does anyone see that mexican brick weed by bulk anymore????

banks dank

Active Member
If you qwiso a lb of mexi you wont get shit so thats proof in the pudding it sucks. Lb of mexi vs oz chronic more hash will be acquired with the sensimilla herb...

Think about it thats why there's no mexi hash

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Well-Known Member
Not true at all

That's how I first started making hash..pick up a micron syringe, really helps out brick

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I haven' seen any of that since 1972 when I bought two pounds for 300.00, Selling an oz for 15.00 left me with20z of free smoke. Weed not as good as what I grow myself though.
seems to me your math isn't adding would have needed to sell 20 ounces at $15 to recover your $300...leaving you with 12 free ounces.... minus all the seeds and stock


Well-Known Member
seems to me your math isn't adding would have needed to sell 20 ounces at $15 to recover your $300...leaving you with 12 free ounces.... minus all the seeds and stock
16zips in a lb
2lb = 32 zips

So after he recouped his 2 pound ($600) investment, he had 2 ounces left.


Well-Known Member
The good ol brck weed. I think thats what everyonr started out on. Its still around were I live I have not touched it in yeaes but I no its still around. I have good friends that are in the game and push whatever they can make a dollar on. I am sure about prices bit I know I my friends that sell that shit get 25 a gtr and thry say its mid grade... what the hell is mid grade. They say it got less seeds beter smoke.haha but tslking about garbage


Well-Known Member
you might want to re-read his post......he did said he bought both pounds for $300, not sure how you figure $600
I think you may want to re-read his post broham.. He said he got "two pounds for 300." You are assuming he meant 300 for 2 and not 300 per. I did the math at 300 per and it made sense, while you did the math at 300 for both and are still scratching your ass wondering why you can't get the numbers to add up.

Seriously you need to let go of your ego some my dude.. Are you the damn "seems your math isn't adding up" or "you might want to re-read his post" police? LOL I thought potheads were supposed to be chill, but you making us seem like a bunch of uptight aholes. As it is, we are both making assumptions and could both be wrong so how bout we smoke an L and chill.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I think you may want to re-read his post broham.. He said he got "two pounds for 300." You are assuming he meant 300 for 2 and not 300 per. I did the math at 300 per and it made sense, while you did the math at 300 for both and are still scratching your ass wondering why you can't get the numbers to add up.

Seriously you need to let go of your ego some my dude.. Are you the damn "seems your math isn't adding up" or "you might want to re-read his post" police? LOL I thought potheads were supposed to be chill, but you making us seem like a bunch of uptight aholes. As it is, we are both making assumptions and could both be wrong so how bout we smoke an L and chill.
you do a rather good job of being an uptight asshole without my help.....I see your anger management issues are on the rise again....time to start taking your meds again


Well-Known Member
I know im prolly going to catch some shit for this but when I am buying weed I preffer to buy the brick weed.

reggie goes for $75 an ounce

kind bud goes for $60 an eighth

I can get high all month for 75 dollars or I can get high three times for 60 dollars. Can someone tell me what makes it worth more money? I dont feel any higher after smoking a bowl of kind bud then when I smoke a bowl of reggie in fact the only thing that is superior about kind bud is flavor and bag appeal.
just know I used to push that shit across the texas border and that shit is fuckin deadly...I smoked it for a few years before I knew what real weed was but just know around 75 to 80% has some type of mold on it, they DO NOT give a damn about spidermites even grasshoppers, eggs, etc getting all in it they cut it like you would hay most of the time hay is in it to block smell and push it towards the border and around 50-60% rides in the gas tank wrapped up if its wrapped right and the other 40% rides in the hot spare tire or in the actual tires themselves on the might get lucky an get some that rode in the door panels lmao, but all in all its a damn health hazard not that people don't buy that shit like crazy lol.


Well-Known Member
No im not lol

brick gets a lot of people high dont know where you'r from but in my area its pretty much all anyone smokes.

I am a daily smoker and reggie gets me just as high

That was a rhetorical question like I said the only thing better about it is bag appeal and flavor. Lets do some math

Average thc content of headies after being handled, shipped, bagged,exposed to light is probally about 10%

I dont have the average thc content of brick weed but it honestly cant be less then 5%

So you go and buy 1/8th of headies for 60 dollars at 10% thc with 3.5 grams in your bag you have 350 milligrams of thc

An ounce of reggie goes for about 75 dollars at 5% thc with 28 grams in your bag you have 1400 milligrams of thc

so for 15 dollars more you are getting 1050 more milligrams of thc... Tell me how is headies better?

even if brick weed only has 3% thc you're still getting 490 more milligrams of thc.
id love to watch this guy do like 3 dabs lmao no offense at all just would be funny