Well-Known Member
Sorry but I can't say that I'd like see two straight men struggle to suck each other off.
it´d be fucking funny at least.
Sorry but I can't say that I'd like see two straight men struggle to suck each other off.
The eye contact is cool but only if it's brief, like the naughty little look, kinda saying "yeah, just sit back and enjoy, I'll take care of this!" with the eyes. I've actually had chicks stare at me while blowing me, that shit is incredibly awkward, it makes me want to start up a conversation or something...
I just imagine seeing two beastly men gag and spit their way through a toothy blow job. I do imagine the chin hair would tickle your balls and give quite a wonderful sensation.
Have you ever seen a naked man on his knees suckin a cock? I imagine his balls would look like a rooster's wattle swinging back and forth.
I just imagine seeing two beastly men gag and spit their way through a toothy blow job. I do imagine the chin hair would tickle your balls and give quite a wonderful sensation.
Have you ever seen a naked man on his knees suckin a cock? I imagine his balls would look like a rooster's wattle swinging back and forth.
lol, you imagine huh?
I just imagine seeing two beastly men gag and spit their way through a toothy blow job. I do imagine the chin hair would tickle your balls and give quite a wonderful sensation.
Have you ever seen a naked man on his knees suckin a cock? I imagine his balls would look like a rooster's wattle swinging back and forth.
hehehe hey, i did try homosex once, totally forgot lol
back when i was 10 (wait for it) me and my friend were allready reading porn and jacking off, together sometimes and sometimes with yet another friend (lol, who was a part of a boyscout circlejerk, apparently it was a regular thing (cocksize contests and sharing of porn and practical semen jokes)
heck of a place eh? but anyway, one day he said "did you know, men can have sex?" we were both 10, i said "no" , he said "wanna try it", me "sure"
sorta totally unaware that there was any stigma or whatever against gays (totally at the time though, gay beatings and shit)
so we got naked in the bathroom and tried sticking our limp dicks into eachother asses for a few moments, till we embarassed left the room and said "that was no good".
lol, course him being the dick he was, later in the lockerroom he told people about (i think he had heard about the gaybashing) and put it all on me. lol
luckily no one believed him and thought it was a joke, gay jokes were quite common (i hadnt even made the connection lol, just got horny looking at pussy)
heh, tiny stiffy that cant even cum,kinda funny how early we started pining for pussy. of course it all started with finding dads porn stash, 5 years old
heh, still got a stiffy and put my dick against a giant pic of a vagina lol.
abnormal? dunno, though my friend at the time thought babies came from kisses and didnt believe me when i told him othervise (Ran to his parents and made me forever after, the bad boy)
my other friend at the time, quickly got heavily into it and we started robbing porn magazines (we lift eachother to reach them lol)
bit later, he joined the boy scouts and that circle jerk, so hey. lol.
Well yeah. What else can I do, I don't have a fuckin nut sack. hhahaha
Well you have Google don't you?
I was hanging with the guys at the jobsite when the discussion of going down came up. I was shocked to be the only dude out of the group that was proud to be going down. None even gave a good reason why not. One guy even told the story about how his wife would start sucking his dick, then start to swing her ass around towards his face hoping to get some licking. He would creep away from the approaching snatch and the 2 would rotate in circles on the bed. I've never licked a pussy I didn't like, always felt like if I won't put my tongue in it I shouldn't put my dick in it.
Believe it or not, what you experienced is 100% normal in childhood sexual development.
I was hanging with the guys at the jobsite when the discussion of going down came up. I was shocked to be the only dude out of the group that was proud to be going down. None even gave a good reason why not. One guy even told the story about how his wife would start sucking his dick, then start to swing her ass around towards his face hoping to get some licking. He would creep away from the approaching snatch and the 2 would rotate in circles on the bed. I've never licked a pussy I didn't like, always felt like if I won't put my tongue in it I shouldn't put my dick in it.
Yes you have... and you liked it too!men know what men want when it comes to having his penis sucked on. just like a woman knows exactly what a woman wants when it comes to foreplay. nothing gay about talking about it. its not like just because i agree that this makes me gay.
I bet 1000$ i could give a better blowjob than most woman. Does that mean i will? NO, Or i have? NO. im just saying i know what i like when my wife does it, sooo im pretty sure i could get a guys rocks off if i needed too. which heaven forbide im ever in a situation where i must get a guys rocks off. lmao. just sayin.