This morning i missed my appt to get my referral for my ommp card so had to moved it to just before lunch. I just rolled the first bubba jurple doobie and i am on my way now. This shit is kind of costy but we all have to have them this year for us to be legal for the 28 plants we have planned for next years ghouse.
Dang that sucks that you missed it! I have the card part on Thursday. It definitely isn't cheap. How much does the state card for yall? I keep forgetting how much it will be for the misses, I know my fee will be 20 for the state + 175 for the doc + 75 for the chiropractic dude.
god damn man, theres just not enough time and space to run everything! I really want to get some r-2 going from getawaymountain, and sort thru some more wet dreams seeds. not to mention the blue pits, sour cherry, then my blueberry lotus x wet dreams
I certainly can agree with your first line!!!! I told my mate here yday that I need a fucking farm!! Pronto. Casually he laughs and goes, "In due time". As far as the time, there is never enough. A few years ago I started taking modafinil on and off, nothing regular, and it seems to help with the time aspect. I know they are illegal in US without a script since the Gov are such fuckwits, but give them a look. I dont have any side effects other than positivity and not much sleep (but how much do we truly require as long as we feel rested). I am also saturated with mary jane, coconut oil, and basically sugarless regimen.
Shit i just popped a couple cem x gdp i made years back i have never tried yet. Gatorballs got made from the very first fireballs testers sent out by BB and just now popped a couple. As for all my seedlings i am going to have a tuffer selection process and if it doesn't hold up i will cull them quick. Plus i did some whiteish one that wont germ i bet.