Does anyone here not do drugs?

LSD originated from Ergot so that statement is in a way true. But if you watch the documentary, don't listen to a word the narrator or anybody from National Geographic says. They were continually incorrect. Just listen to the scientists.


New Member
IT is worse for US parents.

As Floyd said the creator of MDAI, 2C-TFM, Several LSD analogs, has had for the majority of his life, a license to produce LSD, he has kept this license because after they shut down Alexander Shulgin, he discontinued In Vivo human tests with LSD. This really doesn't rightly matter because he has created hundreds of LSD analogs which some believe it or not are more potent and have better psychedelic action. But of course his number one goal as the chemist that he is is to benefit mankind currently thru a non-psychedelic analog that still produces the Vasoconstriction that aids in the treatment of what is scientifically known as, the worst pain possible in the human body, that is, Cluster Headaches.

I hope this is all coherent because I kinda just went off rambling I suppose. :-D


Well-Known Member
RE your question, LSD is made up out of 3 parts, one of which is based on ergotamine...
Good for you. She is a astronomical rarity in this world. It's for the VAST majority a male ailment. Give her some shrooms when she gets it. LSA is cheaper and more available, clears it right up.


New Member
Why thank you, Mr. Brevity, you nasty little shit.
This I believe, is a most rare and humane statement for you to make in my direction, and I thank you Most Kindly.
Alas, she shall live long ago and far away says the divorce decree.

Good for you. She is a astronomical rarity in this world. It's for the VAST majority a male ailment. Give her some shrooms when she gets it. LSA is cheaper and more available, clears it right up.