Does weed lower blood pressure?


Well-Known Member
Everytime Ive smoked weedy skin has turned white and my fingers arms and face have gotten thinner . I've read it lowers blood pressure in the over 60s with hypertension but don't see why it wouldnt have a similar effect in all.age groups . I mean maybe that was only the study. Does anyone find any benefit with this effect from weed , if not is there any benefit to training cardio more weight training no no
I depends on your body composition. Some people may experience higher blood pressure and for some it lowers it. Do you consume on empty stomach or full etc?, everything plays a part.

What's actually consumed also matters greatly. There's a big difference between all the cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles from different strain and their effects. The only way is to check and monitor yourself regularly.

Cholesterol in egg yolks for example may raise LDL to high in some individuals and do basically nothing in others.
I depends on your body composition. Some people may experience higher blood pressure and for some it lowers it. Do you consume on empty stomach or full etc?, everything plays a part.

What's actually consumed also matters greatly. There's a big difference between all the cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles from different strain and their effects. The only way is to check and monitor yourself regularly.

Cholesterol in egg yolks for example may raise LDL to high in some individuals and do basically nothing in others.
The human body is a fucking lying piece of shit, isn't it? :lol: :lol: :lol: "Healthy" should be healthy for everyone, but noooooooo. Can't be too easy
It was a joke, guy. And yes it is, the human body is a straight-up knock-knock joke whether you agree or not. I said what I said.
Smoking anything raises your blood pressure. Its been noted that 45 minutes to an hour after smoking marijuana causes a spike in blood pressure, and chances for a cardiovascular event are also increased during this period. After the initial spike, smoking marijuana can have a hypotensive effect.

Any kind of smoke contains carbon monoxide, and other carcinogens and is not good for your lungs. Thats only common sense.
Word on the street is that is does, as well as lowers A1C for diabetics. My dad had this experience, and they took him off of diabetic meds because his A1C came down to around 6.2. He takes RSO drops at 3:1 that I make for him. However... everybody's body chemistry is different. We really need more studies on this. He had a mass in his gut since 2016 about the size of a softball. After being on the drops for a year, his last CAT scan revealed that the mass had disappeared completely. So,... circling back around.. we need more studies on terpenes, and thier affect on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and how it affects each ones body chemistry.
I have a crazy high HDL (the good cholesterol)... the meter goes to 80, and mine over the past 6-7 years have been in the 96-111 range. Dr. couldn't explain why a 53 year old male has that good of a reading. HDL carries out the bad LDL in your blood that clogs arteries. Maybe genetics? My Grandparents lived to be 100+, and parents are still living in their late 70's, and doing great. So... there's that.
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Word on the street is that is does, as well as lowers A1C for diabetics. My dad had this experience, and they took him off of diabetic meds because his A1C came down to around 6.2. He takes RSO drops at 3:1 that I make for him. However... everybody's body chemistry is different. We really need more studies on this. He had a mass in his gut since 2016 about the size of a softball. After being on the drops for a year, his last CAT scan revealed that the mass had disappeared completely. So,... circling back around.. we need more studies on terpenes, and thier affect on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and how it affects each ones body chemistry.
I have a crazy high HDL (the good cholesterol)... the meter goes to 80, and mine over the past 6-7 years have been in the 96-111 range. Dr. couldn't explain why a 53 year old male has that good of a reading. HDL carries out the bad LDL in your blood that clogs arteries. Maybe genetics? My Grandparents lived to be 100+, and parents are still living in their late 70's, and doing great. So... there's that.
maybe its because of the massive amount of cannabinoids that your body uptakes + family genetics
My body doesn't lie, my brain just ignores it till it has no other choice.
That isn't technically lying, but it's further proof the brain is naturally deceptive. It doesn't have our best interest in mind and makes us think brains are separate entities from the meat suit.
Smoking weed raises bp and heart rate in the first say 30 minutes, then lowers bp (not sure on heart rate) as you settle in.
I’ve been smoking for over fifty years and every time I have medical issues
they always comment how I have such low blood pressure
Not proof but I believe