Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I would think that it would be a good idea that all illegal immigrants were potentially up for deportation. I don't believe all should be deported, but having a good friend that came here on a visa, and had to leave when that visa expired, who actually made a huge contribution to this country, had a job, helped get an important vaccination developed, and then had to leave because our country would not allow him to overstay his visit, well the system is screwed against good people...


Well-Known Member
you mean openly racist?
no I do not mean racist......I think racist people choose to keep certain races down for votes, keep them in poverty, keep them on welfare, foodstamps, keep them voting for them by giving them just enough freebies to not work, but to never make anything of themselves....take Chicago for example, a total mess of a city, unbelievable crime, poverty, and their homegrown president does nothing for them, is really very disgusting...Progressivism at it's finest...not a fan of the Trump, but would never vote for Hillary either, she is a phony con-artist!
and no I have not heard Trump ever be openly racist!
I have seen Hillary except donations from countries that do not allow women to vote, drive, work, allow men to beat, rape, and kill their women in the name of a fucked up religion! I have seen her accept donations from countries that kill christians, jews, muslims that do not hold the same radical principles as they do, Hindus, the list goes on and on...
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Well-Known Member
no I do not mean racist......I think racist people choose to keep certain races down for votes, keep them in poverty, keep them on welfare, foodstamps, keep them voting for them by giving them just enough freebies to not work, but to never make anything of themselves....take Chicago for example, a total mess of a city, unbelievable crime, poverty, and their homegrown president does nothing for them, is really very disgusting...Progressiviism at it's finest...not a fan of the Trump, but would never vote for Hillary either, she is a phony con-artist!
wow, nice racist tirade there, fuckwad.

the vast majority of those who use welfare use it for less than 2 years. so i'm not sure that your delusional conspiracy theory pans out in any way. especially since most of the people who use welfare are white and live in rural, conservative areas.

anyhoo, i am not surprised you fail to see trump's open racism, you are too dumb to even recognize the problem in yourself.

your penis is minuscule.


Well-Known Member
wow, nice racist tirade there, fuckwad.

the vast majority of those who use welfare use it for less than 2 years. so i'm not sure that your delusional conspiracy theory pans out in any way. especially since most of the people who use welfare are white and live in rural, conservative areas.

anyhoo, i am not surprised you fail to see trump's open racism, you are too dumb to even recognize the problem in yourself.

your penis is minuscule.
You are behaving like an idiot, fling your insults, my husband is a black man, a proud veteran, and I am a very proud wife. You are the only racist, I have observed on here so far! Chicago is a total mess, people live in poverty, they live on welfare, foodstamps, in a crime and gang infested city,dependent on a system and a president who have abandoned them, and throws them a bone at voting time. It is a disgusting shame. Thanks to our presidents great treatment of the police, they will now do little to keep the crime down for fear of big government retaliation. Chicago's youngest and most vulnerable get killed by daily gang wars, yeah preach to me, I do not think so, call me a racist, whatever, you are uneducated and blind...
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Well-Known Member
I'm willing to wager my account that Hillary will not win. Any takers? Donald will win.

and let's bump it up with something meaningful

how about a brief usable signature like statement that confirms how fucking misguided and mistaken you/i was in supporting trump/Clinton and an admittance that conservative/liberal policies are failing our country. Something succinct but biting enough to show that one of us is a delusional ass.
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Well-Known Member
Your an idiot, fling your insults, my husband is a black man, a proud veteran, and I am a very proud wife. You are the only racist, I have observed on here so far! Chicago is a total mess, people live in poverty, they live on welfare, foodstamps, in a crime and gang infested city,dependent on a system and a president who have abandoned them, and throws them a bone at voting time. It is a disgusting shame. Thanks to our presidents great treatment of the police, they will now do little to keep the crime down for fear of big government retaliation. Chicago's youngest and most vulnerable get killed by daily gang wars, yeah preach to me, I do not think so, call me a racist, whatever, you are uneducated and blind...
yep, full blown delusional racist sock puppet we have here.

"i'm not racist, my husband is black! and all the black people do is live on handouts and commit crime!"

well, good luck with that sockzilla. your penis is tiny.


Well-Known Member
yep, full blown delusional racist sock puppet we have here.You

"i'm not racist, my husband is black! and all the black people do is live on handouts and commit crime!"

well, good luck with that sockzilla. your penis is tiny.
You are uneducated, well really ignorant is the correct wording, as I have plenty of uneducated friends that are so very smart. Keep throwing racist, and penis around, seems the only 2 words you know how to say, because you have no real intelligent answer or retaliation to a very real problem in this country! Good day! Oh and my husband is black, and does not live on foodstamps or welfare, so don't you even dare go there and say I said all black people live on welfare! You are so into seeing things only your narrow, unintelligent way, that your only out, is to call anyone that does not agree with your narrow racist view, a racist!!!
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Well-Known Member

and let's bump it up with something meaningful

how about a brief usable signature like statement that confirms how fucking misguided and mistaken you/i was in supporting trump/Clinton and an admittance that conservative/liberal policies are failing our country. Something succinct but biting enough to show that one of us is a delusional ass.
I agree both parties have let the people down miserably, and policies fail the people on every single level!!!


Well-Known Member
Your an idiot, fling your insults, my husband is a black man, a proud veteran, and I am a very proud wife. You are the only racist, I have observed on here so far! Chicago is a total mess, people live in poverty, they live on welfare, foodstamps, in a crime and gang infested city,dependent on a system and a president who have abandoned them, and throws them a bone at voting time. It is a disgusting shame. Thanks to our presidents great treatment of the police, they will now do little to keep the crime down for fear of big government retaliation. Chicago's youngest and most vulnerable get killed by daily gang wars, yeah preach to me, I do not think so, call me a racist, whatever, you are uneducated and blind...
Posts like yours make me think that the problem with the state of IL is people like you. You've missed the most important issue of the day which is an economic one and not some sort of social decay. That shithead governor isn't helping at all. The income tax you let lapse in 2011 is an example of the same old cut taxes to lift all boats dumbshit discredited theory. Chicago needs jobs and the only industry going on today is the incarceration of kids and commodity futures gambling.

You missed some really good facts in UB's post. That being:

the vast majority of those who use welfare use it for less than 2 years.
most of the people who use welfare are white and live in rural, conservative areas
trump's open racism

also, tiny penis. I don't believe you are woman.


Well-Known Member
You are uneducated, well really ignorant is the correct wording, as I have plenty of uneducated friends that are so very smart. Keep throwing racist, and penis around, seems the only 2 words you know how to say, because you have no real intelligent answer or retaliation to a very real problem in this country! Good day! Oh and my husband is black, and does not live on foodstamps or welfare, so don't you even dare go there and say I said all black people live on welfare! You are so into seeing things only your narrow, unintelligent way, that your only out, is to call anyone that does not agree with your narrow racist view, a racist!!!
you just got done telling me liberals are the real racists because they give welfare to blacks to make them vote democrat.

and you have a full on meltdown when i point out that you are a racist?

give my regards to your imaginary black husband.


Well-Known Member
Posts like yours make me think that the problem with the state of IL is people like you. You've missed the most important issue of the day which is an economic one and not some sort of social decay. That shithead governor isn't helping at all. The income tax you let lapse in 2011 is an example of the same old cut taxes to lift all boats dumbshit discredited theory. Chicago needs jobs and the only industry going on today is the incarceration of kids and commodity futures gambling.

You missed some really good facts in UB's post. That being:

the vast majority of those who use welfare use it for less than 2 years.
most of the people who use welfare are white and live in rural, conservative areas
trump's open racism

also, tiny penis. I don't believe you are woman.
I don't care if you think I am a woman or not, and really someone else who is going to call me a penis, well that is grown up! I am not talking about welfare across the country, so do not try to misquote me. I am talking about welfare and foodstamps in the city of Chicago, and crazy crime rate! Yes unemployment is high in Chicago something that will not change, but should have changed with our President 8 years in office and who has done nothing for his hometown. Likewise, has not changed under Mayor Rahm Emanuel! Both their hometowns, both people that were/are in positions of great power in this country.....yes their economics suck, I agree on that for sure, their policies have failed Chicago miserably!!! Obama has abandoned Chicago and their young people for sure!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't care if you think I am a woman or not, and really someone else who is going to call me a penis, well that is grown up! I am not talking about welfare across the country, so do not try to misquote me. I am talking about welfare and foodstamps in the city of Chicago, and crazy crime rate! Yes unemployment is high in Chicago something that will not change, but should have changed with our President 8 years in office and who has done nothing for his hometown. Likewise, has not changed under Mayor Rahm Emanuel! Both their hometowns, both people that were/are in positions of great power in this country.....yes their economics suck, I agree on that for sure, their policies have failed Chicago miserably!!! Obama has abandoned Chicago and their young people for sure!!!
were you aware the one exclamation point is sufficient, boy?


Well-Known Member
you just got done telling me liberals are the real racists because they give welfare to blacks to make them vote democrat.

and you have a full on meltdown when i point out that you are a racist?

give my regards to your imaginary black husband.
I am done with you, I did not say liberals are racist, I said you are the racist....I do not care if you think I am a woman or have a black husband, because again if I am a woman and have a black husband, then you really look like the idiot that you act like!!!LOLOLOL, you are one angry person!!! GO smoke a joint, because you really need to take a toke, instead of eating the mushrooms!


Well-Known Member
, I did not say liberals are racist
are you sure about that, or are you a retarded person?

racist people choose to keep certain races down for votes, keep them in poverty, keep them on welfare, foodstamps, keep them voting for them by giving them just enough freebies to not work, but to never make anything of themselves....take Chicago for example...Progressivism at it's finest
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