Does anyone here not do drugs?


Well-Known Member
LSD is actualy more addictive than cannabis... strange... I know... but thats what the people who pretend to know shit say.

Allthough I'm a chronic volume cannabis user, I do dabble in natural entheogens, and I feel lumping them all into one group is realy denying yourself experiences your body seems to be made to have, at least occasionaly.

I know for me, acid was realy extremely influential in who and what I became, that being said, I haven't had any in years.... there are just so many plants out there and life is so short, probably too short to aquire all and try them all. I also know that acid seemed to trigger my ability for better social interaction, provided a massive sense of self esteem and self worth, yet a natural humbleness... or at least a striveing towards it. At the same time it also helped me become more forcefull in expressing my disfavour with unjust and unpleasing things, rather than internalising.

I have also seen it have realy bad effects on people, normally through their own doing. One friend took 14 caps in one weekend (thats what we used to call blotters),he went off the rails for 3 years...

I always suggest people do not even try substances with a high likelyhood of causing dependance, once.

Other substances like mescaline, DMT, LSD, MDMA, and Magic mushrooms should be part of one's life ritual, something that occurs with some regularity


New Member
I've done both, but way more shrooms than LSD, just because shrooms are readily available to me, and at no cost, and no "other person" transaction. Just me and the cows.

In a way, LSD and shrooms is like Organic vs Chemical Fertilizer. They work along the same lines but the process is different.

But if you know what ur doing, shrooms are better, if only because unless you know how to make LSD urself correctly, UR depending on someone you don't know to be competent. Like roadside food, it might be fine, but only one bad one will give you an experience you won't soon forget.


Well-Known Member
i recently fumbled with some white and came out with some money so i pretty much stopped doing drugs just drinking, and eating, man iv had the best food, we need a sushi growing forum
sushi growing? dont u mean making.. unless theirs something im missing about sushi that i do not know haha :shock:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
wait.... theres pharmaceutical LSD still???? :?
Did you see the Natural Geographic doc on LSD? There is one lab at some university that has DEA approval to produce cid. My mouth was watering the whole time.

On topic: I smoke a fair amount of Cannabis. Opiates are ok. Uppers don't really appeal to me though I've never tried them. Psychedelics are very appealing to me. My goal is to become more experienced with a variety of different psychedelics.


Well-Known Member
In Europe there are a couple of labs that do testing with LSD, all of which have found significant evidence which show that it can actually be used in medical situations. If only I had access to the labs...I would make some amazing LSD.


Do any of u guys know anything about DMT? If not, look it up. Its fuckin crazy.
wait.... theres pharmaceutical LSD still???? :?
As Floyd said the creator of MDAI, 2C-TFM, Several LSD analogs, has had for the majority of his life, a license to produce LSD, he has kept this license because after they shut down Alexander Shulgin, he discontinued In Vivo human tests with LSD. This really doesn't rightly matter because he has created hundreds of LSD analogs which some believe it or not are more potent and have better psychedelic action. But of course his number one goal as the chemist that he is is to benefit mankind currently thru a non-psychedelic analog that still produces the Vasoconstriction that aids in the treatment of what is scientifically known as, the worst pain possible in the human body, that is, Cluster Headaches.

I hope this is all coherent because I kinda just went off rambling I suppose. :-D


As Floyd said the creator of MDAI, 2C-TFM, Several LSD analogs, has had for the majority of his life, a license to produce LSD, he has kept this license because after they shut down Alexander Shulgin, he discontinued In Vivo human tests with LSD. This really doesn't rightly matter because he has created hundreds of LSD analogs which some believe it or not are more potent and have better psychedelic action. But of course his number one goal as the chemist that he is is to benefit mankind currently thru a non-psychedelic analog that still produces the Vasoconstriction that aids in the treatment of what is scientifically known as, the worst pain possible in the human body, that is, Cluster Headaches.

I hope this is all coherent because I kinda just went off rambling I suppose. :-D
Oh yah. His Name Is David E. Nichols. :mrgreen:

understood almost completely, and will respond after the movie .... or at least look into that name a little bit more... shulgin is very familiar Nichols is new.... thank you


Well-Known Member
I don't give enough rep.
I'm trying to make a point to rep people whenever they make an informative post.
i usually sign,
must have forgot.