Donald Trump

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Yes you can, when the benefits of globalization aren't equally distributed, protectionist policies become necessary. At the moment, globalization has resulted in unintended consequences - like stagnating wages and outsourcing labor (creating higher unemployment). I'm not suggesting they be permanent, but they need to be put in place to protect American workers and American wages.

We've had 35 years of supply-side economic policy, it works when people have money to spend, but considering that's the single greatest factor in the growth of the economy, it's clear that policy needs to change to demand-side economics - expansionary policy, financed by implementing similar effective tax rates of the 1950s. The problem is structural, not cyclical, and Trump's plan of lowering taxes on the rich would effectively eliminate social safety net programs, education, health care, and all of the other most important - and highly popular - programs poor and middle-class people depend on.
An employee that will lose everything if fired is easily exploited
Get rid of safety net Programs and employees won't Bitch about being abused
An employee that will lose everything if fired is easily exploited
Get rid of safety net Programs and employees won't Bitch about being abused
Welfare without a way off it is pointless tho, you need to get people into education so "fry technician" isn't the only work available for millions of people.
Welfare without a way off it is pointless tho, you need to get people into education so "fry technician" isn't the only work available for millions of people.
The big catch with Welfare to work programs is
Child Care.
The single mothers cannot afford to work or go to school and pay for child care.
And the child care programs that have been implemented are fraught with fraud and abuse
If you are wondering what child care costs per week it's about 150 dollars for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. And this is for the first shift person. it goes up in price for off shifts
The big catch with Welfare to work programs is
Child Care.
The single mothers cannot afford to work or go to school and pay for child care.
And the child care programs that have been implemented are fraught with fraud and abuse
If you are wondering what child care costs per week it's about 150 dollars for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. And this is for the first shift person. it goes up in price for off shifts
That's really fucking cheap compared to here...
It's the "yin-yang" thing. He represents the polar opposite of the "Obama" crowd.

If not for Obama he wouldn't be here.

It's the kind of shit that fills the void when you have a administration incapable of leading, an administration that resorts to diversion and divisiveness as opposed to logic, truth and unification. It's the kind of response that occurs when you have an administration that believes it can manipulate the populace through the use of avoidance, denial and arrogance.

What's interesting, is that when it comes to "crazy" ideas they're both standing in the same "puddle".
The hypocrisy is that, to deny Trump is to deny Obama.
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It's the "yin-yang" thing. He represents the polar opposite of the "Obama" crowd.

If not for Obama he wouldn't be here.

It's the kind of shit that fills the void when you have a administration incapable of leading, an administration that resorts to diversion and divisiveness as opposed to logic, truth and unification. It's the kind of response that occurs when you have an administration that believes it can manipulate the populace through the use of avoidance, denial and arrogance.

What's interesting, is that when it comes to "crazy" ideas they're both standing in the same "puddle".
The hypocrisy is that, to deny Trump is to deny Obama.
"Obama is a failure."
That is the Message assholes Like Frank Luntz put out there for Idiots like you to gobble up
"Obama is a failure."
That is the Message assholes Like Frank Luntz put out there for Idiots like you to gobble up

Yeah Obama sucks; however, he doesn't need Luntz to speak for him, his actions speak for themselves.

Like the O-Man says:
Don't worry, be happy, "Climate Change" is coming, it'll fix everything.
But be sure to get rid of your guns before they shoot you.

awhaha --- you poor gullible suckers!
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