Does anyone else feel this way?

I don't want to put a downer on the thread so I'll just say this, gardening has saved my sanity on a level I cant even begin to put into words. Its therapeutic, healing, and can serve as a distraction when the pain from loss has brought a person to their knees.

Not a downer Tange...being human means we experience loss. It's just part of the you're not alone in your loss. And certainly not alone being a gardener. Good thoughts your way...
Up until about a couple of years ago, I was a pretty aggressive and pissed off person even when smoking. I've had lots of issues in my life and we all know that stuff adds up. but this isn't about my emotions or anything, what this topic is about is growing therapy... I find my self in a completely different headspace when im in the grow room. I can have the absolute shittiest day hear the worst news and when im in the grow room or tent it all goes away and my attention is 100% undivided. Does anyone else find solace and refuge in their grow space? or am I just weirder than everyone here? haha

Nope, normal thats why i sleep with my plants. Right at end of my bed
What's just as rewarding, fulfilling, and therapeutic as growing cannabis is giving what you've grown away to good friends. Growing a nice mother plant, making clones, and setting someone up with plants or making seeds and giving those away is another one of the reasons I grow. Going over to a friends house and seeing what you shared growing and the look on their face as they brag about their six foot plants is just awesome.
The act of giving is something that I've just gotten better at over the last decade. I don't know why I didn't master it years ago.
Up until about a couple of years ago, I was a pretty aggressive and pissed off person even when smoking. I've had lots of issues in my life and we all know that stuff adds up. but this isn't about my emotions or anything, what this topic is about is growing therapy... I find my self in a completely different headspace when im in the grow room. I can have the absolute shittiest day hear the worst news and when im in the grow room or tent it all goes away and my attention is 100% undivided. Does anyone else find solace and refuge in their grow space? or am I just weirder than everyone here? haha
exactly. for me, its just as much about the grow as it is the final product.
It hurts me to chop them down at the end lol.
Aside from the aspect of nurturing something over time you do actually get pretty high from gardening. The lights are degrading and releasing THC esters into the air and you breathe it in while gardening. Any time you smell weed in the air you get a mild high from the particles going into your nose that cause the smell.
Is that scientifically proven? If so i'd love to bottle that up! :)
I started growing to get the medicine, but I agree it is very therapeutic. When i'm having problems with my PTSD, I find myself going to my "garden" and it helps tremendously. I don't really sleep, so I spend many nights at my flower tent. It is great because 4-5 hours can go by and it will seem like maybe 1 or 2. I used to stay up at night drinking and smoking cigarettes, but I quit both of those so the gardening, especially the gardening while taking my medicine, is the best thing I've had happen treatment wise in over a decade
I started growing to get the medicine, but I agree it is very therapeutic. When i'm having problems with my PTSD, I find myself going to my "garden" and it helps tremendously. I don't really sleep, so I spend many nights at my flower tent. It is great because 4-5 hours can go by and it will seem like maybe 1 or 2. I used to stay up at night drinking and smoking cigarettes, but I quit both of those so the gardening, especially the gardening while taking my medicine, is the best thing I've had happen treatment wise in over a decade
That's pretty damn inspiring! I've had similar issues myself and im finding gardening helps me push those thoughts right out of my head.