Blunted 4 lyfe
Well-Known Member
Why do these Republican support the likes of Trump and Carson ? They only show how nutty the Repuke party has gone.I mean really, Trump is a joke of a politian and Carson is a nut case, who once tried to hit his mother in the head with a hammerWTF you idiot Repukes. Why don't you at least attempt to put up a decent candidate to run this nation. I say at least listen to John Kasich
The pukes party don't like Trump and are afraid of him but since he's leading in the polls they're stuck supporting his ass, he dictates to Roger Ailes how debates are to be conducted. Don't worry Trump is a showman not a world leader, the money just isn't in being a world leader he'll soon come to his senses and go back to clocking his dollars again in the entertainment world.
On another note the jobs number came out on drip drip Friday (isn't that what you call it nitro?) and the unemployment number was 5.0, the best numbers as far as recovering from a crisis is concerned, since Theodore Roosevelt, no help from congress, no other President can boast that, but sadly the folks at the pretend news organization won't mention that.
Trust me if a Republican President had accomplished the Herculean task that Obama has done they would shout it from every rooftop. That's what infuriates me about Democrats why can't they stand up and run on his accomplishments instead of running away, Hillary seems to be making the same mistake Al Gore made when he ran away from Clintons' record, own up and embrace it there is alot to be proud of.