoyed it recreationally and still do.


Well-Known Member
I would be classified as a recreational user. There are times though when I am seeking pain relief or sleep assistance. I am not considered a medical user though.


Well-Known Member
I had to choose 'recreational'... because I don't use it exclusively for medical purposes. Usually I smoke pot when I'm doing something social and fun...the side effects of pain alleviation and boost in my mood are almost secondary.


Well-Known Member
I do not see how any pot use can be non-recreational, even while it is haveing medicinal effects....
I suffer chronic pain , and if you were to ask me what I value most in cannibas, I'd have a hard time chooseing between relief and entertainment.


Active Member
I smoke about an 8th a day for recreational use. I love being high it just makes my days that much better hence why im trying to get my mother who has m.s to start smoking with me. Shes always in pain and cant take pain killers because they make her sick, she said she use to smoke all the time when she was younger but refuses to smoke now a days. BUT shes starting to loosen up and shes even talking about discussing marijuana use with her doctors haha i cant wait!!!!


Active Member
bad insomnia, joint pains, headaches, stress, anxiety etc.... all at the age of 20 :)... its not so bad since i started smoking for them though, not to say i dont love being high, but its def a plus with those problems, the insomnia is the real killer... its 4:20 in the morn though... so i gotta go toke again... work in a couple hours.... like i said... i dont really sleep... sometimes even bud doesnt always work... happy fow fow two oh


Well-Known Member
I use it for 100% recreational use..... and love it. Im too young to need it for medicinal IMO, but maybe later on in life.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
I certainly use recreationally, but it does have undeniable pain relief uses. I was in a motorcycle accident when I was very young, and somedays I just wake up to my right side throbbing. That's when waking and baking is the most useful thing ever.


Well-Known Member
people smoke pot to get high, right? and people get high to relax, relaxing is good for stress levels, lower stress levels equal better health. so technically i think all use is medicinal kinda