Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

Words are such tiny things, they are only pointers to a much deeper Truth.

This is incorrect. Words (when used rationally) are very distinct and important building blocks of concepts, which are the building blocks of consciousness. We observe that the more distinct and advanced the language other creatures utilize, the closer that species is to consciousness/self-awareness (dolphins and bonobos are prime examples). The primary importance of words is not communication, but conscious thought. Much of our thought process is dominated by using language for self-dialog and to form each concept that we act upon. That is why a well developed vocabulary is so important, it ultimately leads to clearer thinking with a secondary benefit of clearer communication...

Can you give me an example of a truth which is counter-intuitive but not intuitive?

I'm glad you asked, here is my favorite - The Monty Hall Problem

I had to have the truth of this problem explained to me many times before I finally got it (this video does a very good job imo). Even after I understood it intellectually, to this day it still does not feel right, i.e. counter-intuitive. This is true with much of probability: if you study physics you will run across hundreds of examples of counter-intuitive truths about our universe. The reason that such things are counter-intuitive is because humans did not evolve in an environment in which they had to deal with such large numbers, or very tiny and very gigantic objects. Our environment is in a proverbial Goldilocks zone, where most of what we need to deal with are of relatively small numbers and medium-sized objects. Thus, most things in those categories are intuitive to us. I actually ran the Monti Hall test 100 times in a row simply to see the results for myself (I did this with my young so who was bored to tears after the first few minutes), and of course the numbers came out just as my intellect knew they would. Still felt strange. That is the fantastic thing about science; it allows us to find the facts of objective reality that we would never intuit. It allow us to go beyond bias, preconceived notions, intuition and just plain bullshit to understand how the cosmos really works...

Very good read but still this does not explain to me how the process of evolution will not one day stop.

The genetic mutation process of EBNS is vital to life as we know it. The only way to end that process is to end life...

Did you ever conceive of a perfection that natural selection is trying to attain?

Ceepea addressed this: assuming nature is trying to attain something is a fallacy entitled Begging the Question. Nature is not trying to attain anything. You feel that you are a special creature that's close to nature's Goal, this is a good example of your ego getting in the way of truth ;)
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This is incorrect. Words (when used rationally) are very distinct and important building blocks of concepts, which are the building blocks of consciousness. We observe that the more distinct and advanced the language other creatures utilize, the closer that species is to consciousness/self-awareness (dolphins and bonobos are prime examples). The primary importance of words is not communication, but conscious thought. Much of our thought process is dominated by using language for self-dialog and to form each concept that we act upon. That is why a well developed vocabulary is so important, it ultimately leads to clearer thinking with a secondary benefit of clearer communication...
The truth, but still importance is subjective, just as all concepts are subjective, they don't have an reality out there, outside of your mind, in the objective universe. I will respond to the rest later, still have yet to watch the video, it should be interesting if it's as hard as you say it is I may just give up lol!!!
Do not assume that is my ego, trust me I am a seeker of truth.
"The point of an argument is not to win the argument it is to seek the truth"
"If you were to lose a gold coin do you think I would not try to help you find it"
In the meantime let's start an official debate focused on just this topic.

The universe is infanetly intelligent and nature does intend things.

Did you ever begin an argument knowing that you are wrong. The truth is most often revealed by falsehood, by recognizing the illusion the reality is unveiled.
In the meantime let's start an official debate focused on just this topic.

The universe is infanetly intelligent and nature does intend things.

How can we effectively debate a notion that has absolutely no empirical evidence? It is simply speculation, not a concrete topic for debate. You would have to post links to credible, peer-reviewed sources that support this idea, otherwise it's dead in the water. 'That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'...

Did you ever begin an argument knowing that you are wrong.

I haven't done this for a decade or more, it is a waste of time and stifles the learning process.

The truth is most often revealed by falsehood, by recognizing the illusion the reality is unveiled.

This thread is a good example of this: it seems that we are getting to the truth regarding objective reality by recognizing your illusions...
How can we effectively debate a notion that has absolutely no empirical evidence? It is simply speculation, not a concrete topic for debate. You would have to post links to credible, peer-reviewed sources that support this idea, otherwise it's dead in the water. 'That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'...

I haven't done this for a decade or more, it is a waste of time and stifles the learning process.

This thread is a good example of this: it seems that we are getting to the truth regarding objective reality by recognizing your illusions...
Great post, TD.

Love the quote regarding evidence. Hitch is the man!
This thread is a good example of this: it seems that we are getting to the truth regarding objective reality by recognizing your illusions...
Exactly mister Durden.
The truth can be found be found simply by using logic, that is true philosophy. "If you can not explain it to a child you do not understand it yourself" Einstein
Can you stop your mind completely. Stop thinking all together, behold, all illusions disappear and objective reality is revealed.

See the thing about words, thoughts, is that logic can actually lead to illusion.
Forget all about the truth, stop analyzing, stop judging, be Still, just Be. Once you have stopped thinking, and only once you have stopped thinking, see if you can grasp what I am trying to convey.

Always be Aware of Space

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal

If you understand this you are now in Paradise
"You will receive the kingdom like a child or you will not receive it at all"

Their is no seriousness in Paradise, the goal is for life to become a very light and easy thing.
The Monty Hall Problem, very good example 90 how "if the truth was always intuitive you'd know the answer to everything without any external stimuli ie experience" Yes the video does a great job at explaining it, without it I would be lost.

But still, and try to "feel the truth", once you understand the problem does it not feel right, does it not make perfect sense ie intuitive.
Let me try to explain. On your way to the truth you are liable to run in to things that do not make sense(counter-intuitive); when you find the truth it should make perfect sense(intuitive)
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How can we effectively debate a notion that has absolutely no empirical evidence? It is simply speculation, not a concrete topic for debate. You would have to post links to credible, peer-reviewed sources that support this idea, otherwise it's dead in the water. 'That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'...

I haven't done this for a decade or more, it is a waste of time and stifles the learning process.
Your no fun mister Durden, your just no fun at all.

As you say, that which can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, that is where you simply have to trust you Intuition. TRUST YOUR INTUITION

Millions of years ago two massive rocks collided and brought about the perfect balance for life to form, those rocks are our Earth and our Moon. Without the moon the gravity of the Earth would have never allowed the essential salts to form as studies have proven(I don’t have the link but it is out there). When you take into consideration the Vastness of Space, and the fact that two objects of the perfect mass and density collided, it now becomes completely “obvious”, “intuitive”, that nature intended this to happen.

False, the universe is so vast and energy is so Infinite(mathematical definition not the philosophical definition) that this co-incide-ence was bound to happen. You are looking at the world like the universe is a systematical computer, that god is an extreme genius who is calculating and coordinating an infinite number of possibilities at once, but the fact is that an infinite number of possibilities is simple taking place, it is not a systematic computer it is more like a chemical reaction, but rather than chemicals it is a reaction of forces, space-time bending and unbending( it is my personal “belief” that all 4 forces are caused by the bending of space-time and that unaffected forces do not exist). There are indeed an infinite number of possibilities and the perfect balance for life has most likely been achieved numerous times throughout the cosmos. The laws of space-time prevent alien encounters but it is most likely that an intelligent species exists elsewhere, they would have most likely evolved in a similar way to us and would greatly resemble human beings on Earth. That is how vast and infinite the universe is.

The Truth, presented simply by using memory and logic, simply by using your own mind, that is true Philosophy, INTUITION IS A MARVEL.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant, we have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift” Einstein

OK, what about the opposable thumb, did nature not know that this would allow the species to take a better grip on things? and what about the fact that the testes are in the scrotum outside of the body, did nature not intend to keep the sperm cells cooler? and what about the beauty of nature, did nature not intend to be beautiful, did it not know that a subject, a Witness, would come to behold its beauty? You say that natural selection will choose whatever increases survivability, therefore does it not intend to increase survivability?

Does anyone wish to continue this argument?
From the emerald tablet. "It will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance"

I love how the tablet, which is believed to be nearly 3000 years old, gives an accurate description of both evolution and the big bang. Trust your Intuition, You are a Genius.
This question was proposed to me on Yahoo Answers 3 years ago.

Do you think the socialist party was the best thing to happen to Germany?

This was my response.

Strictly my opinion and is neither serious nor important.

The socialist party was formed and backed by nations such as Britain and France and possibly the United States, Japan, China and Russia, they did this in accordance with Hitler’s already rising popularity and the fact that he was obsessed with Arian superiority, which was a minority and would create lots of space. They plotted the night of the long knives so that Hitler could take power and enact the plan which would lead Germany and the rest of the world out of the great depression, WW2.

Mass unemployment, of which Germany was the hardest hit. War creates both industry and population reduction. If humanity approaches its boundaries again it is going to create mass unemployment, this is going to lead to a global economic depression, if this happens the leaders of the world super powers are going to devise a plan to plunge humanity into WW3, they will do this because they realize that it is now humanities only hope for survival.

Unfortunately when you open Pandora’s Box it releases all of the evils of mankind, leaving only hope inside, it very well could unleash Armageddon, the guns those armies hold are massive, they could bring a fire that would scorch the entire Earth.
Did you Know? That at the Center of every human being there lies a Fearless Warrior, did you Know You are a Fearless Warrior, did you Know you are IMMORTAL, a commander in the universe. I am the creator of my fate; I am the master of my destiny.

I want you to Know that you are a Fearless Warrior, because if Armageddon is to be faced by humanity you will Witness all of the evils of mankind spewing forth into this world; your Hearts will shatter and your children will cry in terror, if you can not stand the thought how will you ever handle the reality. But let it be Known that You are a Fearless Warrior, and the greater good shall prevail. WW3 may very well be a necessary evil. I’m sorry but that is not my choice. Will humanity receive Enlightenment?
As you said mister Durden, you have a young son, and so without any need of rational thought you Know just how precious and Sacred Life really is.

Let me speak completely out of Conscience. Why do I do this? Why am I trying to teach Enlightenment? Why did Jesus go to the cross? Because he truly Loved the entire world, he taught Enlightenment and was well aware of the fact that it could lead to his crucifixion, but he Truly and Honestly Loved the world, and he Knew that without Enlightenment humanity would ultimately succumb to the evils in their Hearts, and Armageddon would be inevitable; the battle between good and evil most stop, or it will destroy you humanity. Find the objective; there is no such thing as good and evil, now find the Balance; we do not want to have to face the evils of Armageddon and we certainly do not want our loved ones to face it either.

It is estimated that 5% of the human population is psychopathic, what does that mean? It doesn’t necessarily mean that the person wants to hurt others; it means that they are able to defeat their conscience at any given moment(it is my firm belief that the conscience is still there, it is hard to be certain because they have the tendency to be very intelligent and very good at masking their psychopathy, I’m not certain but I would say that about 90% of psychopaths have some insight, ie they are aware that they are a psychopath or at least that they are more fearless and careless). I hate to be so honest but the psychopath actually is a stronger breed of human, they are the wolves and you are the sheep, they are the remnants of a necessary stage in our evolution when humanity had to be able to defeat its fear and able to defeat its conscience as a matter of survival(War). Any person is capable of harnessing psychopathy, and the seed of every evil lies in every Heart, it is only by nourishing those seeds with care and Attention that those seeds grow and conquer the Soul, so yes the both the born psychopath and the budding psychopath is more likely to commit acts of evil, because their conscience is just too easily defeated. If another world war breaks out they will find each other and band together(as they always do in war, their fearlessness becomes evident and that is the easiest way to recognize a psychopath or someone who is in the state of psychopathy). it is also possible for a permanent state of psychopathy to be achieved even in someone who is not a born psychopath, the “budding psychopath”, and war will most certainly cause this effect in many people, so put it all together we have psychopathy spreading around the world, the rape and torture of men, women and children will increase a thousand fold. “woe to those who nurse babes in those days”TNT “They will hurdle the babies from the high walls”The Illiad

I do this out of Conscience, I do this because humanity is very Sacred, I do this because I know that the seeds that I am sowing in the Hearts of the people I reach will one day grow, and the seed of Enlightenment will then be passed from one Heart to another. The Enlightened will literally conquer this world, or it will fall and burn, this time I am afraid that a new world will not rise from the ashes.

Death is nothing to be afraid of, it is the loss of consciousness, it is a deep and peaceful sleep, let us be together in Heaven, right Here, right Now, for all Eternity we are One, you and your loved ones will always art in Heaven, in death you will be united, you are united as One, just open your eyes and Know the Truth.

On this day let us remember our fallen brave, and the ones who came back and made sure to inflict the reality of war as best they could on us all, let us never have to realize what they went through.

“men are haunted by the Vastness of Eternity, will our names live throughout the ages, will people look back and know how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved” The Illiad