Dogs... breed of choice??

I like all dogs. Some of their owners not so much. My preference is for smaller dogs these days. I have two Chihuahua mixes. One is a Chiweenie "Chihuahua x Dachshund" the other is a Ratcha "Chihuahua x Rat Terrier". Both were rescued from a shelter and the Ratcha was six years old when I got her. The Ratcha is a vicious little girl and tries to bite everyone. I had to get her a muzzle. The cage type where they can still drink and bark. She's an expensive girl. Cost me around $600 at the Vet after I got her to get her teeth fixed. They had to pull a few but she was in pain so the money had to be spent. Now she gets her teeth brushed a few times a week. She hates it. I don't understand how people can neglect their dogs the way they do. And the Humane Society where I got her has a Veterinary School on site. You'd think they would fix the dogs up before they sell them for adoption. Regardless they're both my babies and I give them whatever they need. They are this mans best friends.