DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log


Well-Known Member
I'm lovin the lady bugs!! :clap: Have you ever had a problem with pests since you got them?
Nope, not a bug one! (Aside from the ladies, hehe) Mythbuster right here - no matter what, they will not eat your ganja plants!
Bloody hell DoeEyed your a proper farmer, you must have some habit to need that many plants lol. I thought my oz a month was bad but thats just ridiculous lol.

I'm glad your feeling better, sux being unwell.

How big is your grow space? That many plants would take up my whole garage.
Well I have two grow areas. my veg area is 8x7, and I can fit 27 vegging plants in different stages, plus my cloner in there. Flower room is 17x17. Both rooms have 8ft ceilings. In the flower room, there will be 36 ladies at a time, along with my trimming station, and water/nute station.
i wouldnt worry too much about an occasional 81degree day...lord knows i have plenty of tthose
Good to hear!
Yeah but she said it's only 60F outside.. this is gonna be a problem, because when it's 70 it'll be close to 90 in there.. a 80 or 90 degree summer day will shut her down, if she doesn't get something worked out.
Nah - not an issue. When it gets warmer, I'll turn the big A/C on. Keeps the house cool enough for temps in the low 70's in the grow rooms.

Welcome to the newcomers, happy to have ya! Never too late to pull up a chair!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow that is some grow you got there DoeEyed i'm impressed. If you don't mind me asking how much weed do you get from having such a large grow, that looks like a professional growers amount there. You supplying a shop in amsterdam lol.

I must admit i'm very envious, I wish I had the space do something on this scale and the balls lol if I got busted with that I reckon i'd be screwed. My bedroom is actually smaller than your flowering room I think lol.


Well-Known Member
Man I wish I could go to Amsterdam! I would love to be there just once, for the Cannibus Cup!
Well DoeEyed if you ever decide to go give me a shout and i'll pop over for a visit and show you my favourite coffee shops.

I'm very lucky in that it only costs about £40 which is about $80 for a return flight from Glasgow to Amsterdam. Just to make you jealous I went 6 times last year :P


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that would be a lot of fun - who would want to go home again? lol BU5T4, I am sooooo jealous - I've never even gotten to travel outside the US, much less went to someplace as awesome as Amsterdam!

Got a new camera today, a Sony Cyber-Shot. Gonna take me a minute to figure this thing out - got more features than my old camera did. It shoots 12.1mp, and I can't seem to get the pics to look good on the computer screen - go figure! lol It's got a smile shutter - it actually takes pics when it "sees" a person smiling! Now - if it starts doing that in my grow rooms, then it means some Little Shop of Horrors shit is going down, and I'm screwed. lol


Well-Known Member
Damn Doe things look good. I am jealous of your space, everything is so neat and clean and spaced out. I had everything jammed into an 8X10 bedroom. which is feeling a lot more open now that the veg tent is gone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks wonder! It'll be a bit tighter once the room is full - but I try to make use of all the space.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that would be a lot of fun - who would want to go home again? lol BU5T4, I am sooooo jealous - I've never even gotten to travel outside the US, much less went to someplace as awesome as Amsterdam!

Got a new camera today, a Sony Cyber-Shot. Gonna take me a minute to figure this thing out - got more features than my old camera did. It shoots 12.1mp, and I can't seem to get the pics to look good on the computer screen - go figure! lol It's got a smile shutter - it actually takes pics when it "sees" a person smiling! Now - if it starts doing that in my grow rooms, then it means some Little Shop of Horrors shit is going down, and I'm screwed. lol
well after we spent a couple days strain hunting i think we would all be going crazy to get home and pop some of these beautys into our setups...ok maybe after a couple weeks...or maybe just a couple months..or fuck it im moving to


Well-Known Member
well after we spent a couple days strain hunting i think we would all be going crazy to get home and pop some of these beautys into our setups...ok maybe after a couple weeks...or maybe just a couple months..or fuck it im moving to
lmao...Yep, that's just what I mean...:mrgreen:


Active Member
Your clones are still lookin OK Doe. How many days have they been in the cloner now? That 81 degrees is verging on a problem for the clones I'd say. Hope you can get it down a bit. If you look REAL close at the stems of the cuttings, do you see any bumps forming? It is very subtle at first.


Well-Known Member
Shes a smart girl, She will figure it out.

Great shots Doe, just stoppin by for my fix. I got nothng going on and your pics are like I am right there.
Dam, how far are they in flower now? I still see the waxy shine in the leaf.
Very nice.


Well-Known Member
Your clones are still lookin OK Doe. How many days have they been in the cloner now? That 81 degrees is verging on a problem for the clones I'd say. Hope you can get it down a bit. If you look REAL close at the stems of the cuttings, do you see any bumps forming? It is very subtle at first.
Well as of that last set of pics, they were only at four days. Today would be eight days, but I must admit, I haven't really looked since then. Temps are better - I've been switching out a frozen 2 liter of water twice a day, and it's keeping the temp at 75F. Best I can do, until I can buy a timer. I'll definately take a peek at the root zone before the next update, though.
Shes a smart girl, She will figure it out.

Great shots Doe, just stoppin by for my fix. I got nothng going on and your pics are like I am right there.
Dam, how far are they in flower now? I still see the waxy shine in the leaf.
Very nice.
Thanks for the vote of confidance!:hug:On picture day, they were 4.5 weeks into flower. They just hit five weeks yesterday - suppose tonight or tomorrow I'll have to post more pics of them eh?


Well-Known Member
Get that new camera going and let us see some new pics DoeEyed :)

Before I met my Mrs I was tempted to move to the Dam as i'm an IT geek so could probably find a job quite easily but my concern was keeping the job as when I visit the dam I spend every minute in a coffee shop. I actually very rarely leave The Greenhouse Effect coffee shop as they give you a 30% discount on weed and booze if you stay in there apartments and I always stay with them for that reason and the fact that there apartments rock check them out here just scroll down and click on the wee pics next to the room names.

I can't wait for November to come so I can get my but over for the cup, but i'm sure ill manage to get over a few times before then. Fingers crossed.