Donald Trump

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its really funny how these goofs go on and on and on about trump university but the liberal scum ignore hillary and bill running coke onto usa streets in 90's, deregulating banking that destroyed millions of families and businesses, jobs ......

and now the clinton foundation is taking payoffs from wall street and corrupt world leaders yet total silence.

what did more damage ? trump university dribble or global economic meltdown because of deregulation under clinton. you f'n pin heads do not even understand finance or the fact that said deregulation was the driver for the short term economic miracle under billy clinton the white collar gangster with his corrupt wife at his side every step. now the foundation, the dirty secrets hidden in the deleted emails , so f'n corrupt ....

Well said SD, I have said all along that Trump will crush crooked Hillary and I am sticking to it. nitro
You don't like me because I point out your racism. Lets get it right.
You dislike Hispanic, the question should be why. Are you willing to explore that ? Why does it bother you that so many are now living in your town ? Are they not allowed to live.

London, you can go on and on with the liberal talking racists stuff and I have to tell you it just doesn't work like you want it too anymore. People want legal immigration and our laws enforced . Its that simple.

They are aloud to come to this country as they like but it will have to be legally. Its not rocket science.

The left has blown there load on racist stuff and worn out the word. imo
London, you can go on and on with the liberal talking racists stuff and I have to tell you it just doesn't work like you want it too anymore. People want legal immigration and our laws enforced . Its that simple.

They are aloud to come to this country as they like but it will have to be legally. Its not rocket science.

The left has blown there load on racist stuff and worn out the word. imo
It's not the liberal blah blah blah
It's you. You aren't aware of the racist shit you spew on This board. We are. And you get angry when we point it out.
It's not the liberal blah blah blah
It's you. You aren't aware of the racist shit you spew on This board. We are. And you get angry when we point it out.

Well chesus, The tide is turning on what you think anymore. As of this next election I am an independent and for a good reason. I hope we can still be friends for the next few months and have civil discussions about what bugs you about me. The racist stuff just doesn't hold water and there will be a big change coming for people that think like I do. imo

Hang tight everything will be OK. nitro

please read a book or study up before releasing dribble out of said pie-hole.

the mortgage industry is a fraud machine.

the appraisers, the rating agencies, the entire mortgage industry switched from stringent credit checks under old savings and loan standards and because of securitization providing faux liquidity into credit markets, these scum bags worked hand in hand flipping homes with liar loans, ninja loans. they would sell fresh mortgages ( very bad mortgages ) into wall street meat grinder so more faux liquidity could be created at 40-1 leverage.

a pin head could see the home prices explode on a simple case/shiller chart since the late 90's as securitization gathered pace. a 2% trend became a yearly 6% trend in value. the banks ( citi , jp morgan, goldman sachs ) payed off the clintons the first go around when they de-regulated the system. much like the 20's-30's depression, the regulation was put in place so these trading houses could not become systemic risks but under the corrupt clinton regime, they went back and revisited sins of the past. deregulated banking so they could pump trillions of fresh liquidity via cds, cdo, out of control leverage.

then the economy crashed in 2007 because of this deregulation exploding in everyones face as those bundled mortgages started imploding. dragging the world toward global depression. this forced .gov to bailout the fucking bankers, countrywide. who bailed out the banks ? tax payers...... so because bill and hillary being totally fucking corrupt, the system crashed. now the clinton foundation gets " kick -backs " from citi, goldman sachs, jp morgan for enriching the elite who run these businesses.

25 trillion gone from global banking system, families crushed, job market destroyed, bailouts........ but yet not one fucking banking, mortgage, rating agency ceo in prison ? yet i can turn on cops and see 30 people in squad car per hour for petty shit.

viva hillary and her corruption. a dirty ass family that has destroyed america with cocaine running, corruption, deregulating banking industry over decades ....

Get off the crack pipe kid.

The mortgage industry is not a "fraud machine". The mortgage backed securities in its subordinate credit default swaps were a fraud, invented by a financial system deregulated during the Bush administration. Then in 2008 the country passed laws that deter those type of schemes, but the Republican party has been fighting it ever since. Unsurprisingly.

You tried to tie the Clintons to this disaster. And for that your tiny penis is tiny and you are full on retarded. You basically said, "The housing market crashed, therefore Hillary and Bill are corrupt." Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?

I will agree with one tiny point you made, in that I agree that financiers who caused this disaster should be arrested and put in jail and fucked in the ass. Not that there is anything wrong with that, if you're into that kind of thing. But again, nothing to do with Bill and Hillary. And your tiny penis is still quite tiny.
@see4 ..... listen son.....,

first go climb out of your basement and make your mommy a sandwich ....

second. the securitization market was invented in the 80's you pin head.

the clintons deregulated the banking industry in the late 90's ( read the damn article i posted last page from u.k. ) dodd / frank without said deregulation under clinton, the banking / mortgage / cdo meltdown would not have happened in the derivative casino ~ and now the bitch takes hundreds of thousands in kick-back via the clinton foundation from said wall street bankers.

get your facts straight before you talk about something you have no clue about !!!! just as you are clueless on quantitative easing, it's effects on bonds 30 / 10 5's, rates by the primary bankers issuing liquidity, whats done with said liquidity etc ...... and why it does not cause inflation or if so, what type .......

run along little boy before you get clowned in real time.
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Get off the crack pipe kid.

The mortgage industry is not a "fraud machine". The mortgage backed securities in its subordinate credit default swaps were a fraud, invented by a financial system deregulated during the Bush administration. Then in 2008 the country passed laws that deter those type of schemes, but the Republican party has been fighting it ever since. Unsurprisingly.

You tried to tie the Clintons to this disaster. And for that your tiny penis is tiny and you are full on retarded. You basically said, "The housing market crashed, therefore Hillary and Bill are corrupt." Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?

I will agree with one tiny point you made, in that I agree that financiers who caused this disaster should be arrested and put in jail and fucked in the ass. Not that there is anything wrong with that, if you're into that kind of thing. But again, nothing to do with Bill and Hillary. And your tiny penis is still quite tiny.

see4, Come on, simmer down. The mortgage companies made it possible for the real-estate industry to defraud anybody they could while they could until it crashed. Who started the everybody should own there own house no matter what? Our politicians started it and they are incompetent at best on both sides of the isle. When I watched the commercials after commercials about how anybody can get a loan I just had to shake my head. When I bought my first home the bank ran me through the ringer before they gave me a loan back in the early eighties.

I knew something was not right when it was going on before the crash. And in the end it will be tougher than ever before to own your own home for years to come because of it. Lets just hope and pray that Trump can turn this shit around with better paying jobs and give some hope back to young people that will live to see it. imo
see4, Come on, simmer down. The mortgage companies made it possible for the real-estate industry to defraud anybody they could while they could until it crashed. Who started the everybody should own there own house no matter what? Our politicians started it and they are incompetent at best on both sides of the isle. When I watched the commercials after commercials about how anybody can get a loan I just had to shake my head. When I bought my first home the bank ran me through the ringer before they gave me a loan back in the early eighties.

I knew something was not right when it was going on before the crash. And in the end it will be tougher than ever before to own your own home for years to come because of it. Lets just hope and pray that Trump can turn this shit around with better paying jobs and give some hope back to young people that will live to see it. imo
Nothing to do with the real estate companys. Real estate companys are not to blame.
Get off the crank (Hawaii loved meth)
Get off the crack pipe kid.

The mortgage industry is not a "fraud machine". The mortgage backed securities in its subordinate credit default swaps were a fraud, invented by a financial system deregulated during the Bush administration. Then in 2008 the country passed laws that deter those type of schemes, but the Republican party has been fighting it ever since. Unsurprisingly.

You tried to tie the Clintons to this disaster. And for that your tiny penis is tiny and you are full on retarded. You basically said, "The housing market crashed, therefore Hillary and Bill are corrupt." Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?

I will agree with one tiny point you made, in that I agree that financiers who caused this disaster should be arrested and put in jail and fucked in the ass. Not that there is anything wrong with that, if you're into that kind of thing. But again, nothing to do with Bill and Hillary. And your tiny penis is still quite tiny.
Mortgage industry has plenty of blame
Because they are responsible for making sure all the adults dont make stupid money decisions?

I say be smart with your financials, or live like a broke slave your whole life.
I had mortgage brokers trying to get me into an ARM by deception.
Buying a home is a lot of emotional pressure.
Nothing to do with the real estate companys. Real estate companys are not to blame.
Get off the crank (Hawaii loved meth)

Chesus, I blame the appraisers and they work for the real-estate people so between the two there is some blame for driving prices up so quickly when the candy was so easy to grab. the banks just gave the money away like it was a free for all and committed fraud on a different level than the ,appraisers and real-estate people. Hey thats just my opinion and I am sticking to it. nitro
Chesus, I blame the appraisers and they work for the real-estate people so between the two there is some blame for driving prices up so quickly when the candy was so easy to grab. the banks just gave the money away like it was a free for all and committed fraud on a different level than the ,appraisers and real-estate people. Hey thats just my opinion and I am sticking to it. nitro
Appraisers work for themselves.
They compare prices and make estimates for similar property's in area.
Stop moving the goal posts
I had mortgage brokers trying to get me into an ARM by deception.
Buying a home is a lot of emotional pressure.

Emotional pressure is on the buyer, not the seller/financier. And its all written down and signed by the buyer. If a person doesn't understand every fucking word of a contract, they shouldn't sign it and should seek 3rd party legal advice for clarification. Otherwise, 100% the buyers burden.

Bought many homes over the years. Always went at them with zero emotional influence regardless of "pressure" lol.
Appraisers work for themselves.
They compare prices and make estimates for similar property's in area.
Stop moving the goal posts

Chesus, The appraisers and the county appraisers are all about making money. They are self employed and they all caused the prices of homes to sky rocket and at the same time the county appraisers jump on the band wagon and doubled my property tax's sense 2002. The county then devalued from the high of the crash but didn't lower my tax's. They just adjusted there rates so the revenue wouldn't go down. We all got scammed. imo
Chesus, The appraisers and the county appraisers are all about making money. They are self employed and they all caused the prices of homes to sky rocket and at the same time the county appraisers jump on the band wagon and doubled my property tax's sense 2002. The county then devalued from the high of the crash but didn't lower my tax's. They just adjusted there rates so the revenue wouldn't go down. We all got scammed. imo
The city here Is doing the same shit. They sent us a letter telling us the appraised value has nothing to do with our property taxes
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