dogs and weed?


there is nothing wrong in getting your pets high. i wouldn't force it on them. but, my animals come running to me when i smoke. my dog will put his face in mine till i blow enough at him. then he curls up and sleeps on my feet. also, my wife is a vet tech and we are friends with several vets. lots of people bring their animals in after the dog ate their stash. its not a big deal. unless there is chocolate or grapes/raisins mixed with your stash.

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Damn GI, I know it wasn't your intention but you killed my high and bummed me out.......... The Bottle isn't the answer.

I've been drinking for years, since I was too young to drink, but extra over the last 3 years.
You are right though, drinking is not the answer.

Don't be bummed. I'm kinda happy right now.
I'ce gotten my friends dog (staffordshire bull terrier) high a couple times and it was funny. It ran around in a circle and it couldnt walk straight, ate loads of dog treats then slept on my feet haha... It can always tell when someone is smoking weed
if you got MY staffordshire high, i would tie your ass up, cover you with cows blood, and let him starve for a week before i turned him on you.
my friend's dog jump on a counter ate like 5 or 6 pot brownies and the dog was like retarded for almost a week the dog could't even drink water :)
how is it you are all saying that your pets come running when you have a joint, i think you are all highly strung and the pets come running when you have a joint cos they know youll be chilled and relaxed, now i do believe they can read how your feeling right. i am never more calm than when ive had a j and when im chilled the dogs chilled, when im hyper the dogs fuckin nuts!
also to be honest i would rather feed the dog scraps than pedigree(or other cheap foods), have you seen the shit they put in that cheap food, dead dogs!
my friend's dog jump on a counter ate like 5 or 6 pot brownies and the dog was like retarded for almost a week the dog could't even drink water :)

Yeah, it's not uncommon to be high for days when eaten.

Just so everybody knows, if your dog eats your STASH, it doesnt get high from it. Read up on cooking mj to find out why.
if you got MY staffordshire high, i would tie your ass up, cover you with cows blood, and let him starve for a week before i turned him on you.
Pics of this man eating monster. Why starve your best friend and i wouldn't get him high unless he wanted it i dont know your dog i dont know how he speaks his body laungue you dont get somebodys else animal stoned only your own and if they want it. knew a older dog on its last legs it stopped eating so we got it stoned and did everyday the next two years if it wasnt for the ganja the dog never ate so with marijuana it got another two years and my buddy made sure they were damn good ones. Its medicence its for meditaition its for the soul why are you on a marijuana growing forum if your against it so much kinda sounds like your still living in the past the uneducated past filled with lies and scare tactics Crazy weed it will make you kill you mom!

if my staff was starved for week he would just lick th blood off him and find some shit or leafs to eat the plum.over frendly. loves people. worst he would do is cock his leg or nibble your sleave for fuss.
I got better things to do then try to blow smoke in my dogs face with the hopes that she inhales it and gets high. I mean seriously, I bet you look like a fuckin degenerate trying to blow smoke on your dog, and then giggling like a girl. The world needs people like you though, to fill up our prisons and collect our trash.

P.S. I weigh 185lbs
185 and you could be 4 foot tall, as big around as tall and could create a death blob if tripped on a hill leaving innocents to run like Indiana jones and ive been on the running side of this before so im not funnin ok maybe i am but i did have to run like hell then dive out of the way. Dont go down the hill first before your fat friend thats all i need to say.
Wow I've been reading y'all post and some of you are way off with this pets and smoke shit. If the plants were so bad for animals why do they eat the shit when you grow outdoors? You gotta watch out for deers,rats, birds, squirrels and other animals. We too are animals but we don't consider that we are. Take a minute and think.
Wow I've been reading y'all post and some of you are way off with this pets and smoke shit. If the plants were so bad for animals why do they eat the shit when you grow outdoors? You gotta watch out for deers,rats, birds, squirrels and other animals. We too are animals but we don't consider that we are. Take a minute and think.
I think you are the one missing the point. I can choose to consume marijuana and I have full understanding of what it is going to do to me. Dog's don't, so getting your dog high is stupid and something you would expect from a child. When my dog can say "hey, blow some already inhaled smoke in my face" maybe I'll change my mind. The one time I was around a dog who had eaten a pot cookie, he was panicking and didnt look happy. So, whats the point?
head_up_ass.jpgNUFF SAID ahahahaha Smoke your animal herb if they like it you smoke it right or ...WHY ARE YOU HERE? And with your anti weed for everyone and everything cant we start to heal the world yet......THE ANSWER IS GANJA been used for 1000's of years animals have eaten it for the same amount of time or even longer but yeah its bad.....? Use your head dont smoke em out till they are fully developed mentally and your go to go if ya end up with a stoner buddy if not more smoke for your face. In no way do i agree forcing your dog to smoke thats not cool in the least but if they like it blaze them out simple really.
I think you are the one missing the point. I can choose to consume marijuana and I have full understanding of what it is going to do to me. Dog's don't, so getting your dog high is stupid and something you would expect from a child. When my dog can say "hey, blow some already inhaled smoke in my face" maybe I'll change my mind. The one time I was around a dog who had eaten a pot cookie, he was panicking and didnt look happy. So, whats the point?
You are one of the people I'm talking about. I didn't say I got my dog high and also when my dog was a puppy that motherfucker had to stay out of my room because his ass was eating my plants in veg so wtf you saying?
wasn't talking bout you bud, talking bout the ones that are making bad about herb on a herb forum? Kinda seems they must do a lot of whats pictured:-) Why waste your time falsely supporting the legalization of marijuana maybe look into the plant why are you on here really. Im on here cuz i believe herb is the cure to damn near everything i use it for medical reasons im guessing your maybe old timers still preaching the anti marijuana propaganda do i need to post them again this is what he have to deal with but not for long another 20 years these fuckers will be dead and finally the truth will come out about marijuana.

One thing makes it illegal the gov couldnt tax it simple........Weed dont kill people cigs do and drink does also but you can tax those.....
how is it you are all saying that your pets come running when you have a joint, i think you are all highly strung and the pets come running when you have a joint cos they know youll be chilled and relaxed, now i do believe they can read how your feeling right. i am never more calm than when ive had a j and when im chilled the dogs chilled, when im hyper the dogs fuckin nuts!
also to be honest i would rather feed the dog scraps than pedigree(or other cheap foods), have you seen the shit they put in that cheap food, dead dogs!

i agree. dog food can have some horrendous stuff in it.

now, when i say my dogs come running. they do, or if they are near, my dog will put his head in my face till i exhale. if i dont, he will start to whine. maybe they see us enjoying it so. but, they really seem to like it. i would never force smoke or fumes on any living creature. my dogs and cats seem to dig it. and we dont smoke in front of them much. that is proof enough for me.

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You are one of the people I'm talking about. I didn't say I got my dog high and also when my dog was a puppy that motherfucker had to stay out of my room because his ass was eating my plants in veg so wtf you saying?

Re read what I wrote, where does it say you get your dog high? I'm just wondering what's the point to blowing smoke in your dog's face. You make no valid points, and you are too fuckin dumb to realize you just emphasized my point. Your puppy tried to eat your plants? I'm sure he tried to chew everything because that's what puppies do. Clearly they are dumb creatures who will not benifit from a retarded owner blowing already inhaled smoke in their face. Learn a lil about how dogs breathe threw their nose, I'm sure even a dimwit like you can figure out that they aren't wired to have smoke blown towards their noses. So to answer your question, your missing the point is wtf I'm saying (never knew dudes used text talk feels as lady like as I thought it would)
I can choose to consume marijuana and I have full understanding of what it is going to do to me. Dog's don't, so getting your dog high is stupid and something you would expect from a child. When my dog can say "hey, blow some already inhaled smoke in my face" maybe I'll change my mind. The one time I was around a dog who had eaten a pot cookie, he was panicking and didnt look happy. So, whats the point?

You're coming across as a hypocrite. It's OK for you to use but not your pet because it's supposedly not as smart as you?

Let me clear up a couple things for you.
First, maybe it would be a good idea if you re-read some of the posts when you're not high, as you're not comprehending what is being stated.
Yes there were a couple clowns that think it's comical to force their pet to inhale 2nd hand smoke, but the majority, myself included, all agree it's a no-no.
Second, Watch and learn your pet's body language. They DO talk to us in their own way. Animals are way smarter than you think they are, and yes, they are capable of making decisions. Our cat for instance. No one has ever encouraged him to join us when something is lit up, he just started doing it on his own. He's 19 years old, arthritic, and most of the time he's cranky. But when he comes in and catches a contact high, he gets all playful again like when he was a kitten, showing that the mj has helped to relieve at least some of his pain.
I don't know about you, but that says to me that he knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
Is it forced on him? No. He does it by his own free will. It's his choice.
Dumb animal? I think not. It seems more like ignorant humans.