Dollar a roll mylar info

why would you tape the mylar to a grow room wall would be my question? I prefer to use flat white paint in drywalled rooms or if I build a room I use white foam board 1 inch or 2 inch thick or panada film is great

Mmm...maybe because you can't paint for whatever reason? Rental, dorm, etc. I'd agree that foamcore or sheeting is usually the way to go there.

I slap on the flat white with abandon, myself. I liked the idea of resuable mylar panels mostly because they could allow me to set up some temporary auxillary spaces where I might otherwise not bother, for some experimentation I'd like to do. And as my 'experiment' lighting is crappy, I could use the extra reflectivity....also might be handy to position at an angle in the corners of my flowering cab to reflect light towards the center of canopy underside. If that makes sense.....
you can also by silver faced 4x8 foam panels at homedepot they insulate reflect and sound deaden and can be moved if needed
Now, that's good to know. I might cut one of those up and line the back of the removable drywall front I'm going to use to conceal the fans above the cabinet. I've been wondering about sound deadening material. Egg-crate is sooooo ghetto.

Basically, I'm just going to cut a piece of drywall a bit smaller than the space between the cabinet and the ceiling soffit above it, where the fans and ducts hang on bungee cords. I'll hang the panel on springs and eyehooks, flush with the ceiling at the top and the cabinet face in front, secure it with a hook/spring below and at the sides and then cut trim pieces to fit conceal the gap at the sides/bottom. Attach them with velcro. With the trim on, the cabinet should look like it's flush with the bottom of the soffit. To get at the fans and ducting, you'd pull the trim off, and then remove the suspended false front.

Pics will be posted eventually, I probably won't get around to this for another week or so. It's the last thing I'm going to do.

Didn't mean to derail.


When I did my last grow I could'nt aford the good stuff so I bought the emergancy fire blankets that are mylar- very cheap I think like 2.00$ for a 6 x 4 ft.
A little spray tack adhesive and i was in business, very durable, does'nt rip easy.

ANy camping dept. everywhere has these too.

Just a suggestion for cheap Mylar.
420 the problem is that stuff isnt mylar.It designed to let light through and trap the ehat on the other side so its reflectivity isnt so great and it traps in heat.Thats why they are called solar blankets.
Yeah you are absolutley right- I will be using flat paint in my next room, but the blankets worked great for me,I spray tacked it on and im sure i had some hot spots too but it got the job done. I know alot more now than I did before and will not be using mylar or even a light reflector hood(gonna try vertical).

aluminized, non-stretch polyester is what those blankets are made of---I always thought I was using Mylar.

I even swore by it on another post LOL....shows what I know.
Maybe, maybe not (but probably) There are 3 main properties of optics, transmission, reflection and absorption. Making it thicker, will cut down on the transmission, but not nessecerly increase reflection the full amount of the lost transmission.

The thicker the material the less light gets through so its more reflective when its thicker.I like white walls myself as it is easy enough but mylar can help. Its easy to put up nice and smooth just get a can of spray contact adhesive and a squegee or rolling pin and make its nice and smooth then its easy to clean with glass cleaner and a paper towel if it gets dirty or water spotted
I gues I should have been more specific. The thicker our reflective material such as panda plastic or mylar the less transluscent it is allowing less light to penetrat the material allowing a deeper reflective state for that material.1 mil plastic will allow more light penetration through which is lost light that would be reflected back to the grow are if it had been 3 mil thick.Thickness is realative to the actual refraction of light from the materials surface
Sorry. guess I was splitting hairs. Just been working with optics in different aspects for the last 10 years or so, so its usually on my mind.

It was more of a global FYI then directed at you/your comment.

(my apologizes for any offense taken)

I gues I should have been more specific. The thicker our reflective material such as panda plastic or mylar the less transluscent it is allowing less light to penetrat the material allowing a deeper reflective state for that material.1 mil plastic will allow more light penetration through which is lost light that would be reflected back to the grow are if it had been 3 mil thick.Thickness is realative to the actual refraction of light from the materials surface
None taken figured Id adjust some to make sure what I was trying to say was clear.Good points you added though