you offended me more by calling me orca than with that joke.
idk, i just wanted to make him feel good, and like i wanted to learn, cause eventually ill be doing it for someone im actually dating
it´d be fucking funny at least.
Fats chaick a more greatful thus they try harder, but most of them are bad cause of lack of experience and slobs jumping on getting their nut and jumping off.perhaps bigger girls are more sensitve to what pleases a man. for like you said, you dont want to feel stupid. so you may in turn put more effort into an enjoyable experience where as a skinnier girl might be wondering when your going to go down on her. idk just a thought.
Because fat girls are more desperate to get and please a guy.....they will suck a dick and a guy want have to do any thing to them..well maybe get the the super sized meal at mc donalds...
dont be down about the things somepeople say. ive learned theres always "something" that "someone" will say "somewhere" down the line. and im almost positive it was a fat girl joke and not a laugh at urca joke hun, dont take it too personal............................................ :/
If the MooMoo fits wear it... sorry could not resistdont be down about the things somepeople say. ive learned theres always "something" that "someone" will say "somewhere" down the line. and im almost positive it was a fat girl joke and not a laugh at urca joke hun, dont take it too personal.
Now dont mad at me.....
after everything i told you, you should have known how that would make me feel