Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

Ok so it's real late where I'm at and I'm about to go to bed, but real serious, does anybody out there want to receive Spiritual Enlightnement, and by this I mean does anyone want to live in complete Peace in Paradise. Now keep in mind that I haven't done any psychadelics in a long time lmfao, I haven't even smoked a j in quite awhile, but I gaurantee you, I can bring you into the promised land lmfao. It might seem like a practical joke but trust me I can do it. So if anyone's interested in this shit let me know.
Interested in letting go of earthly anxieties...
DYI will be in this section soon, My purpose the relief and ending of suffering
If you need help PM a friend, me
See my thread in the politics section On ethics, Morality, Society....

Those here who know the truth, will know my name.
If anyone is willing to recieve the light I will speak

@cannabineer @curious2garden just thought you two might be interested in reading the beginning of this thread and engaging in debate.

Lol. I don't think they have that kind of time to waste. It would certainly be entertaining, though. I see this useless thread is the same as when I left it in 2014. What a stale, masturbatory mess. I'll once again leave you to it...
Ok you can feel free to message me
How's the cookies working? Wanna clone?

Addresses to another post on this thread...
hose here who know the truth, will know my name.
Check my post history and go to my threads, have a look fur yer self, before passing judgement. |Slow down and have a close look, as you rush ahead jerking off into the future....
Ethics, morality, society.... in politics too. Also look at my post history, last 30 post too. respond, don't react. Your spiritual journey is beginning...
How's the cookies working? Wanna clone?

Addresses to another post on this thread...
hose here who know the truth, will know my name.
Check my post history and go to my threads, have a look fur yer self, before passing judgement. |Slow down and have a close look, as you rush ahead jerking off into the future....
Ethics, morality, society.... in politics too. Also look at my post history, last 30 post too. respond, don't react. Your spiritual journey is beginning...
I haven't had a chance to cook yet just been smoking the odd joint it's pretty decent. Ya you are free to send a clone my way.
@tyler.durden can you tell me that your objective thinking is actually physical, the truth is not to be found by thought, the truth is out there, beyond your head, that is the only "real" reality. I wanted to say this bc I respect your intellect and want to hear your opinion. It may seem like common sense, but isn't that the truth, common sense, isnt that what we forgot we already knew?
@Heisenberg @tyler.durden have you ever thought 9f the possibility that Mans purpose is to create the next universe? 8s there a name for that theory? I personally believe that black holes are like seeds for new universes, an infinitely dividing and expanding universe, getting smaller but larger all at once, eternity, the only conclusion I have is that both space and time absolutely must be infinite, it just doesn't make sense that there would be a beginning and an end, maybe you know more about space-time than me and can explain???
I personally believe that black holes are like seeds for new universes,

Yes. Universal recycling.

On a cosmic scale, a black hole draws in the raw material to impregnate itself, so that it can eventually "birth" another galaxy.

That's why it's known as the "big bang" theory.

The universe is banging all the time, and the things which get drawn into black holes are "the dicks" of creation. That is the final role of mankind and "our" solar system" (to become proxy dicks) .
I kind of feel like a black hole's density eventually becomes so great, that it explodes.
Maybe that is how the big bang happened, I often wonder also.

Time's an odd one for me. I believe time is effectively light itself and is travelling further ahead, to where it hasn't been. At least time that we perceive.
I'm not personally sure there is such a thing as time, nor necessarily a future, only what happens in a given moment. I believe what happens and has happened, sets the course of events for the future. Whether in the beginning or now, everything has had an effect on the future in some way.
There may be billions upon billions of possibilities or outcomes, but I believe those possibilities are set in stone.

I do believe our universe is ever expanding. I also believe, that every other universe and galaxy is all part of the same space. Though space itself is infinitely large.

Spirituality and enlightenment is meaningless imho.
Whatever it may be, I perceive it as something mechanical, systematic and utterly chaotic at the same time.
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I kind of feel like a black hole's density eventually becomes so great, that it explodes.
Maybe that is how the big bang happened, I often wonder also.

Time's an odd one for me. I believe time is effectively light itself and is travelling further ahead, to where it hasn't been. At least time that we perceive.
I'm not personally sure there is such a thing as time, nor necessarily a future, only what happens in a given moment. I believe what happens and has happened, sets the course of events for the future. Whether in the beginning or now, everything has had an effect on the future in some way.
There may be billions upon billions of possibilities or outcomes, but I believe those possibilities are set in stone.

I do believe our universe is ever expanding. I also believe, that every other universe and galaxy is all part of the same space. Though space itself is infinitely large.

Spirituality and enlightenment is meaningless imho.
Whatever it may be, I perceive it as something mechanical, systematic and utterly chaotic at the same time.
It's not about meaning or anything that can be contemplated it is much bigger than that.
It's not about meaning or anything that can be contemplated it is much bigger than that.
You may have misunderstood what I said, that is exactly what I mean.

I'm definitely philosophical I guess.
Spirituality and Enlightenment are meaningless imvho, non existent, but popular with a lot of people for sure.

Not to take anything away from people practicing, or believing in something. For all anyone knows they could be right after all.
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I'm WAY to high to read that shit...but let me give you a little insight...there is a God...Jesus was only a man...the bible should not be thought of as "text book" because not everything in there is fact. If we all tried to treat one another right, the world would be in a better place.
Op have you ever heard of qigong? or practiced it?
Yes I have, I read Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body while in the hospital, I found it very effective for the time that I practiced but I almost had a relapse in psychosis while doing a brain scan so as the author suggested I stopped practicing.
Through my practice of Qigong and the study of Science, Mathematics, the tablets, the words of the Nazarene, the Nag Hammadi scriptures, and other wise ones. I have come to understand and believe, one will never reach enlightenment or reunion with the source without practicing Qigong and knowledge of the Truth.
Through my practice of Qigong and the study of Science, Mathematics, the tablets, the words of the Nazarene, the Nag Hammadi scriptures, and other wise ones. I have come to understand and believe, one will never reach enlightenment or reunion with the source without practicing Qigong and knowledge of the Truth.
Enlightenment is not some great important thing, it is not necessary to study scripture or practice qigong, although those things can accelerate Enlightenment, all that is necessary is that you stop thinking, and that you have the ability to stop thinking at will, that is peace, the mind is suffering.