Dogs... breed of choice??

I don’t really have a preference. Buying or adopting. Majority of my furkids are rescues and i used to work full time at a rescue. There are a lot of reputable people out there that really good breeders but on the other hand there are ton of people out that are just trying to make a quick buck. And then you have people some are good and some are shady. With that being said you take what you can get at a rescue. I believe if you take care of the animal and feed it good food and not crap from the grocery store or walmart. Routine appointments to the vet. You animal will be happy and live a long time.
I've always liked APBT's and had a few over the last 25 years of my life. I used to really be into showing them.

If I ever do get another dog though, it will be a Patterdale terrier

They're just little dogs 15-25 lbs, they're a working dog with high prey drive. Sometimes they're used as catch dogs for hunting feral hogs. Pretty aggressive little dogs.