Donald Trump

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Why do these Republican support the likes of Trump and Carson ? They only show how nutty the Repuke party has gone.I mean really, Trump is a joke of a politian and Carson is a nut case, who once tried to hit his mother in the head with a hammer :shock: WTF you idiot Repukes. Why don't you at least attempt to put up a decent candidate to run this nation. I say at least listen to John Kasich

The pukes party don't like Trump and are afraid of him but since he's leading in the polls they're stuck supporting his ass, he dictates to Roger Ailes how debates are to be conducted. Don't worry Trump is a showman not a world leader, the money just isn't in being a world leader he'll soon come to his senses and go back to clocking his dollars again in the entertainment world.

On another note the jobs number came out on drip drip Friday (isn't that what you call it nitro?) and the unemployment number was 5.0, the best numbers as far as recovering from a crisis is concerned, since Theodore Roosevelt, no help from congress, no other President can boast that, but sadly the folks at the pretend news organization won't mention that.

Trust me if a Republican President had accomplished the Herculean task that Obama has done they would shout it from every rooftop. That's what infuriates me about Democrats why can't they stand up and run on his accomplishments instead of running away, Hillary seems to be making the same mistake Al Gore made when he ran away from Clintons' record, own up and embrace it there is alot to be proud of.

What is it you are smoking that has you missing the point? I want some lol. By the way, your definition holds 0 water in the court of law, as you have already alluded to the fact that you are a felon.

Indeed, the oppressor has labeled me. And here you are, on a pot forum, a weed smoker yourself, defending it.

If I'm a criminal then you're a hypocrite!
Indeed, the oppressor has labeled me. And here you are, on a pot forum, a weed smoker yourself, defending it.

If I'm a criminal then you're a hypocrite!

I guess I have to spell this out for you because you have obviously misconstrued my point, I was making to uncle ben. Yes, WE are considered criminals in the eyes of the law. My point was to Uncle Ben, before you jumped down my throat, that he has no right to call Hillary a "criminal". Has she been charged with anything? NOPE! I was just pointing out that he (uncle ben), you, and I, are all criminals according to the federal law and he is not in a position to make such accusations.

Feel better? What are you smoking?
Does a State have the right to tax your grow? Careful how you answer this, assuming you answer at all.

Sure! Why not? But is the tax for punitive or revenue purposes? A punitive tax is just another attempt by the state to unduly limit free citizen's behavior.

Here in Colorado we pay tax on pot every day- and most of us are proud to do it to contribute to the prosperity of our society.
I guess I have to spell this out for you because you have obviously misconstrued my point, I was making to uncle ben. Yes, WE are considered criminals in the eyes of the law. My point was to Uncle Ben, before you jumped down my throat, that he has no right to call Hillary a "criminal". Has she been charged with anything? NOPE! I was just pointing out that he (uncle ben), you, and I, are all criminals according to the federal law and he is not in a position to make such accusations.

Feel better? What are you smoking?

I have uncle benis on ignore. As I already stated, I was responding to your comment at face value, ex context, do try to keep up.
The pukes party don't like Trump and are afraid of him but since he's leading in the polls they're stuck supporting his ass, he dictates to Roger Ailes how debates are to be conducted. Don't worry Trump is a showman not a world leader, the money just isn't in being a world leader he'll soon come to his senses and go back to clocking his dollars again in the entertainment world.

On another note the jobs number came out on drip drip Friday (isn't that what you call it nitro?) and the unemployment number was 5.0, the best numbers as far as recovering from a crisis is concerned, since Theodore Roosevelt, no help from congress, no other President can boast that, but sadly the folks at the pretend news organization won't mention that.

Trust me if a Republican President had accomplished the Herculean task that Obama has done they would shout it from every rooftop. That's what infuriates me about Democrats why can't they stand up and run on his accomplishments instead of running away, Hillary seems to be making the same mistake Al Gore made when he ran away from Clintons' record, own up and embrace it there is alot to be proud of.


It's because the same monied interests that bought the republican party did the same to the democrats.

SANDERS IN '16, To show corporate America that we can't ALL be bought!
Amazing! After all the scandals, lies, and corrupt dirty deeds Hillary has been involved in I can't believe you suckers would trust Hillary as a president, as a world leader. Bitch didn't do anything worthwhile as Sec. of State including not heeding 200 something security requests from the Ambassador of Benghazi. Those families are STILL waiting for justice and an explanation.

Man, what kind of statement is THAT lol. :clap:

Does someone you meet on the street or running for office have to meet the criteria of being a fake, a con and a liar before you libtards embrace them? :shock: Peas in a pod.....

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Hillary remains the top candidate for the Presidency, nobody on the pukes campaign can beat her they're scared and don't know what to do.

How many investigations and hearings have we had concerning Benghazi? There was no there there let it go already!

Well if you go by your anology than W and his hench men ( Cheney, Rumsfeld) are coldhearted killers by starting 2 BS wars.

It's because the same monied interests that bought the republican party did the same to the democrats.

SANDERS IN '16, To show corporate America that we can't ALL be bought!

We see eye to eye on that, Hillary has me nervious with all that corparate money behind her if Bernie still hanging in there next November I'll vote for him.

Sure! Why not? But is the tax for punitive or revenue purposes? A punitive tax is just another attempt by the state to unduly limit free citizen's behavior.

Here in Colorado we pay tax on pot every day- and most of us are proud to do it to contribute to the prosperity of our society.

Psst....Your cognitive dissonance is showing...

To attempt to differentiate among taxes which are both collected under threat of force ignores the means and advances a utilitarian argument which is in reality a rationalization for the acceptance of robbery as long as the robber buys you some candy that YOU like with the proceeds.

All taxes which arise from one person being made to pay for that which he doesn't use or want should be termed confiscatory.

A "contribution" is usually a voluntary action wherein the contributor may or may not engage, by HIS choice, not by an external threat.
You need to get prettier lipstick for your "good" pig taxes.
The pukes party don't like Trump and are afraid of him but since he's leading in the polls they're stuck supporting his ass, he dictates to Roger Ailes how debates are to be conducted. Don't worry Trump is a showman not a world leader, the money just isn't in being a world leader he'll soon come to his senses and go back to clocking his dollars again in the entertainment world.

On another note the jobs number came out on drip drip Friday (isn't that what you call it nitro?) and the unemployment number was 5.0, the best numbers as far as recovering from a crisis is concerned, since Theodore Roosevelt, no help from congress, no other President can boast that, but sadly the folks at the pretend news organization won't mention that.

Trust me if a Republican President had accomplished the Herculean task that Obama has done they would shout it from every rooftop. That's what infuriates me about Democrats why can't they stand up and run on his accomplishments instead of running away, Hillary seems to be making the same mistake Al Gore made when he ran away from Clintons' record, own up and embrace it there is alot to be proud of.


Why yes it is Drip, Drip , Friday, stay tuned. Wow thats a great unemployment number, fucking right on everybody has a job dam near. It's about time america got back to work. Thanks for the bang up fucking job there BarryO
Why yes it is Drip, Drip , Friday, stay tuned. Wow thats a great unemployment number, fucking right on everybody has a job dam near. It's about time america got back to work. Thanks for the bang up fucking job there BarryO

You're just jelly n butthurt that a republican can't match his economic performance WITH BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS AND A PUBLIC MANDATE.
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