does anyone see that mexican brick weed by bulk anymore????


Well-Known Member
Can get that garbage all day long around here for 140 a qp and lb for 500. It has been a many a moon since I have had to take a hit of that, I honestly do not want too, I am sooo spoiled now, no going back.




Mr I Can Do That For Half
I see truckloads of it still. Depending how far up the chain you are deliverd its like $250 to 700 each but if you go by the borders and get it it still goes for like $50 to $75 an lb if you grab 50 to 100 of them minimal but yeah also see tons of busts weekly showing this same bricked tapped up bundles usually few thousand pounds a week show up in the news round me.


Well-Known Member
with cannabis being legal in lot of us states. putting a severe hurt on the Mexican weed. they cartels are realize its not worth there time peddling cannabis. so lot of them moved onto crack rock. meth so on. Mexican cannabis is not great quality. market is flooded in cali with super high grade, not to piss any body off in this business, just saying what I heard . no offence intended by any means.


you're talking about moving shit.. Go move real stuff, don't fuck around with weed and get locked up.. Basically as dumb as this sounds, go big or go home. Find someone who needs guns, meth, or coke, and good luck not getting killed in the process lol.
I know of way to many people that do this. So far from my experience, guns make you the most money for transporting and all you do is get the money, take there car, and buy guns, and drop off the car to a location. One of my boys got paid 50 racks for

You're looking for easy money with little consiquence but that's not how the game works. You get busted with 20lbs of tree, you're gone for a goooooood amount of time. It's almost just worth taking the chance and stepping it up to something WORTH the risk. Which imo, nothing is which is why I grow my own tree and I don't drive a gt500 (50 gz lol).

mexiswag @ 400 lb here and some mid for 1k fire for 2200. cartels have everything besides top shelf, they have someone come to cali and take that over to mexico.


Well-Known Member
I'm in florida now but when I use to live in Ohio I use to frequently come across large quantities of this mexican brick weed. I never really smoked it but I do remember a few times when the shit was actually decent at times. I could buy 10 pounds of it for approx $6000. I use to associate with guys that moved weight fast so if they were dry Id pick up 10 pounds and drop it off and make 2-3 grand. well that was 10 years ago and life is different now but I did come across a guy that moves this mexican reggie fast and I was asking older friends about this to acquire some to make a few bucks because I lost my job. most said they don't come across it that often in weight. a few said they might be able to find a pound but laughed at the thought of 10 pounds. They said good luck finding 10 pounds of anything! I just remember the days where i could go buy anywhere from a pound to 80 pounds of this shit. maybe because I've been out the game my connects aren't as good and I'm just getting old lol ( early 30's here)
But here's my theory. with states starting to legalize it and states like california growing great quality stuff, is there just a smaller market for the commercial weed?
is it because more Americans are growing their own legal or not? are the borders better protected? lol or is it just my lame ass?
just want feedback on this most everyone on here are great ppl with advice they truly believe to be correct a few asses here and there but this is a great sight.
I know ppl are going to have negative shit to say about me buying and selling yadayada but it's my life my choices and me facing the consequences like a man so please keep the negative shit to yourself and just tell me what you think or know and if you so happen come to florida with weight at a good price find me Thanks smokers!

OK im from Kansas so i all i grew up on was brick weed and im pretty damn sure it was straight from mexico, i remember a specific batch that come into our area one time smelled severely of GAS, as in gasoline and all anyone could get for a couple weeks was this gas weed, i remember seeing and smoking beautiful weed about three or four times in kansas..on a side note ive been back recently and there alot of midgrade looking buds everyone is claiming is coming from cali, my thought is why go to cali when colorado is right there?? i bet they are really just getting colorados bumper crop and the middleman just claims he went to forward ive lived in central California for almost 8 years now and have only seen brick weed 1 time!! it was my friends neighbor everytime we would smoke him out he would be like DAAAAAAMN that weed is strong!!! to strong!! we just thought he was being nice but one night he invites us in and hands me and another guy some swishers and his weed to roll and i was astounded to see the brick weed from my childhood!! me and my friend had a good laugh but he said he preferred the shwag weed and said he actually had a hard time getting it


I know im prolly going to catch some shit for this but when I am buying weed I preffer to buy the brick weed.

reggie goes for $75 an ounce

kind bud goes for $60 an eighth

I can get high all month for 75 dollars or I can get high three times for 60 dollars. Can someone tell me what makes it worth more money? I dont feel any higher after smoking a bowl of kind bud then when I smoke a bowl of reggie in fact the only thing that is superior about kind bud is flavor and bag appeal.

Dirty Jerz

Well-Known Member
Russell is trolling ?
No one on these forms should need to be explained how headies are better then brick.

Brick don't get anyone high.

No one who smokes regularly.

If your head stash isn't getting you higher then brick someone is shaking your shit.


Russell is trolling ?
No one on these forms should need to be explained how headies are better then brick.

Brick don't get anyone high.

No one who smokes regularly.

If your head stash isn't getting you higher then brick someone is shaking your shit.
No im not lol

brick gets a lot of people high dont know where you'r from but in my area its pretty much all anyone smokes.

I am a daily smoker and reggie gets me just as high

That was a rhetorical question like I said the only thing better about it is bag appeal and flavor. Lets do some math

Average thc content of headies after being handled, shipped, bagged,exposed to light is probally about 10%

I dont have the average thc content of brick weed but it honestly cant be less then 5%

So you go and buy 1/8th of headies for 60 dollars at 10% thc with 3.5 grams in your bag you have 350 milligrams of thc

An ounce of reggie goes for about 75 dollars at 5% thc with 28 grams in your bag you have 1400 milligrams of thc

so for 15 dollars more you are getting 1050 more milligrams of thc... Tell me how is headies better?

even if brick weed only has 3% thc you're still getting 490 more milligrams of thc.


Active Member
Russell is trolling ?
No one on these forms should need to be explained how headies are better then brick.

Brick don't get anyone high.

No one who smokes regularly.

If your head stash isn't getting you higher then brick someone is shaking your shit.
Actually this is sort of false. Studies have been done on some of the REAL Mexican brick and it had some of the highest concentrations of THC and other goodies. the real Mexican brick was always strong.


Active Member
Wouldn't mind a drive down to Texas. Let me know when and where. Maybe we can find the elusive bricks. Iraq, Texas, Mexico - its all the same. Victory through fire superiority. The other thing. No matter how you live, you won't live forever. If cancer or heart disease don't kill you, a drunk driver will. Is that the way to die? Go out blazing.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness no. People who deal in dirt should be buried in it.

A couple months ago, a friend from out of state brought some "weed" to smoke, if you can call it that. :cuss:. It was the old brick, mexican shit weed. I asked her if I could have it, and she was more than happy with giving it away. The only reason that IO wanted it, was to be kept as a souvenier for what BS we had to put up with back in the day. The weed was so bad, I'm not sure DNA test could prove that it was once pot. It's a wonder fire sticks to it. People went to jail for this crap, they lost their kids for it, they lost homes freedom, rights, jobs, freinds and family over it, shit some people died for this shit weed that can't get you high. Then the dealers....OMG.........

I'[m glad I don't see that shit anymore, they can keep in in Mexico where it belongs.


Well-Known Member
I'm in NorCal. The last time I saw brick was about 8yrs ago, it was going for between $300 to $400lb. I recently asked a few "connected" people I know about bricks and they said its out there but it's harder to find than it used to be and prices range from $100 to $600lb. All depends on who you know. I've been told that's there is still a whole lot of bricks available but it's just not moving. There's not much of a market for it nowadays. I remember in the Bay Area when the despensaries first opened, some of them were selling brick for $1gm. I still don't mind smoking a little brick now and then (when it's in my face), its a different high.


Well-Known Member
Very true.. nobody's buying the brick so mex cartels have largely stopped bricking. Its easiest to find off Florida and tx, most brick nowadays is coming from columbia and its much heavier sativas , more stringy and mangoey. The mex cartels are hybridizing with "breeder/Dutch" genetics. More indica and dense.. great to grow out again but doesn't handle the environment and lack of nutes like the landraces were used too makes for lackluster bud..but because its not bricked its sold as "mids" for a higher price.

I love growing out good columbian brick that wasn't machine pressed, its easiest way to tell if it was cartel grown..non machine pressed with uncrushed seeds that is properly cured gives a wonderful high and most likely uses that specific families strain, over the "zombie weed" hybridized mex is turning into especially after it degrades....once you find a good connect and can get a hold of true sativas that were bricked and cured properly, it can hang with any outdoor and will yield some of the frostiest Sativas you will ever see

Dirty Jerz

Well-Known Member
last i time i smoked brick was about 7-8yrs ago for a friends birthday, we got a entire O for 60$ the shit skipped the high/stoned phase and i went straight to tired as hell, felt like a bad hangover.


Well-Known Member
I think they call that high asphyxiation.
You, obviously have gotten your brick from the wrong people. I've smoked brick that would knock your socks off. It's usually a different type of high, like I said. If you haven't experienced the extremely wide scope of different highs you get from different varieties I can understand why you might make such an uninformed statement as you did. Some of the old Thai Sticks would leave you literally speechless. And yes, ive seen ThaiSticks in bricks.Even some of the old Colombians were extremely potent- tasted just like hash. You sound like you have little experience with all the varieties of cannabis that have been around for years and years.


Active Member
A lot of these new guys are used to the indica type high, and haven't really experienced a full blown 100% land race sativa type high. Which is what a lot of the GOOD old mexican bud was made up off. Hard to find it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Around here there is bricked dark stringy crushed seed shit dubbed Reggie and it would take me about 2-3 bowls to get high. Then there is mids aka K which is a little more expensive few seeds and the buds atleast look like buds though they are smashed a little due to heavy weight in the big bags they are shipped in. Then we got the "kush" which is generic for drop, kush, haze, and about anything else up to medical par.

1/4 LB of Reggie - $200-250
1/4 LB of Mid or K - $300-400
1/4 LB of Kush - $500-800


Well-Known Member
I haven' seen any of that since 1972 when I bought two pounds for 300.00, Selling an oz for 15.00 left me with20z of free smoke. Weed not as good as what I grow myself though.