Well-Known Member
Words are such tiny things, they are only pointers to a much deeper Truth.
This is incorrect. Words (when used rationally) are very distinct and important building blocks of concepts, which are the building blocks of consciousness. We observe that the more distinct and advanced the language other creatures utilize, the closer that species is to consciousness/self-awareness (dolphins and bonobos are prime examples). The primary importance of words is not communication, but conscious thought. Much of our thought process is dominated by using language for self-dialog and to form each concept that we act upon. That is why a well developed vocabulary is so important, it ultimately leads to clearer thinking with a secondary benefit of clearer communication...
Can you give me an example of a truth which is counter-intuitive but not intuitive?
I'm glad you asked, here is my favorite - The Monty Hall Problem
I had to have the truth of this problem explained to me many times before I finally got it (this video does a very good job imo). Even after I understood it intellectually, to this day it still does not feel right, i.e. counter-intuitive. This is true with much of probability: if you study physics you will run across hundreds of examples of counter-intuitive truths about our universe. The reason that such things are counter-intuitive is because humans did not evolve in an environment in which they had to deal with such large numbers, or very tiny and very gigantic objects. Our environment is in a proverbial Goldilocks zone, where most of what we need to deal with are of relatively small numbers and medium-sized objects. Thus, most things in those categories are intuitive to us. I actually ran the Monti Hall test 100 times in a row simply to see the results for myself (I did this with my young so who was bored to tears after the first few minutes), and of course the numbers came out just as my intellect knew they would. Still felt strange. That is the fantastic thing about science; it allows us to find the facts of objective reality that we would never intuit. It allow us to go beyond bias, preconceived notions, intuition and just plain bullshit to understand how the cosmos really works...
Very good read but still this does not explain to me how the process of evolution will not one day stop.
The genetic mutation process of EBNS is vital to life as we know it. The only way to end that process is to end life...
Did you ever conceive of a perfection that natural selection is trying to attain?
Ceepea addressed this: assuming nature is trying to attain something is a fallacy entitled Begging the Question. Nature is not trying to attain anything. You feel that you are a special creature that's close to nature's Goal, this is a good example of your ego getting in the way of truth

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