Dog attack!

Plenty of times I remember when I was 14 and I would ride my bike to my girlfriends house and would have to pedal a half mile as fast as I could while I got chased by the farmers dog but even today every now and them there is always some asshole that let's there dog roam free outside there house and it starts biting your ankle while there yelling at it and you just think lady you got 15 secs before I boot this dog back into your yard where it belongs

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Only time i ever was actually shitting my self is one time i had to deliver some stuff to some farm / acreage ..
Now there is not to many dogs i am afraid of but walking around the corner and confronting 3 full grown Irish wolf hounds that did not know me as i did not know them ,, puts a new meaning to Holy Fuck i am going to DIE here lets hope someone is home ,,
funny thing as usual decided to not show that i was scared put out my hand and talked to them etc et got my self to the door and knocked one dog was growling i kept saying its ok buddy its ok ..
when the women came to door shes was very surprised i got in this far ha ha i said i own big dogs also but trust me i was worried a little bit .
she went on saying your lucky your a white guy Cause these dogs for some reason extremely hate and are very agressive to dark colored people
Lmao I've a Rottweiler that barks at black ppl lmao not many around my town or maybe they're just afraid of him...fucker hardly growls n mostly in his sleep.
When im with @lahadaextranjera bossing it up around bcn and we come across a zebra crossing she dont even have to say sit or make a gesture before it. Dog like Monty just sits and waits for the one they claim to call The @lahadaextranjera to give a sign its ok to cross know, independantly of the colour of the humans traffic light.
This is a true fact.
that should be bea given...your dog's needs to be capable of following these rules,shits a necessity my dog on or off the lead sits n waits by the curb for me to walk first then he follows on heel . repetition is key
You seem awfully aggressive. Perhaps you need a kick in the face? Bad dog! Bad dog! I/m kinda thinking your "2 meter boyfriend" is there to protect you when you go around biting strangers.
Lol! That was quite funny! Nice response Red.
that should be bea given...your dog's needs to be capable of following these rules,shits a necessity my dog on or off the lead sits n waits by the curb for me to walk first then he follows on heel . repetition is key
True words spoken by another responsible owner. I'd love to know what your gf thinks of all this lack of training? She's a trainer isn't she?

Seriously nobody does any training here. You see them with their first puppies and they haven't got a clue. There aren't any dog schools here either.
Yeah she trained for it but couldnt find work in ireland for it ffs u think spains bad,irelands a joke.germany is awesome they even banned that dumbass cesar Millan from doing training shows there lmao.
countless times when I walk the dog random dogs have attached him n in alot of cases I just take him off the lead so he's a chance to defend himself...up side is I've a hunter lead n Its got metal rings on it (like this
) on it so ive often hit the other fuckers with it so I whole heartedly agree with ur kicking especially when the other dogs trying to attack ur rather get bit then my fella for 2 main reasons 1.more actions taken when a human gets bit n 2. I don't want my dog to develop any behavioural issues associated with agressive dogs attacking him.
Yeah she trained for it but couldnt find work in ireland for it ffs u think spains bad,irelands a joke.germany is awesome they even banned that dumbass cesar Millan from doing training shows there lmao.
countless times when I walk the dog random dogs have attached him n in alot of cases I just take him off the lead so he's a chance to defend himself...up side is I've a hunter lead n Its got metal rings on it (like this
) on it so ive often hit the other fuckers with it so I whole heartedly agree with ur kicking especially when the other dogs trying to attack ur rather get bit then my fella for 2 main reasons 1.more actions taken when a human gets bit n 2. I don't want my dog to develop any behavioural issues associated with agressive dogs attacking him.
Thanks Slipper, that means a lot. I don't go around kicking dogs for no good reason but it lunged at me. I've never done that to my Monty.

I'd got the same lead but it's cord and metal loops. I've had to use it on a German Shepherd once when the owner didn't do anything. In fact she was just gonna walk on by until she saw me attacking it.

I expect to see both of these dogs belonging to this family on a lead and MUZZLE at all times. I've actually taken the muzzle off my dog when I've seen them just in case it happens again.

My mate who gave me the dog just rescued a half Rottweiler half pitbull and it's only 5 weeks old! They will do a great job with it. If a 21 year old boy can train 3 Pitbulls there's no excuse. He never even went to a dog school.
Nah man a dog goes for me n im by myself imma kick its ass! Fuck that shit no point running the fucker will have u if u run. If avoiding eye contact doesn't work imma throw down! See that's the things man German Shepherds are crazy intelligent if she can't control a large breed dog she shouldn't have a German Shepherd they'll walk all over her. Keep reporting the cunts if u see em without a muzzle n take's those wankers giving certain breeds a bad name!
Plenty of times I remember when I was 14 and I would ride my bike to my girlfriends house and would have to pedal a half mile as fast as I could while I got chased by the farmers dog but even today every now and them there is always some asshole that let's there dog roam free outside there house and it starts biting your ankle while there yelling at it and you just think lady you got 15 secs before I boot this dog back into your yard where it belongs

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My dog has free run, he's well trained. He won't go in the street, I've seen Amish drive down street on a buggy and the dog is very interested to check out horse.. He's never seen one til I moved up here..even then he don't leave property.. Its about having an owner that knows how to own a dog, you must set boundaries for a dog.. When you walk your dog on a leash and other dogs are barking at ya. You just say ' leave it' and continue walking .. My dog don't even pay attention to other dogs..

Those dogs you see chasing cars as they pass a house, that's just a dog with a high drive that's never been trained and that dig will likely get killed by a car. IMO when a dog fucks up its 95% of the time the owners fault... Dumb or lazy owners never put in the 3 or 5 minutes a day to properly raise their dog.
Nah man a dog goes for me n im by myself imma kick its ass! Fuck that shit no point running the fucker will have u if u run. If avoiding eye contact doesn't work imma throw down! See that's the things man German Shepherds are crazy intelligent if she can't control a large breed dog she shouldn't have a German Shepherd they'll walk all over her. Keep reporting the cunts if u see em without a muzzle n take's those wankers giving certain breeds a bad name!
She didn't have any control and it was an agressive male. I was talking to a guy from Madrid who has an English bull terrier when it happened. We've never seen her since!

For some reason German shepherds are not on the list. I had one and they should be. None of them out here are trained.

Here's a quick story abt an English grow family out here who got a shepherd. When it was biting they would just say 'no biting'. They never trained it or reprimanded it.

One day it bit the mother in the arm and drew blood. The father went and kicked it and beat it out of the house. After that they had to go to private trianing classes at €30/hour because it would socialise wi the group class. The stupid parents can't speak spanish or catalan so their 15 yr old had to do the lessons.

I always told them that itd be too late to decide to train the dog if they left it. I was right. Now I know, that had they both hit it with a newspaper when it was young, it never would've got out of control. She's still scared of it and it's only abt 4 now.
One of the worst things you can do is use an object to beat a dog, one day someone is going to pick up a newspaper to read it and the dog will cower n piss on the floor or attack.. I bet I could walk into that guys house with a newspaper and steal the jewelry and TV and the dog will be hiding from me with my rolled up newspaper.. If you need to beat the dog, your training methods suck.. A simple correction ( verbal or even a poke of the finger ) to get the dog to focus on you is all ya need. The only time to introduce pain is after you've trained your dog well and he's doing pp and bite work.. And that's only so the dog bites n shakes harder when someone kicks him or stings him with a stick. 99% of owners never take their dog that far.
One of the worst things you can do is use an object to beat a dog, one day someone is going to pick up a newspaper to read it and the dog will cower n piss on the floor or attack.. I bet I could walk into that guys house with a newspaper and steal the jewelry and TV and the dog will be hiding from me with my rolled up newspaper.. If you need to beat the dog, your training methods suck.. A simple correction ( verbal or even a poke of the finger ) to get the dog to focus on you is all ya need. The only time to introduce pain is after you've trained your dog well and he's doing pp and bite work.. And that's only so the dog bites n shakes harder when someone kicks him or stings him with a stick. 99% of owners never take their dog that far.
Personally my change of voice means I'm not joking when I tell him. If he's not paying attention I push poke him in the shoulder.

For me to hit him though, he's got to do something really bad. Like go for another pitbull or take a toy/ ball from a child.

Anyway there's been developments. I've just seen the other dog (the brother) out with his and it had a muzzle but this time he got past us on the other side of the street without problems. He was constantly clicking his fingers to keep his dogs attention. I was so impressed. I said to my bf "Look! That's really good! He got past us without the dog going mad".

So I don't know where he got that from but I'm very pleased to see him trying. It's a step in the right direction. So maybe just maybe it was a good thing that my BF got bitten before a child. They are acting on it. Result.
One of the worst things you can do is use an object to beat a dog, one day someone is going to pick up a newspaper to read it and the dog will cower n piss on the floor or attack.. I bet I could walk into that guys house with a newspaper and steal the jewelry and TV and the dog will be hiding from me with my rolled up newspaper.. If you need to beat the dog, your training methods suck.. A simple correction ( verbal or even a poke of the finger ) to get the dog to focus on you is all ya need. The only time to introduce pain is after you've trained your dog well and he's doing pp and bite work.. And that's only so the dog bites n shakes harder when someone kicks him or stings him with a stick. 99% of owners never take their dog that far.
I totally agree with this.i use reward based training .if he does something wrong I use use a high pitched sound to get his attention then straight into sitting or laying down depending on the situation then reward him with either bits of cheese (if he's learning something new) or cured bits of meat.u don't want ur dog afraid of training they should enjoy it like like a game.thats how thesis train drug dogs dogs all that razz but they usually use a squeaky toy or a ball or somethin.