Donald Trump

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that question was not even address to you...but do you care to answer it. It will only revel why Trump will not get the Latin vote

Right now you have a lot more than Trump to worry about. Have you seen the match up with Hillary against the top four pub's in the polls.?
Trump will not get the Latin vote due to his mouth

Funny you say that,.. I usually get .."he has a big mouth,.... or..... he should shut up", ...... but not racist.

You only need some of it, not all of it, and you know what,....nobody likes being told who to vote for anyway.
OMG are they anything like the match up with Mitt and Mitt was suppose to blow Obama out. How that work out ?

It turned out that Obama got re-elected and stole Mitt`s health care system. Getting both positives out of the election aint too bad,..... Right ?
Funny you say that,.. I usually get .."he has a big mouth,.... or..... he should shut up", ...... but not racist.

You only need some of it, not all of it, and you know what,....nobody likes being told who to vote for anyway.
Bottom line Trump will not be the next POTUS. Better find someone else
that question was not even address to you...but do you care to answer it. It will only revel why Trump will not get the Latin vote

Yes I do have an idea because it`s not all spelled out yet. Starting out with an open free for all on the South border and East, West, and North borders are secured,... is as stupid as one could get with National security. So Trump wanting to control it by putting another brick in the wall,... is a good thing. The border will still be open to travel and entry,...just not a big free for all.
That video is going to push SNL to its highest ratings in years. All free publicity for Trump, but at the same time I smell a liberal trap. Will you be tuning in this weekend?
Trump is on the home stretch now that Carson took the lead from him, it won't be long before he's but a memory in the 2016 Presidential hopefuls campaign. He'll fold like a cheap suit, folks realize he has no clue what being President is all about he's running out of "everybody who knows me, loves me" material. Latinos in this country and outside, wipe their asses with toilet paper with Donald's face on it, I do.

Yes I do have an idea because it`s not all spelled out yet. Starting out with an open free for all on the South border and East, West, and North borders are secured,... is as stupid as one could get with National security. So Trump wanting to control it by putting another brick in the wall,... is a good thing. The border will still be open to travel and entry,...just not a big free for all.
Just like the Berlin Wall, right?
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