Donald Trump

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Im not worried about me. What about kids who are leaving college, and are ready to enter the work force? Shouldn't they be able to get jobs first before the illegals?
So you're telling me that the kids leaving college are having their jobs stolen by college educated "illegals" (your word)? Yeah, OK. :wall:
Im not worried about me. What about kids who are leaving college, and are ready to enter the work force? Shouldn't they be able to get jobs first before the illegals?
sure they can go out into the fields and pick cherries , but the question is will they do it ???
I doubt it or work at wendies there to good for that right mind you they got a college degree that is equivalent to grade 12 diploma in any other country
I think all trump is talk using what ever means to get votes..
but the truth is no matter who gets in office they will be puppets to whom ever controls them :) he still is pretty much the better choice then war mongering Hillary
Of course he is. It's called the "Southern Strategy". Republicans have been doing it since crooked ass Nixon. It's just usually anti-black in nature.
So you're telling me that the kids leaving college are having their jobs stolen by college educated "illegals" (your word)? Yeah, OK. :wall:
The Pew Report does not mention the illegal's education levels. Only that they are landing jobs normally taken by Americans with a college degree
The U.S. is rendered noncompetitive as the middle-class jobs we once depended on are sent overseas, further adding to the unemployment rate.

Causing our standard of living to dramatically decrease. This is not conjecture—it is inevitable and it is happening now! Our financial standing is reflected in our consistent balance-of-trade deficit, which has no chance of turning positive under our current “free trade” agreements. The U.S. has not had a trade surplus in decades!

The effects of “free trade” have rippled through our economy, eliminating our good, middle-class jobs and leaving us with a service (servant) economy. These new service jobs cannot support the lifestyle Americans have come to expect. As a result we are saddled with debts that we cannot possibly repay under current policies.

We cannot rectify this situation as long as we have “free trade.” These policies have drained our resources and left us defenseless against a world poised to take over the industries the United States once dominated. On top of our damaging free trade policies, our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has stripped us of our right to manage our own trade relations.

The WTO oversees and adjudicates all of our disputes related to international trade, despite the fact that the panels are made up of foreign bodies who may not have our best interests at heart. The WTO has been disastrous for us, as we lose 9 out of 10 cases brought against us. How can we hope to succeed when foreign interests are dictating how we manage our economy?

America faces a bleak future if we continue down this path. We need to create real wealth again. Our leaders need to act to make this happen. We must stop all “free trade” agreements and rid ourselves of our damaging ties to the WTO, and we must act quickly to avoid total economic devastation.

Take this message to your congressional representatives and ask them specifically what they will do to solve this problem. Send it to your neighbors, your mayor, your governor, and let them know that this issue is important to you, and it should be important to them too, because it affects their communities and their country. This issue has done too much damage for good citizens to sit idle and let it continue.
Tell them to step their games up. Nothing is promised out there. They're an entitled ass generation anyway
Democrats idea for "stepping their game up" is free college. And when they graduate with their worthless liberal degrees, they can continue to get more free stuff from the government. Do you think the Democrat's plan will work well for our economy?
Democrats idea for "stepping their game up" is free college. And when they graduate with their worthless liberal degrees, they can continue to get more free stuff from the government. Do you think the Democrat's plan will work well for our economy?
Serious question: You're going on and on about getting free shit from the government (welfare $59 billion), why are you not going on and on about the corporate side of the welfare pie (corporate welfare $92 billion)?
The U.S. is rendered noncompetitive as the middle-class jobs we once depended on are sent overseas, further adding to the unemployment rate.

Causing our standard of living to dramatically decrease. This is not conjecture—it is inevitable and it is happening now! Our financial standing is reflected in our consistent balance-of-trade deficit, which has no chance of turning positive under our current “free trade” agreements. The U.S. has not had a trade surplus in decades!

The effects of “free trade” have rippled through our economy, eliminating our good, middle-class jobs and leaving us with a service (servant) economy. These new service jobs cannot support the lifestyle Americans have come to expect. As a result we are saddled with debts that we cannot possibly repay under current policies.

We cannot rectify this situation as long as we have “free trade.” These policies have drained our resources and left us defenseless against a world poised to take over the industries the United States once dominated. On top of our damaging free trade policies, our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has stripped us of our right to manage our own trade relations.

The WTO oversees and adjudicates all of our disputes related to international trade, despite the fact that the panels are made up of foreign bodies who may not have our best interests at heart. The WTO has been disastrous for us, as we lose 9 out of 10 cases brought against us. How can we hope to succeed when foreign interests are dictating how we manage our economy?

America faces a bleak future if we continue down this path. We need to create real wealth again. Our leaders need to act to make this happen. We must stop all “free trade” agreements and rid ourselves of our damaging ties to the WTO, and we must act quickly to avoid total economic devastation.

Take this message to your congressional representatives and ask them specifically what they will do to solve this problem. Send it to your neighbors, your mayor, your governor, and let them know that this issue is important to you, and it should be important to them too, because it affects their communities and their country. This issue has done too much damage for good citizens to sit idle and let it continue.

Trump is our best bet for that ever happening. imo
Serious question: You're going on and on about getting free shit from the government (welfare $59 billion), why are you not going on and on about the corporate side of the welfare pie (corporate welfare $92 billion)?
I'm glad you brought that up. It's one of the reasons Trump is running for president. CNBC anchor Larry Kudrow has some very nice things to say about Donald Trump's tax plan. It will raise taxes on hedge fund people, and really help out the middle class. Including myself
I'm glad you brought that up. It's one of the reasons Trump is running for president. CNBC anchor Larry Kudrow has some very nice things to say about Donald Trump's tax plan. It will raise taxes on hedge fund people, and really help out the middle class. Including myself
You didn't answer my question.
Choice power tie...
Politics is even more entertaining because of the megalomaniacal Trump effect....
What a spectacle, indeed!

the ellipsis abuse is a dead giveaway that you are an idiot.

being entertained by this is the second clue.

make another prediction.
That's bullshit and you know it. Man, if you libtards (and the mass media) couldn't spin and smear conservatives, your lives would not be complete.

He "says" he will build a wall to stop illegal immigration and make Mexico pay for it. You can build a wall that works. FWIW, Krauthammer described how to do in his book. Trump builds stuff, big buildings stuff. He can get it done.

He also says he we have too many illegals killing innocents and being let go thanks to sanctuary cities are are enabling their violent and illegal behavior. We need to pass a law - no sanctuary cities and those who protect illegals will be taken to the wood shed.

No question about it the guy is a salesman, but he's right on both accounts. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and go to bat for what is right. Obama the pussy sure won't.


are you aware that the KKK holds the same views on immigration as you do?
Why do so many among us have a problem understanding/comprehending what the word illegal means?

says the racist white guy living in florida, an illegal state for cannabis, on a pot growing website.

too fucking dumb to comprehend his own hypocrisy or racism. that's the problem with racists. they are too fucking dumb, like this guy.
Democrats idea for "stepping their game up" is free college. And when they graduate with their worthless liberal degrees, they can continue to get more free stuff from the government. Do you think the Democrat's plan will work well for our economy?

is that actually the democrat's plan, or are you hopelessly fucking stupid?
A survey found that in the U.S. unemployed workers spent barely 40 minutes per day looking for a new employment opportunity. That's less time than the average American spends watching TV (4.7 hours) or getting showered and dressed each day (53 minutes).
The American dream that was once given to you has been stripped away from you if this survey is true 40 mins a day a person uses to find a job , just shows the interest any person really wants a job welfare and other government programs are so much easier why bother trying to excel in life
The government has surely fucked you..
i mean we use the our parents had it much easier crap TBH its no different then that it is now
People have become lazy specially the young adults they see how the country values trades people ,, they see money in corporate law suing what remainding corporations that Call USA home like microsoft and few others , kids today and even middle age people are living back at there parents home ..
sick really i mean guess what a job is a job that puts food in your mouth . but when your handed a plate of food for free then why bother looking for work
todays generation are spoiled if outlook looks bad for them they point the finger at whom ever never at them selfs and this is why the MERICA dream is lost
On my 16th Birthday i got a suitcase and a road map more or less here you go son make something out of your self
@ 21 i already purchased my 1st house i had to learn quick to save pay bills not to rely on anyone but my self to survive and most importantly feed my self..
Todays generation think that they should be getting wages like a person that has been at the company for 10 - 20 years being spoiled fucks same thing applies for college students ,, They think the world owes them something or there education deserves them to make same thing as a employee working for last 10 years in that field one thing is education other is hands on knowledge which do you think is better or a more valued employee
You didn't answer my question.
yes I did. And I have

Why doesn't somebody take a closer look into how these universities are being run? Why does it need to all fall back on the tax payer? Do you know our national debt rose 300 billion in the past two weeks and nobody is talking about why?

How about we take a closer look into how these Universities are being run? 40-50k a year for a degree that isn't even worth its cost. A lot of professors are making damn near 200k a year. It's ridiculous
How about we take a closer look into how these Universities are being run? 40-50k a year for a degree that isn't even worth it.
you are dumb.


no wonder you hate college educated people. they are not so dumb, and look down upon you.

they also make more than you. partly because you are dumb.
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