Do your kids know what your smoking?


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I'm sure this is a touchy subject for some people...i know it is for the friends of ours that'll be mentioned here. But i'm interested in other people's view on how much they let their kids know about their extra curricular activities. I have 4 between the age of 21 and 27...they know pretty much everything i've done in my younger years (edited slightly for the sake of their respect! LOL) and they know mom's a "pothead". I've had this policy with my kids that up until they reach an age where they're exposed to all the things the world has to offer, I "parent" them. but once they reach that age where their exposed to alcohol and drugs it's time to "guide" them. i've always believed that being honest with them encouraged them to be honest with me. and i know from experience what they haven't job as a parent is to help them through those experiences...and how can you expect them to believe you when you say it's bad or good if you have no idea, in their mind?

so these friends of ours have a 13 and 16 year old. they smoke in their bedroom closet (which has a window) and they believe this had sheltered the kids from the knowledge of what their doing! REALLY? so one night i'm at their house, i'm high as a kite! and i'm hearing the dad tell about his 16 year old getting drunk and high and getting caught by his friend's parents. so they freak out on their kid and ground him and take his car away. and i tell these parents "did ya think he'd never try it? you gotta know he knows you guys smoke!" they were ADAMANT that there is no way their kids know! i called BULLSHIT!!! so later i'm hanging with the kids...talking about first cars and blah blah and the 16 year old looks at me and says "your high aren't you?!" i was like...what do you know about it? and jazzed him a little bout his currently indiscretion! mind you i get along with kids pretty well...i'm pretty honest with them and treat them with respect so what this kid says next was no surprise to me! "Mom and Dad smoke in their bedroom all the time!"

I knew the first time my oldest son and daughter tried pot. I knew BEFORE my youngest was gonna try it. they ask me about any drug their thinking about trying - acid, shrooms, coke, meth - and i tell them what i think, what i've experienced and above all, whether i approve or not. I tell them "i'm your mom i reserve the right to ALWAYS dissaprove! I have the right to say Do as I say, not as I Do!" they accept this and for the most part have left drugs (except pot) alone. They've all been or are going to college, my oldest is married with a kid, bought a nice house, and they are all kids i'm proud of!

So what do you think? is sharing a good thing? TMI for kids? Do your kids know what your smoking? LOL
I don't have kids but my best friend has an 11 and 13 year old. He smokes between 5 to 10 times a day. I am sure they both know, but he hides it from them thinking they don't know. The 13 year old will be going into high school soon, and we all know what kind of door high school opens to drugs. If the kids your age can't get something, the seniors can.

The 13 year old will for.sure be a pot smoker. I keep telling my friend that it is time to start guiding him, but he thinks the kid still has a few years. I'm hoping I can get through to my friend about at least talking about it before he goes to his first day of high school.


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids. But I imagine if I did, they would know. I don't hide things from people.


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by the time a kid is 13 they most likely have already at least smelled are sharper than some parents know! and nosey buggers too! LOL


Well-Known Member
I have 4 kids.. 2 stepsons outta the house ages 22+ both have used it one currently uses the other stopped once his baby was born..

the 2 I have at home know.. and I trust them not to go near it.. they are 12 and 16 and know this is what I use for medicine.. took place of my narcotics and they did not go near those meds either.. they know how I act when I am on narcotic's vs pot and cant tell I use pot other then the smoke or smell from it..

sat them down and had the talk with them it was no big deal.. the only reason I went over this with them is due to the stigma on pot..


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i think it's the most important thing for your kids to know YOUR views and YOUR opinion on something as important as drugs. What they take into the world is what you give them.


Well-Known Member
Don't have kids but at the same time its just foolish to think a teen doesn't know about weed hell thats when everyone starts experimenting :)how many 15 and 16 yr olds haven't tried pot once.


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I considered starting this thread.

I have three boys. 16, 15, and 12. The eldest lives with me full time. Before I decided to pursue MJ medicinally The eldest and I had a LONG conversation about MJ and discussed my plans. He supports me very much. I imagine he'll try it, though he's told me he'll wait until he's an adult. He lost his virginity when he was 13 to an absolute nut job. He's been FAR more open to my advice since then so I believe he will wait. My middle son will be a stoner, he's always struck me that way. At the moment to the best of my knowledge he doesn't know I smoke. That will change when I see him this summer.

My youngest had no clue until just a few weeks back. A girl at a dance he went to set her hair on fire trying to light a joint. He came over to my house and spouted a bunch of hateful anti marijuana propaganda the church that holds these dances fed the kids after this incident. This turned into a VERY long conversation about propaganda, Marijuana, and honesty. I explained clearly that I'm using it, that I didn't have a problem with him using it when he's an adult, and that Many people he's very close with are regular users. He is still periodically trying to get me to tell him who those people are. I keep telling him that when he's mature enough to be able to tell, he won't need to be told because he'll be able to see it for himself. I don't feel like it's my place to rat people off for their use.


Well-Known Member
when we have kids we want to make sure they know cannabis is the drug they should look to if they decide to try something when they are older

if you tell them everything they need to know when they become curious, they are going to stay away from it until they are older anyway... because you'll have shown them how it might interfere with the early development of a brain, but that it is safe for adults


Well-Known Member
I'm just glad I didn't listen to our Government and tell my kids that cocaine is less addicting..


Active Member
education is key for kids to know when it comes to drugs. the more they know the better equiped they are to make the decision whether to try it or not. but it's hard to educate if you aren't ready to discuss it to begin with. opening that door when their ready to know what's out there and letting them know you'll walk thru with them has given my bond with my kids so much strength!


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids but my grow friends kids here have no interest in it at all. Except Willow and Soma (but she's 35!) Derry from Barneys works with his son. Some kids just grow up with it I suppose. I didnt.


Well-Known Member
Mine are young but they are sheltered. Not from marijuana, though. From people who call it a drug. I'm very honest with my kids. They know about it, understand it, and respect it. They've been taught it's a medication, and like any other medication, they don't touch it. I don't smoke until they're asleep, but they do know the effects of it because I've explained it to them if for no other reason than to avoid a complicated "oops I walked in and caught you high" scenario. It's never happened, but I'd rather have them know it then be surprised.


Well-Known Member
My kids know some about my life before they were born. But no one in my family knows everything about my pass life. My son is 30 and smokes an ounce a week, I know cause he informed me.My daughter will never know much about my past. or what I do now,Don't get me wrong she knows I have smoked for pain . But she knows all she needs to know. She lives over 900 miles from me. So I don't tell her everything. She is a school teacher who is raising a family. But keeping your kids informed to a certain degree is of utmost importance . They do grow up .



If you hide it from your kids or family, isn't that saying to them your doing something wrong? I am not saying you should smoke in front of them, but once you make it a secret your sending the wrong message.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Mine is 18 and I just started growing.... the funny thing is I don't smoke. I will when I harvest, but not untill. For some reason in my head it is very different if I grow it myself as opposed to buying. I do not advertise what I have done in the past (mosty everything, no smack). She knows that Ihave a Narnia closet.


Well-Known Member

If you hide it from your kids or family, isn't that saying to them your doing something wrong? I am not saying you should smoke in front of them, but once you make it a secret your sending the wrong message.
That's the way I look at it.

Well-Known Member
I already knew my dad smoked when I was in highschool, even tho he tried to hide it from me. Smelled the dank coming from his room and found his stash lol Then i confronted him about it when we were leaving on a 3 day kayaking trip. I said nonchalantly, " so are you bringin the pot or am i?" and he laughed nervously and tried to play it off like he didn't know what i was talkin about. but later that night we shared a bowl around a campfire. :) and ever since then have gotten stoned together over the years. now my mother......she is a religious nut, and she adamently denies ever doing any kind of drug and refuses to even talk about it....even tho i'm pretty sure i remember seeing an old picture of them with a bong on the coffee table


Well-Known Member
There's a fine line you walk when you ask your kids to keep secrets that could get you in trouble.
I was one of these kids.
I wrestle with how I will deal with it sometimes.