does heat matter


Well-Known Member
I don't care what others say about growing in above 85 temps. Fact is heat and humidity aare major factors when it comes to the stomatas opening and sucking in co2 or closeing and plant stressing.
You better believe heat matters.


Well-Known Member
my room sits at about 31c does any one know if this will damage the plants or the plants yield??? many thanks
31C is equivalent to about 87F. your approaching the high side of the ideal temp range. ideally you want it to be between 65-85F so in C that would be 18-230. i dont think it will make much of a difference though where you're at


Active Member
dude seriously think of it this way, i grow plants outside in the center of california, it gets up to 110*F and the plants still thrive, i would get about a pound off of a plant every year when i start in may. as long as the roots stay wet the plant doesnt give a fudge how hot it gets, now humidity is a different thing. also remember i was growing outside in the heat where air is blowing. it isnt cool air but still fresh air which is what bigger plants need. small plants can do fine on their own.


Active Member
87 is a lil high,but as long your roots are getting enough to drink,they will be fine.but id def get some fresh air in there,
a boxfan,a box and some dryer ducting is a cheap ventaliation route for us poor folk.
and as long as you got a fan blowing around in there,you should be alright.
remember fresh air is your friend.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
no it wont as long as you have fresh air. i run high heat most of the time. if that was true then i would not have gotten almost a pound off one plant. you need to have lots of freash air circulatig all the time if your going to run higher heat. as long as its not scorching your buds or plants then its all good. good luck
thanks for the info guys!!! im 2 days into the 2nd week of veg so il put inlet fan on for 15 mins every hour and get some more fans in there. 1 other problem i got is that my leaves look a bit lime green any 1 got any ideas? many thanks