dogs and weed?

Do i need more to show you how blind and ignorant you truly are? Mhhh what do wolves eat....Seeing how they are what dogs came from also you might want to know something about your breed to instead of just assuming they all are the same just different shapes and colors. My buddys min pin loves the herb begs for it then plays with her toys but yeah she is wigged out and scared hiding in a corner not knowing whats going on just like she dont know who i am even tho i see her alot they are just dumb mindless feeling less animals hahhaah fool. This is why i like animals more then humans..... fools like you. How many dogs have you had and how many made it to the day they either just passed in their sleep or you hand to put them down cuz they were so old and in pain. Im guessing none im guessing you abandoned your animals or they dont even get the chance to grow old by your side. Im guessing you have no IDEA about canines or how to cook even change a tire im guessing your a SHEEP that follows the flock and the flock was talking stuff so to be "cool" you flocked in too huh buddy. Im a wolve and i eat sheep im open minded and i make sure what i preach is known fact before i open my mouth to trun others judgements towards anothers favor like a jock/BALLS sweating SHEEP. You dont have to put others down to make yourself feel better thats what herbs for and our animlas thats why we domesticated them so all in all yes you are a fool.

I give my dog meat off the BBQ plate, sometimes a little bloody. Your shooting at your own men. I dont even read your babble.

Good bye and good riddance. Ignorance is only ended with acceptance. Accept it your statements are contridictive and all flip floppity (to use a funny word)
LEMME 001.jpg

Thats mine today in the sun Shinning and he needs a bath badly he isnt even brushed in this pic without known fact your just acting like a fool.
No scrapes about 50/50 raw to dry and hes not even in shape cuz ive been laided up and hurt to much to have him pull me on a bike its a little intense.
He stands like 3 inches taller when he is filled out from the bulk.
Wheres your shine
man get the fuck outta here

Do not start threads if you don't want people replying to them

you should of known from the get go that people would have different opinions on this topic

when you post shit like this you might as well accept that theirs gonna be people who disagree with you

you gotta take the good criticism with the bad

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Thats mine today in the sun Shinning and he needs a bath badly he isnt even brushed in this pic without known fact your just acting like a fool.
No scrapes about 50/50 raw to dry and hes not even in shape cuz ive been laided up and hurt to much to have him pull me on a bike its a little intense.
He stands like 3 inches taller when he is filled out from the bulk.
Wheres your shine

Nice looking dog you got their slim ,

also i notice all the growing containers you have their ;-)
YAWN, some people are soooooooo close minded.<BR>They can't seem to grasp the fact that virtually every mammal on the planet is drawn to intoxicants of one form or another.<BR>I was recently watching a nature program on Discovery where I learned Zebra travel 100s of miles to a certain tree that has some type of fermenting fruit on it, just so they can get intoxicated.
I'm going to do a veggie journal this year i already have them starting in the greenhouse:-) 60 plus years of knowledge my mother cant dig beds anymore so this will be my first year doing just about everything im not even doing one in my yard this year but extra time with the parents is a blessing in our older age. 6 foot tomatoes plants is the norm for her so i hope i dont let her down also im doing a hydro under the sun should be interesting to see hydro and the sun come together haha hope they dont roll me up and smoke me.

And thanks man he is my pride and joy the first two years i didnt know if i could bring him back he was pretty far gone mentally and physically but after months of standing over him forcing him to eat and countless sleepless night with him on my chest hes a damn good example of a dog at his finest. Hes trained vocally and by sight also he makes a damn good hunting dog stays right by my side when we are stalking varmints he stays behind me a foot or so i couldn't ask for a better dog well only if he could roll joints or pack my bong. The ladies love him but he dont like to share me or our bed and if they cuddle up next to me he gives them the boot hahahah ya know hes just looking out for my best interest "women are the devil".
YAWN, some people are soooooooo close minded.<BR>They can't seem to grasp the fact that virtually every mammal on the planet is drawn to intoxicants of one form or another.<BR>I was recently watching a nature program on Discovery where I learned Zebra travel 100s of miles to a certain tree that has some type of fermenting fruit on it, just so they can get intoxicated.

yeah buddy if they didnt like it i dont think they would travel that far just to eat that fruit and DURING that time of year "im guessing". Theres monkeys i sah on that same show that wouldnt eat the fruit until it got them drunk then they double fisted them even falling out of the tree drunk. Ive watch deer eat apples till they fell over then after while got back up and ate more not to mention they were eating them while they were on their sides i couldnt help myself but watch ended up wasting half the day laughing my ass off at the deer also i found out they do that every year say my aunt and uncle so they keep coming back year after year and wait till the fruit falls off the tree or show up in numbers around this time. Ive also seen cows eat mushrooms and trip out then eat then again later that day. bugs like your spit when your smoking blunts bugs eat your crop everything likes to get messed up it hightens your sense's my man. Now for the man made shit im not down with supporting that but natural highs im all for!
man i just found this thread and bin laughing my head off. you lot r you for real? animals like weed and even the plant coke(white,sniff,yayo) is made from was only discovered cos the local tribes watched how sickly animals ate this plants while injured and in pain. forcing any animal to take a drug is so wrong but i no plenty cats and dog and a parrott who lap up a blow back or try eat peoples smoke. i have a male staff who hates smoke same as my cat. but my dog goes mad for dry ganja sticks. also caught th plum eating leafs while still growing. but i have 3 chinchillas and one off them loves a small blow back from time to time. i light one up and she calls me over, if i ignore her she trashes her house. th other two never showed interest so never blown any at them. also all you 200 300 lb peoples instead bragging bout ya size maybe worry bout ya own healths. bigger they r harder they fall i find. and the bigger the bullshit half time. im only 11 an half stone and a mma nut and i find your replys very very funny? i love to fight its all i have ever bin good at but please huge bellys or huge muscles aint healthy nor would make any body with something about them worry at all. you use peoples weight and momentum against them if you have any sense or skills. brut strength is all good but not a touch on speed, good training and knowledge. this thread mayb shouldnt b on a grow forum but has had me pissing myself with laughter. life is short guys enjoy it rather then threats or anger. were all on borrowed time.
my dog loves the shit she lapps the smoke from the air when i blow it at her, fuck all this animals lovers and your uncle, if she dont run away or you dont hold her down then she is just fine with it
my dog loves the shit she lapps the smoke from the air when i blow it at her, fuck all this animals lovers and your uncle, if she dont run away or you dont hold her down then she is just fine with it

That reminds me, I have a neighbor down the road whos dog just LOVES beer. You can't set a bottle down around her. She'll knock it over and start lapping it up.
Funny. Pick on the fat guy. :D
My health is fine thank you. I lift weights everyday, and bench press well over my 300LB weight.
I should worry about my excessive drinking if anything.

That crap will kill you more painfully then a bullet matey.all good in moderation tho. am tea total bar my b day. i turn horrible with booze so i dont bother. vodka and i have no memory off the day before when i wake up. thank god for weed as i swear i would off been sent prison or b dead without a calming smoke.
Had a GF witha white boxer he loved malt liquor and smoke of any kind. Pour him some 40 and the dog was your best friend leave your hand by your side when smoking and he would lick the air. Now i dont agree with cigs and animals but i was a kid and he wanted it so he got it plus he was old and deserved to live a little. be careful about the coke and animals you will give them a heart attack powder is way stronger then the leaf form more concentrated i once sah a cat that licked up a gram or so cat was never the same. I'd stick to MJ if they like it and dont give that other shit to them even if they beg shit man yourself shouldnt put that nasty crap. do ya know whats in it? Cokes not coke anymore ive seen people put dry wall in their coke to cut it to resale and make more money or baby laxitives mhhh nothing like the coke poo poo doo doo stains and the never ending feeling of having to take a pee.....
Had a GF witha white boxer he loved malt liquor and smoke of any kind. Pour him some 40 and the dog was your best friend leave your hand by your side when smoking and he would lick the air. Now i dont agree with cigs and animals but i was a kid and he wanted it so he got it plus he was old and deserved to live a little. be careful about the coke and animals you will give them a heart attack powder is way stronger then the leaf form more concentrated i once sah a cat that licked up a gram or so cat was never the same. I'd stick to MJ if they like it and dont give that other shit to them even if they beg shit man yourself shouldnt put that nasty crap. do ya know whats in it? Cokes not coke anymore ive seen people put dry wall in their coke to cut it to resale and make more money or baby laxitives mhhh nothing like the coke poo poo doo doo stains and the never ending feeling of having to take a pee.....

i was talking in plant form fella and wild animals. na way should some give powder to any pet. thats just pure wrong. heard bout a cat and whizz before having heart attack on spot. but have b evil or just plain stupid to even consider that. and yeah on coke also dog worming tablets another one. your lucky in england to get 5 per cent to 15 per cent pure stuff. its all crap. not wrth the nose bleed
That crap will kill you more painfully then a bullet matey.all good in moderation tho. am tea total bar my b day. i turn horrible with booze so i dont bother. vodka and i have no memory off the day before when i wake up. thank god for weed as i swear i would sent prison or b dead without a calming smoke.

My weight has escalated a lot over the last few years. I'm not sure how much I weighed in 2008 before I started gaining weight, I am tall,
not exactly sure how tall, I was 6'2" when I was 14. I'm guessing 6'4". I'm 34 now. I've been going through a lot of stuff, family issues, dad
killed himself recently, cousin on heroin, etc... Drinking makes me forget about all the bs in my life. I do believe the drinking is responsible for
70% of my weight gain, as much as I do drink. Before 2008, I was skinny, 6 pack (stomach) veins in the arms, muscle definition and everything.
I was in shape. I never ate fast food. Only organic and healthy food. Today I really don't care. Dominos, Subway, Chinese food. Burger King.
Weed does help, but I am waiting until my grow is finished, I am weeks away. And I make shit for money, so I can't buy it regularly. I do web
design for a living, I get paid as work comes in. And business is slow. I get the bills paid. My house is paid for. I don't smoke too much at the
moment, for now. Drinking will slow down when I have more weed.
Damn GI, I know it wasn't your intention but you killed my high and bummed me out.......... The Bottle isn't the answer.