Donald Trump

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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
trumps son got a letter with white powder and a death threat.
Trumps advisor says he will drop out if Trump doenst move foward in a contested convention.
its like who cares if his advisor drops out, have you seen what that advisor looks like, its embarrasing, he looks like a
it dosent matter who the good ole white boy party puts up for prez. No one is going to beat Hillary.


Well-Known Member
trumps son got a letter with white powder and a death threat.
Trumps advisor says he will drop out if Trump doenst move foward in a contested convention.
its like who cares if his advisor drops out, have you seen what that advisor looks like, its embarrasing, he looks like a
it dosent matter who the good ole white boy party puts up for prez. No one is going to beat Hillary.
The only advisor trump has is trump...


Well-Known Member
Which makes him a fool.
Yeah, cause the tens upon tens of millions of dollars spent on all the other advisors has gotten the other candidates jack shit...

Who is laughing? Trump has managed single handedly to make the advisor obsolete... TRUMP!!!


Well-Known Member
Narcissists only care about one person, and that is not who Trump is. If shit hit the fan, he would protect his family first.

You didn't even watch the video.
It's worth going back for a peak. Whether you are a Trump supporter, or not....
His ex butler gave him high praise? Geez, who would've thunk he'd do otherwise. Not a very bright comment here. You have yet to debunk the narcissism claim.

We are arguing with the lowest denominator of the gene pool man
Ohhh look it's the pot calling the kettle black.

Yeah, cause the tens upon tens of millions of dollars spent on all the other advisors has gotten the other candidates jack shit...

Who is laughing? Trump has managed single handedly to make the advisor obsolete... TRUMP!!!
Nope, makes him an idiot and a dangerous idiot at that.


Well-Known Member

Take a look at this article. It seems mental disorders are taboo for elected officials, but yet many have had, and currently have them. Yes, it is dangerous. Hillarys lack of remembering things, trump is borderline narcissistic, I really do not like his debate rebuttals, they lack substance and include the word "me" and "i" far too much, so I can see the problem there. Mental illness in politics dates quite a ways back, but will most likely continue to be brushed under the rug and never brought into the spot light.


Well-Known Member

Take a look at this article. It seems mental disorders are taboo for elected officials, but yet many have had, and currently have them. Yes, it is dangerous. Hillarys lack of remembering things, trump is borderline narcissistic, I really do not like his debate rebuttals, they lack substance and include the word "me" and "i" far too much, so I can see the problem there. Mental illness in politics dates quite a ways back, but will most likely continue to be brushed under the rug and never brought into the spot light.
Cool read, thanks!


Well-Known Member

Take a look at this article. It seems mental disorders are taboo for elected officials, but yet many have had, and currently have them. Yes, it is dangerous. Hillarys lack of remembering things, trump is borderline narcissistic, I really do not like his debate rebuttals, they lack substance and include the word "me" and "i" far too much, so I can see the problem there. Mental illness in politics dates quite a ways back, but will most likely continue to be brushed under the rug and never brought into the spot light.
Interesting read.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe that salute is what the Trumpets do at the rallys. Un frikin real man. Do these trailer trash have a clue as to what that looks like?


Well-Known Member
Ive read that he recently has picked an elite Secret Service like bodyguard team too. Wow. Sounds eerily familiar.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe that salute is what the Trumpets do at the rallys. Un frikin real man. Do these trailer trash have a clue as to what that looks like?
Half of those idiots use that salute in their daily lives anyway, and trump is perfectly aware of what he's doing. If he'd really just been asking for them to "pledge" to vote, he would have asked them to do it the way that it's done EVERYWHERE ELSE IN AMERICA.
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Well-Known Member
I hadn't seen the pledge until the other day, I don't watch much news on TV and only read from a select few if news sources, but when it did finally pop up, my first thought was, wow, interesting. It does resemble the Hitler pledge from what I've seen in documentaries on Hitler (that guy is one interesting mofo).


Well-Known Member
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but has anyone thought that Trump could possibly be running as some sort of an implant from the government to see what Americas citizens views are? You know, to see how people feel, to see what route America should or should not take, a way to identify people. Put people on a list. A no fly list of sorts. With how the Cia and nsa are, being blatantly invasive, I wouldn't doubt it.
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