Donald Trump

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They will all have their day in court. And real-estate people aren't very high up on my list for honesty and respect thats for sure. I blame them for pushing home sales onto people after they drove the home prices threw the roof. It seems like when the government was willing to put money up to people that shouldn't of qualified for loans the real-estate people milked them for all they could. So I don't like them for feeling bad about getting suckered like they in turn suckered the public. imo
"I blame them (real estate agents) for pushing home sales". Yet, you don't blame Trump for pushing a seminar that was an out and out fraud from its name to its claims? The people who were ripped off were encouraged and hectored to use credit to pay for the seminar of the fraudulently named university.

Look at the tactics used by Trump University and documented in the training guides for their sales staff. Then tell me that Trump isn't using the same tactics in his campaign today. You even posted a video where a scholar who studies communications said as much.
Chesus, This house I bought in Hawaii was built in 07 right before the crash. Some sucker developer lost his ass and then I came in with some cash and licked my chops. The house still had the new smell in it. I am almost done with the landscaping and getting ready to put in my man cave barbecue patio. When I am done I don't know if I want to put it on the market or not, but if I do decide to sell it It will be for much more than I paid for it.

I don't feel guilty for taking advantage of anybody if I make a bundle, but the market is going up and baby boomers are moving to Hawaii to retire so I might get greedy and sell at the right time. Or maybe not, because I kinda like it here. nitro
There is a difference between recognizing a good buy and defrauding people.
London , you are a little bit narrow minded. I like Mexicans and I have been working with them for years and wouldn't want anything to happen the hard working hispanics that are here in our country. I would like to see them here legally and stop the open border policy. The hispanics that are here that are into the drug or human trafficking business need to get the hell out of here and the wall will be a good start.

We can't be the country that doesn't give a shit, even Mexico has laws for the same thing , but they enforce their laws and we don't. It won't be as bad as you are thinking, I believe that Trump will be the best thing that ever happened to hard working Hispanics when the dust settles. imo
Big difference.
I can move to Mexico, own property get a job.
THEN apply for legal status.
Mexicans have to wait on average 18 years before their application for a immigration visa is even considered
why did you have to count the Hispanic infants at the hospital ? and do you think all drug and human trafficking come from Mexicans :shock:

London, I will be nice and answer your question. When you live in a small town for six decades and then watch a transformation of culture taking place in a very short time why would you not mention or talk about it? My wife was in the hospital for a surgery and it happened to be right next to all the new borns. I mentioned it because it is a major thing for a small community to adjust to in a short time. The school system is struggling and the court system is struggling to keep up. Its not a secret that times are a changing and it shouldn't be shrugged off like it doesn't matter.

I do believe most of the heroin and meth are coming from the south. Everybody grows their own pot or goes to the pot store for their weed. All you got to do is check at the jail rosters to see the effects of where dope is being bought and brought from as an example. So counting babies being born is only an example of the change of culture that is taking place. I love babies, but I wont be shut up about talking about it. nitro.

please read a book or study up before releasing dribble out of said pie-hole.

the mortgage industry is a fraud machine.

the appraisers, the rating agencies, the entire mortgage industry switched from stringent credit checks under old savings and loan standards and because of securitization providing faux liquidity into credit markets, these scum bags worked hand in hand flipping homes with liar loans, ninja loans. they would sell fresh mortgages ( very bad mortgages ) into wall street meat grinder so more faux liquidity could be created at 40-1 leverage.

a pin head could see the home prices explode on a simple case/shiller chart since the late 90's as securitization gathered pace. a 2% trend became a yearly 6% trend in value. the banks ( citi , jp morgan, goldman sachs ) payed off the clintons the first go around when they de-regulated the system. much like the 20's-30's depression, the regulation was put in place so these trading houses could not become systemic risks but under the corrupt clinton regime, they went back and revisited sins of the past. deregulated banking so they could pump trillions of fresh liquidity via cds, cdo, out of control leverage.

then the economy crashed in 2007 because of this deregulation exploding in everyones face as those bundled mortgages started imploding. dragging the world toward global depression. this forced .gov to bailout the fucking bankers, countrywide. who bailed out the banks ? tax payers...... so because bill and hillary being totally fucking corrupt, the system crashed. now the clinton foundation gets " kick -backs " from citi, goldman sachs, jp morgan for enriching the elite who run these businesses.

25 trillion gone from global banking system, families crushed, job market destroyed, bailouts........ but yet not one fucking banking, mortgage, rating agency ceo in prison ? yet i can turn on cops and see 30 people in squad car per hour for petty shit.

viva hillary and her corruption. a dirty ass family that has destroyed america with cocaine running, corruption, deregulating banking industry over decades ....
and now the media will start to question all the lies and frauds Trump spew forth. People like you will ignore. The intelligent ones will realize the con. Trump fucked himself

Time will tell. And as time goes by we will see if your opinion holds water. I think your cup has a hole in it because after a year of everybody trying to take Trump down on both sides it hasn't worked yet. imo
"I blame them (real estate agents) for pushing home sales". Yet, you don't blame Trump for pushing a seminar that was an out and out fraud from its name to its claims? The people who were ripped off were encouraged and hectored to use credit to pay for the seminar of the fraudulently named university.

Look at the tactics used by Trump University and documented in the training guides for their sales staff. Then tell me that Trump isn't using the same tactics in his campaign today. You even posted a video where a scholar who studies communications said as much.

hey, Fogdog. There are a lot of stupid people out there and stupid is what stupid does. All trade schools have a sales pitch for stupid people they know more than likely won't benefit from the outcome. All of them will promise you the moon just to fill the seats. Colleges and Universities are no different. imo
There is a difference between recognizing a good buy and defrauding people.

If Trump made just a few people more successful than they would of been it was a success. imo

The rest of them are just the sheep that more than likely would'n of done worth a shit no matter what they did. imo

Not everybody is worthy of success and you know that. imo
Wall Street deregulation pushed by Clinton advisers, documents reveal

Previously restricted papers reveal attempts to rush president to support act, later blamed for deepening banking crisis. Wall Street deregulation, blamed for deepening the banking crisis, was aggressively pushed by advisers to Bill Clinton who have also been at the heart of current White House policy-making, according to newly disclosed documents from his presidential library.

The previously restricted papers reveal two separate attempts, in 1995 and 1997, to hurry Clinton into supporting a repeal of the Depression-era Glass Steagall Act and allow investment banks, insurers and retail banks to merge.

A Financial Services Modernization Act was passed by Congress in 1999, giving retrospective clearance to the 1998 merger of Citigroup and Travelers Group and unleashing a wave of Wall Street consolidation that was later blamed for forcing taxpayers to spend billions bailing out the enlarged banks after the sub-prime mortgage crisis. The White House papers show only limited discussion of the risks of such deregulation, but include a private note which reveals that details of a deal with Citigroup to clear its merger in advance of the legislation were deleted from official documents, for fear of it leaking out. “Please eat this paper after you have read this,” jokes the hand-written 1998 note addressed to Gene Sperling, then director of Clinton’s National Economic Council.
London, I will be nice and answer your question. When you live in a small town for six decades and then watch a transformation of culture taking place in a very short time why would you not mention or talk about it? My wife was in the hospital for a surgery and it happened to be right next to all the new borns. I mentioned it because it is a major thing for a small community to adjust to in a short time. The school system is struggling and the court system is struggling to keep up. Its not a secret that times are a changing and it shouldn't be shrugged off like it doesn't matter.

I do believe most of the heroin and meth are coming from the south. Everybody grows their own pot or goes to the pot store for their weed. All you got to do is check at the jail rosters to see the effects of where dope is being bought and brought from as an example. So counting babies being born is only an example of the change of culture that is taking place. I love babies, but I wont be shut up about talking about it. nitro.
So you went to the hospital and counted Hispanics infants because a lot of Hispanics now live in your town ? Why can't Hispanic live in the same town as you ?
You also said the school system is struggling. Is this the same school system that you dropped out of ?
Nitro why do you dislike Hispanics? Do you not see your racism ?
Time will tell. And as time goes by we will see if your opinion holds water. I think your cup has a hole in it because after a year of everybody trying to take Trump down on both sides it hasn't worked yet. imo
The general election is so different from the GOP primary. You should know this by now

please read a book or study up before releasing dribble out of said pie-hole.

the mortgage industry is a fraud machine.

the appraisers, the rating agencies, the entire mortgage industry switched from stringent credit checks under old savings and loan standards and because of securitization providing faux liquidity into credit markets, these scum bags worked hand in hand flipping homes with liar loans, ninja loans. they would sell fresh mortgages ( very bad mortgages ) into wall street meat grinder so more faux liquidity could be created at 40-1 leverage.

a pin head could see the home prices explode on a simple case/shiller chart since the late 90's as securitization gathered pace. a 2% trend became a yearly 6% trend in value. the banks ( citi , jp morgan, goldman sachs ) payed off the clintons the first go around when they de-regulated the system. much like the 20's-30's depression, the regulation was put in place so these trading houses could not become systemic risks but under the corrupt clinton regime, they went back and revisited sins of the past. deregulated banking so they could pump trillions of fresh liquidity via cds, cdo, out of control leverage.

then the economy crashed in 2007 because of this deregulation exploding in everyones face as those bundled mortgages started imploding. dragging the world toward global depression. this forced .gov to bailout the fucking bankers, countrywide. who bailed out the banks ? tax payers...... so because bill and hillary being totally fucking corrupt, the system crashed. now the clinton foundation gets " kick -backs " from citi, goldman sachs, jp morgan for enriching the elite who run these businesses.

25 trillion gone from global banking system, families crushed, job market destroyed, bailouts........ but yet not one fucking banking, mortgage, rating agency ceo in prison ? yet i can turn on cops and see 30 people in squad car per hour for petty shit.

viva hillary and her corruption. a dirty ass family that has destroyed america with cocaine running, corruption, deregulating banking industry over decades ....
No shit sherlock.
I was responding to nitro and his claim it was real estate agents that were responsible for the housing bubble

And blaming Hillary Clinton for it?
You are a stupid douche
Hillary Clinton is facing more questions about her close ties to Wall Street financial institutions. Last week, the New York Times urged Clinton to release transcripts of her highly-compensated speeches to Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs.

The paid speeches are just a slim chapter of her relationship with financial titans. According to Clinton Foundation records, Wall Street financial institutions have donated around $40 million to the eponymous family foundation.

As a non-profit, the Clinton Foundation isn’t legally required to disclose its donors or contributions. The Foundation has publicly disclosed some contributions on its website. It only provides ranges for contributions, e.g. $1-5 million, and doesn’t detail when the contribution was made or for what purpose, if any.

Here’s the chart of contributions from Wall Street to the Clinton Foundation.
it was the agents also you pin head.

they knew the liar loans, ninja loans a total joke. you had people with no credit background who owned 3-5 homes / condo's.

the scum bag mortgage pimps knew all of this but because of 5% of said dirty money entered personal account in the end, so they kept trap shut ..... scum-bags.
Big difference.
I can move to Mexico, own property get a job.
THEN apply for legal status.
Mexicans have to wait on average 18 years before their application for a immigration visa is even considered

Chesus, have you looked up about what it takes for an american to own property in Mexico? I have a fisherman friend that had trouble doing that. I will study that and get back to you. Obama said it only takes two years or less for a immigrant to come here from an Arab country so whats up with the eighteen years? I personally know of Mexicans that achieved citizenship in way less than that. I will look that up to later too.
So you went to the hospital and counted Hispanics infants because a lot of Hispanics now live in your town ? Why can't Hispanic live in the same town as you ?
You also said the school system is struggling. Is this the same school system that you dropped out of ?
Nitro why do you dislike Hispanics? Do you not see your racism ?

London, This is what I don't like about you. You just can't have a civil discussion without throwing the race card out there. Get over it or get out of the way because you are a good example of why what Trump says makes a lot of sense to a lot of people. The tactics you use are going by by. And common sense is coming back. imo
Big difference.
I can move to Mexico, own property get a job.
THEN apply for legal status.
Mexicans have to wait on average 18 years before their application for a immigration visa is even considered

Are you so stupid as to think that? When did they change it where you could own property?
You can get a blow job if you have some money. Go there as an illegal and see what happens. You can also apply to run for president right here, see where that will get you.
You seem to be very stupid.
Prove what you say dummy.
The general election is so different from the GOP primary. You should know this by now

London, I have never paid as much attention to an election before in my life. I see voter turnout that is historic on the republican side and I believe Trump will win by a good margin in the general. So hang on to your hat, the Trump Train is chugging hard. The same thing happened when Reagan ran and it will happen this time too. imo
its really funny how these goofs go on and on and on about trump university but the liberal scum ignore hillary and bill running coke onto usa streets in 90's, deregulating banking that destroyed millions of families and businesses, jobs ......

and now the clinton foundation is taking payoffs from wall street and corrupt world leaders yet total silence.

what did more damage ? trump university dribble or global economic meltdown because of deregulation under clinton. you f'n pin heads do not even understand finance or the fact that said deregulation was the driver for the short term economic miracle under billy clinton the white collar gangster with his corrupt wife at his side every step. now the foundation, the dirty secrets hidden in the deleted emails , so f'n corrupt ....
London, This is what I don't like about you. You just can't have a civil discussion without throwing the race card out there. Get over it or get out of the way because you are a good example of why what Trump says makes a lot of sense to a lot of people. The tactics you use are going by by. And common sense is coming back. imo
You don't like me because I point out your racism. Lets get it right.
You dislike Hispanic, the question should be why. Are you willing to explore that ? Why does it bother you that so many are now living in your town ? Are they not allowed to live.
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