Donald Trump

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this is exactly why trump will be our next president. peaceful people getting sucker punched with a sack of doorknobs, over supporting someone? prepare for this one to get buried!
you are a klanman.
Are you able to read correctly or just a dumbass? I speak what's on my mind regardless whether someone is offended or not. By the way why do you talk about klansman so much? Did some biker beat the fuck out of you at some point in your life so now you have something against proud white men even though your some geeky white guy from Denver.
@see4 ..... listen son.....,

first go climb out of your basement and make your mommy a sandwich ....

second. the securitization market was invented in the 80's you pin head.

the clintons deregulated the banking industry in the late 90's ( read the damn article i posted last page from u.k. ) dodd / frank without said deregulation under clinton, the banking / mortgage / cdo meltdown would not have happened in the derivative casino ~ and now the bitch takes hundreds of thousands in kick-back via the clinton foundation from said wall street bankers.

get your facts straight before you talk about something you have no clue about !!!! just as you are clueless on quantitative easing, it's effects on bonds 30 / 10 5's, rates by the primary bankers issuing liquidity, whats done with said liquidity etc ...... and why it does not cause inflation or if so, what type .......

run along little boy before you get clowned in real time.

Dodd-Frank of 2010 "without said deregulation under clinton, .... meltdown would not have happened int the derivative casino"

I know you sound intelligent to those who don't know better, ie Flaming Pie. However you should probably go look up the word derivative as it applies to the financial world.

Derivatives are basically a collection of futures, options or warrants, and positions can range from long to short, while others may strip, strap or straddle. But all positions and collections of entities have nothing to do with mortgage backed securities. And your tiny penis is STILL very tiny.

But I'm sure you'll regale about your intimate knowledge of the Black Scholes theorem and how it is applied to hedging such "derivative casinos".

I'm interested to know more about your understanding of the derivatives market. Ever deal in foreign currency? Probably not, your penis is too tiny.

P.S. I was a Senior Financial Analyst at Morgan Stanley. In Manhattan. In the financial district.

I think I will stick around and let you clown me in real time for a little while. I will enjoy this. Oh, and umad that your tiny penis is tiny.
Wondered if you had itinerary on any klan meetings? jk

Hey you brought it up, about living in the bible belt as a proud white man.
What's wrong with being proud of your heritage? Would you say the same thing to a black man with a black pride tattoo? Or how about a Hispanic with a brown pride tattoo?
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