Donald Trump

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Trump courted mega-donors he now scorns
The candidate quietly wooed Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and the Koch brothers.

"Trump called Adelson to tout his pro-Israel bona fides, according to sources familiar with the call. They say Trump mentioned that he lives in heavily Jewish New York and that his daughter married a Jewish man, real estate developer Jared Kushner."

But, but...I live around a bunch of Jews! Hell, my daughter even married one!!
To be fair I feel the same way about Trump and Carson though. I just don't see the GOP letting anyone but the establishment win. I have been saying Bush for about a year now, but he's been so bad I don't think he's even relevant right now. I'm guessing Rubio or Cruz as the establishment guy. It's a shame Kasich is getting more play. Governors with successful track records make sense to me.

Cruz is too polarizing, Rubio needs more big money backing him to make this a campaign.

Cruz is too polarizing, Rubio needs more big money backing him to make this a campaign.

Whoever the establishment gets behind will have the big money. Right now it's Bush and it shouldn't take much longer to realize they've backed the wrong horse (hopefully). Where does the money move to? I honestly don't know. I'm sure the strategists are trying to figure out who can beat Hillary heads up. I don't think that candidate has emerged yet.
....I want my MTV..........I want my MTV............I want my MTVVVVVVVVV..... ii And that drum intro has no HH needed Heckler`s friend........
Whoever the establishment gets behind will have the big money. Right now it's Bush and it shouldn't take much longer to realize they've backed the wrong horse (hopefully). Where does the money move to? I honestly don't know. I'm sure the strategists are trying to figure out who can beat Hillary heads up. I don't think that candidate has emerged yet.
The Republican party has nothing but negative shit to offer. They also have a bunch of clowns running for POTUS
Well, looking at all the wonderful the Democrats have to offer,.. like Hillary, It`s prolly better to burn your foot than your face.
I actually like some of the things Hillary and Bernie says and offers. Still waiting to hear what these Repukes are offering and saying....besides building a HUGE wall
I actually like some of the things Hillary and Bernie says and offers. Still waiting to hear what these Repukes are offering and saying....besides building a HUGE wall

The wall in china is a national treasure. I bet the Trump wall will also be a national treasure.
I actually like some of the things Hillary and Bernie says and offers. Still waiting to hear what these Repukes are offering and saying....besides building a HUGE wall

Say and offer ? Both of them have favors to serve after elected,.....I don`t want that. I want someone elected that they all run and hide from, not do as they say.
Say and offer ? Both of them have favors to serve after elected,.....I don`t want that. I want someone elected that they all run and hide from, not do as they say.

I am starting to wonder if the Dems are going to show up at the polls next November like they did for BarryO. The bobble heads are going to be popping like zits over the next 12 months. imo
I bet people will still find a way over ( and under) a fucking wall.

Good for them. I hope they sign up.
Trump does not have the Latin vote. Anyone who thinks he does is dumber than a box of rocks and knows nothing about politics or people.

Give it some time. The ones that sign up may not think like you do. The ones that sign up can relax and become the american dream. good luck.
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