Donald Trump

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How do you feel about letting your racist ambitions run your life like you do? Enjoy it while you still think it is a popular liberal thing to do. TRUMP!

why are you trying to label others a racist when you don't even have the courage to explain all the racist statements you have made over the years?

do you think it was racist when nitro harley told obama to go back to mexico? or when he looked at your child at the hospital and said it looks like we are "educating mexico", and that you are a problem for which he doesn't "see a solution anytime soon"?

how does it feel knowing your ally and fellow trump supporter thinks your child is a problem that needs to go back to mexico?

also, do you think it was racist when spandy said that "multiculturalism works best when an ocean separates each culture"?

would you feel better if an ocean separated you and your husband and his family?

do you support white supremacy like @spandy does?
London, I will be nice and answer your question. When you live in a small town for six decades and then watch a transformation of culture taking place in a very short time why would you not mention or talk about it?

let's review what you "talking about it" looked like.

Where I live it looks like we are educating mexico......I went to the local hospital and they have a window with baby pic's of new borns, and out of a hundred pic's I counted 60 latino babys....a few years ago there was only a cupple.....

Things are changing......I don't see a solution anytime soon....

@Flaming Pie , do you see a solution anytime soon for the fact that you are popping out hispanic babies on the taxpayer dime?

i mean, i don't mind helping out low-skill/no-skill workers like you and your husband, who thought it would be a good idea to give birth to a child on a $12 an hour job, but do you think your friend nitro is racist for calling the very existence of your child a problem in need of a solution?
But again, its all in writing. There is not one single surprise in this game, only bad decisions.

I've watched the big short. It shows how people who dont understand contracts sign their lives away because they want that house so damn bad, and then get fucked. It wasn't interesting, it was just obvious.

First vehicle I bought few decades ago I walked out of 4 or 5 used car lots because they thought they could swindle a 16 year old with a grand in his pocket. They thought wrong.

I'll admit, there is alot of emotion going on inside, but you can't show it or let it allow you to make stupid decisions, like buying shit with ARMS that are unrealistic, or payments you can't make. This is why many, if not most home owners are "house poor." How much can I afford? Oh okay, lets find a house that costs that much and finance it all including the damn furniture, derp derp derp.

Get a lawyer to help you understand, read up on sound finance practices, or get fucked, pretty simple.
This is all very interesting. I've always wanted to know about your used car purchases and ability to avoid dumb contracts. You are one bad redneck, that's certain.

Is it your assertion that the fault for being conned is on the mark? With Trump University, we aren't talking about a bad decision on the part of the purchaser. We are talking about deliberate falsification of credentials (the name of his business) and misrepresentation of what that person was buying (Trump had nothing to do with the curriculum). That these lies were layered on top of some effective and pretty much shameless sales tactics just makes the whole thing stink like four day old roadkill. Calling a seminar a University was not legal and Trump was given the benefit of the doubt when he was notified as such, nearly 6 years before the operation changed it's name. So, stop blaming the mark. They lost money and pride but they aren't criminals. The crimes were perpetrated by Trump.
so you counted Hispanic babies in the hospital because ??... You sound like the only time you can deal with a Mexican is if he works for you. Don't get mad at me because of your flaws. You have no choice but to get along in Hawaii or you will get cooked in an Imu or canned in Spam.
But again, its all in writing. There is not one single surprise in this game, only bad decisions.

I've watched the big short. It shows how people who dont understand contracts sign their lives away because they want that house so damn bad, and then get fucked. It wasn't interesting, it was just obvious.

First vehicle I bought few decades ago I walked out of 4 or 5 used car lots because they thought they could swindle a 16 year old with a grand in his pocket. They thought wrong.

I'll admit, there is alot of emotion going on inside, but you can't show it or let it allow you to make stupid decisions, like buying shit with ARMS that are unrealistic, or payments you can't make. This is why many, if not most home owners are "house poor." How much can I afford? Oh okay, lets find a house that costs that much and finance it all including the damn furniture, derp derp derp.

Get a lawyer to help you understand, read up on sound finance practices, or get fucked, pretty simple.
And I didn't get scammed.
But not everyone is me, Not everyone is you.
Everything is in writing. You sign it. Not everyone is a lawyer or an accountant and not everyone can afford one. These assholes lie, manipulate and steal.
And I didn't get scammed.
But not everyone is me, Not everyone is you.
Everything is in writing. You sign it. Not everyone is a lawyer or an accountant and not everyone can afford one. These assholes lie, manipulate and steal.

OMG, if you can afford to buy a fucking house, you can afford a couple hundred in consultation fees to keep your ass from getting screwed. If you can';t afford that, you can't afford the house.

Fucks sake, anymore excuses as to why adults need to be treated like ignorant children?

THIS is the shit thats wrong with this country, not people like me as you so stated not so long ago. Wear your big boy/girl pants and figure this shit out or get burned, fuck.
This is all very interesting. I've always wanted to know about your used car purchases and ability to avoid dumb contracts. You are one bad redneck, that's certain.

Is it your assertion that the fault for being conned is on the mark? With Trump University, we aren't talking about a bad decision on the part of the purchaser. We are talking about deliberate falsification of credentials (the name of his business) and misrepresentation of what that person was buying (Trump had nothing to do with the curriculum). That these lies were layered on top of some effective and pretty much shameless sales tactics just makes the whole thing stink like four day old roadkill. Calling a seminar a University was not legal and Trump was given the benefit of the doubt when he was notified as such, nearly 6 years before the operation changed it's name. So, stop blaming the mark. They lost money and pride but they aren't criminals. The crimes were perpetrated by Trump.

So was this something they were told by a "salesman" and they just believed it all without verify every damn word?


Big boy/girl pants.
OMG, if you can afford to buy a fucking house, you can afford a couple hundred in consultation fees to keep your ass from getting screwed. If you can';t afford that, you can't afford the house.

Fucks sake, anymore excuses as to why adults need to be treated like ignorant children?

THIS is the shit thats wrong with this country, not people like me as you so stated not so long ago. Wear your big boy/girl pants and figure this shit out or get burned, fuck.
Has your credo always been.
"Blame the victim"?
So was this something they were told by a "salesman" and they just believed it all without verify every damn word?


Big boy/girl pants.
It doesn't matter what the mark did. It only matters what Trump and his gang of con men did. Lies and deception for money is illegal. You wouldn't be their target. Here is an excerpt from his instruction booklet to his "staff":

Most charmingly, the playbooks suggest recruiters exploit the desperation of a single parent with hungry children in order to convince said parent to take on massive credit-card debt.

In and of itself, this is not illegal. It's the lies and deception that makes this scummy practice illegal.
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THIS is the shit thats wrong with this country, not people like me

so white supremacist tax cheating bible thumping victim blamers are not what's wrong with this country, but rather people who were duped by scummy unscrupulous frauds are the problem?

jesusfuck, get trump's dick out of your mouth klanman.
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