DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log


Active Member
Better yet return that Sony cybershot and get Canon SX 200, a compact camera with professional quality. Heck, it has dual image stabilizer and it is nearly impossible to take blurry picture. Anyhow, I felt like a salesman... admiring your grow and learning some new stuff :)


Well-Known Member
Some pictures with the new camera for you guys. mv400, this camera does have the image stabilizer in it. The pics aren't blurry really - they just don't have that sharp, "my God I can reach out and touch it" look to them. I may end up taking it back for that reason. Also - under the HPS light, I can't really color correct those pics at all - trying makes the background look like a blue comic book picture.

So here we are, the baby clones are eight days along, no roots yet. The water temp is stabilized to 75F with the frozen 2 liter twice a day. I figured it would take longer, being the top, and kind of small. I won't panic for at least another six days, lol.

Hempy babies are picking up. I don't know if the roots have reached bottom now, or it's the extra watering/feedings - but the color is coming back. The Super Lemon Haze especially, I was worried about - the entire top of that had turned pale yellow. But green is leeching back into it, including the new growth! Looking up now.

The rest of this grow is doing well - growth seems to have exploded! I take back what I said about the MH lights, lol. I'm not seeing any heat stress on the new growth now, either, so I'm thinking that problem is solved for a minute. Does the leaf cupping type of damage stay after the problem is fixed, like other damage types do? Never had the issue before, so I don't know.

The Lemon Skunk clones have truly begun flowering now. Got a shot of one of the newly formed buds, awwww - a baby! hehe

The big Lemon Skunk - my goodness, the buds are really starting to fill out now. I can't say I'm still loving the smell. If you rub the stem, your fingers smell like a skunk's ass - and not a lemony one, either. But the aroma they give off without being disturbed, is still very mild, and slightly citrusy. Had the hubby haul one into the veg room, trying to get a good bud shot. Only really got one decent one - with the lights being lower than the buds, I was getting a terrible glare.

I'll begin germinating my first batch of Chronic on Thursday, excited to see those going!

That's everything, I think. Enjoy the pics!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks! Technically, they aren't lady bugs - they're Asian Beetles, AKA corn bugs, I think they have a few more names, as well. I haven't had any pests besides fungus gnats first grow. These guys are here because I live on a working farm - they infiltrate my house in the masses every Spring, and some always stay alive through the year, somehow. They seem to like my marijuana plants, and as they are beneficial, I let them stay.


Well-Known Member
Now I fully envy you DE I want so bad to move to the country and have my own farm. I know it'd be alot of work but I'd love it. Running out of room in my backyard garden this year for stuff. I love the fact that I grow my own organic veggies right in my backyard. Wish I could do it fullscale, maybe someday lol. Anyways with that I'm out



Well-Known Member
Looking great DoeEyed
Thanks! GFK, I love being out here in BFE. While it has it's downfalls (getting snowed in in the winter, more frequent power outages, etc.) for the most part, it's all good. No neighbors to harrass me if I want to watch a movie in surround at 2am, (it happens, I'm a night owl lol) no constant traffic, man I can sunbathe nude in my front yard, if I so desire. Got deer and a fishing pond right here too, so really - everything a girl like me needs.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Ahhh living a good life I see. Well it confirms the saying "happy growers grow happy plants" :)


Active Member
everything is looking good doe. keep up the great grow and updates. what type of camera did you get again? if you would like any tips i think i could help you out some. manual mode is how you get the good shots. cant use auto mode with that type of light. ne way if you want tips then pm me.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, I've been wanting to get out of the city district for a good while now. I'm ready for the move out to the country side. Love the fact that you have a fishing pond in your front yard. I don't think I'd be torn away from it lol. Just got back from fishing matter of fact. Not a damn bite in 3 hours though, then it just started pouring... makes sense to me lol. Anyways I'm looking forward to looking through your new pics in a couple days as always.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully they'll fix whatever is wrong with the forum by then, I don't know about you guys but I'm getting pretty annoyed by it!


Active Member
Hopefully they would fix this server problem. I get error message when I try to connect but when I use web proxy there is no problem aside from not being able to see attached pictures.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, something weird in my flowering room, I need your opinions! Checking out the trichs on my Lemon Skunk, four of the plants have all cloudy trichs now - they'll be six weeks in tomorrow, so that's about right, yes? However - the fifth plant, the one I had to tie down - she has an almost 50/50 mix of cloudy/amber trichs! WTF? What's up with that? How can one be done, at only six weeks?! I checked high and low for signs of a bananna, in case she was pollinated - don't see anything! Have yet to find a seed, either! Ideas? Just chop her and leave the rest to finish? Never had this happen before!


Well-Known Member
great luck seems like she has really favorable genes...outgrows anything in your garden and shes an early girl...nice...hope u cloned her it would b a waste to lose those traits


Well-Known Member
So you think it's just a genetic anomaly? Chop her down? I think one of the four LS clones flowering is from her, based on the height - can't say for sure, though. Be interesting to see if it does the same thing! Maybe a hermie in there that I'm just not seeing? But then why only one of the four? Ugh! I'm a much happier person when things go according to plan! lol


Well-Known Member
great luck seems like she has really favorable genes...outgrows anything in your garden and shes an early girl...nice...hope u cloned her it would b a waste to lose those traits

like sol says dont wast those traits clone her heck take several and see if the finish fast is so there you go . i think thats some thing i woild love to pass on the sour cream lol that one is like pouring molass. in the winter lol .